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How Did Nancy Attucks Contribute To Slavery

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In the year of 1723, Nancy Attucks who was a Natick Indian and his father who was thought to be Prince Yonger was a slave to America from Africa gave birth to a boy who received the name Crispus Attucks. Attucks was born in Framingham, Massachusetts and was most likely a born into slavery because at this time if your skin color wasn’t white and you lived in the south you were most likely a slave. Crispus had two siblings, his older sister was Phebe and he had a baby brother who was unnamed died to fever when Crispus Attucks was seven years old. Until the age of sixteen Crispus worked on the farm with his father while his sister and mother performed house duties. To keep in mind Buckminster was viewed as a slave owner who respected his slaves …show more content…
Under Browns supervision Crispus traded cattle, worked in Brown’s shop and also traveled looking for business. From the age of sixteen to about twenty seven little was known about Crispus, but what was known is that Attucks still had that feeling that he needed freedom and as long as he was a slave that would be impossible. While he was on a business trip to Boston, Crispus secretly applied for a job as a whaler and chose a ship that he knew wouldn’t be returning to Boston any time in the near future. Crispus ran away on September 30th, 1750 at the age of twenty-seven, and Deacon Brown published three notices in The Boston Gazette and Country Journal about a runaway slave whose name was Crispas, and he offered money for his capture and return. In spite being a slave and not having any form of education Crispus was smart enough to know that his master would be looking for him and so that’s why he chose the ship that he chose because he knew that if he had chosen a ship that would occasionally come back to Boston his capture would have been easier Whenever Attucks ship landed in a port near Framingham he usually sneaked of at night to visit his

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