...1. What was the Rockefeller Report? Why was it important? Richard Nixon sent the New York Governor, Nelson Rockefeller, to talk with Latin American leaders and give recommendations to the US policy. Rockefeller reported that the US and Latin American were becoming more distant and suggested that the US show more tolerance for authoritarian rule in Latin America. This is significant because it left the Nixon administration with two options to maintain bilateral relations with Latin America. He could either give more economic aid or assist the authoritarian governments. 2. Why did the US oppose Allende's democratically elected government? How responsible was the US for its overthrow? Allende sought to improve the living standards of his nation by decreasing the influence of large land owners and US multinational corporations. As a result, the US copper mining companies and the International Telephone and Telegraph feared that they would lose more under his power. Also, Nixon feared that if Chile...
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...sheets should be typed double-spaced with standard 1” margins on all perimeters. All segment discussion items MUST be received before the end of class on each segment review date. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE. 1. (A) Why was Richard Nixon NOT considered to be a ‘true’ conservative? (B) What constitutes a “Block Grant” as proposed by President Nixon? (C) What were the essential elements in Nixon’s proposed Family Assistance Plan and what were the legislative results? (D) What was Nixon’s Philadelphia plan? (a) Against the wishes and recommendation of the myopic conservative leadership in the late sixties Nixon expanded the welfare state and moved to improve relations with the Soviet Union but most of all he also opened up a dialogue with China. Instead of shrinking the federal bureaucracy as they hoped he would do Nixon infuriated his conservative base by creating a host of new federal agencies such as the Environmental protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the National Transportation Safety Board. He further alienated conservatives with his support for the Endangered Species Act and the Clean Air Act. (b) A block grant is a large sum of money granted by the national government to a regional government with only general provisions as to the way it is to be spent. This can be contrasted with a categorical grant which has more strict and specific provisions on the...
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...votes for a president. A campaign in itself is not necessary to influence the public's decision. The focus is not whether the campaign has the influential power to change people's opinion, but the focus is on the actual individual who is voting. The individual has the power to choose whether to let the campaign influence his or her opinion or to make the decision before the campaign. There are both cases when the individual makes a decision for president before the campaign starts and when the individual makes a decision for president because of the influence of the campaign. Campaigns do matter in a democratic society and they are important to a certain extent for those who actually follow the campaigns, but they are not as important for everyone. Not anyone can just run for president. There are certain qualifications that a person must have to become president. He or she must prove the nation that he or she is able to lead a nation. The, " qualities of the candidate are extremely important influences on how people vote" (Fiorina and Peterson 302). Campaigns are a way to prove one's qualifications. Campaigns are important to a democratic society because they provide information for the nation about the candidate. Robert Dole is an example of how campaigns show one's qualifications. Due to Dole's uninspired campaign, he was viewed as a horrible candidate. In 1994, Dole was viewed as a strong political figure. He did not change two years later...
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...Impact of US Foreign Policy on the Vietnam War The Vietnam War is one of the most talked about wars in history. It began in 1959 and did not end until 1975. These years saw protests, conflicts, casualties, and confusion for the United States, as well as the terms of three presidents: John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Richard Nixon. When U.S. involvement in the war began under Kennedy, it was originally put out as a plan for the United States to only aid the South Vietnamese, but, after his assassination, Johnson was put in charge. The path that the war took under Johnson was filled with controversy and large numbers of casualties. When Johnson did not run for a second term, Nixon was left in charge to ultimately turn things around. Soon, all of the American troops were removed from Vietnam, and the war slowly began to come to a close. But what was it about Nixon’s foreign policy that was so much more successful than Johnson’s? Was Nixon’s policy more closely related to Kennedy’s successful strategy than Johnson’s was, and, if so, why didn’t Johnson do a better job modeling his policy after Kennedy? These are all questions that political scientists still look at today as a way to solve the many questions that are still being posed about the war. I have looked deeply into these questions, and found answers through researching the history of Vietnam as well as the three presidents. As I read about each event that unfolded, it became clear to me why there were such...
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...the soviet Union. Its kind of Amazeing to me that in only 3 decades it was full steam ahead. And it made the 1940's a standoff everywhere. But the depression was over and the cold war did help to shape our culture in the 1950's with all home life being changed completely. President Eisenhower said that America is today the most stongest, and the most influential, and most productive nation in the world.(Eisenhower,1961) The President had policy of brinksmanship. We need to understand That the leadership of this country on our unmatched material progress and our military strength. And we have to use our power to help those who cannot help there selves. Truman was a president that wanted keep communism confined to a specific area. The difference between Eisenhower, Truman where different but they all want to keep communism out of the United States. Eisenhower believed on a policy of brinksmanship and Nixon believed one of détente Truman on the other hand wanted to contain communism, to contain the spread of communist influence in areas of strategic importance, strengthen European nations and contain communist influence in Asian countries. The Truman Doctrine fundamentally shaped the United States' approach to the Cold War because it provided a justification for America to exert its influence throughout the world, promoting the growth of democracy, and resisting the spread of communism. (Bowles,2011)Eisenhower couldn’t have said it any better when he stated that America is...
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...The involvement of U.S. military forces in the Vietnam Conflict was neither justifiable nor demonstrative of sound judgment by the American government. Many books, magazines, and other forms of commentary on the Vietnam War have surfaced in the half century since the war’s end. Historian and author Stanley Karnow suggests that such publications generally attempt to make sense of the horrific “war that nobody won” (Karnow 9). It is a subject that will continue endlessly to divide historians and others as they attempt to draw lessons from the conflict that might then be used to justify, condemn, or promote America’s involvement in modern day Vietnams. Because of the magnitude of complexities surrounding the war, some may find it difficult to formulate an unwavering opinion about the war’s causes and effects. According to Robert McNamara, who served as Secretary of Defense for Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, mankind has often struggled to find solutions to even simple problems related to the unification of values and ideologies spanning diverse cultures (McNamara 323). In order to fairly judge why the American government put our troops in the jungles, swamps, and fields of Vietnam, one might first closely examine why our government claims to have committed our troops to Vietnam. One of the reasons most adamantly advanced by our government to justify a full scale assault on the Vietcong of North Vietnam was an incident that is said to have occurred in the Gulf of Tonkin. The...
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...How much power does the President really have? Does the President sometimes overstep his boundaries? Can the President also be put in his place by the legislative branch or the judicial branch? The answer to both of the latter questions is yes. Yes the president oversteps his boundaries, but there are also times when he has almost no power and his powers can be taken away from him. There are times when he uses his influence and power to have an affair, when he goes to war without Congress making a declaration of war; there are times when he makes executive agreement that the Senate can do nothing about. There are also times when the president is impeached, which is the greatest of punishments when concerning the president. The president has many powers, both given by the Constitution and inferred. The president has a list of his powers and what he is allowed to do while in office. The Constitution itself gives the president his rights and boundaries. For instance, the president is allowed to be elected to a term for four years according to Article II of the Constitution. “He shall hold his office during the Term of four Years, together with the Vice President…” (Lawler, pg. 411) A follow up to this would be the 22nd Amendment which states that the president cannot be elected for more than two terms. “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice…” (Lawler, pg 422) This amendment was put into place after Franklin D. Roosevelt ran for...
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...because it was seen as a moral responsibility, and an act of interventionism. To begin, during the time of the Vietnam War, most politicians believed the war was necessary. However, President Eisenhower did not wish to send troops to Vietnam at first. He believed the U.S shouldn’t be involved heavily in an all-out war; yet, reluctantly, he sent troops in to aid the French. Later, while President Eisenhower was explaining the “Domino Theory Principle,” he talks about Communism...
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...The Nixon Doctrine of 1969 Kerri Richards POL 300 November 11, 2012 Revision made 12/9/12 The Nixon Doctrine was an American foreign policy set forth by President Nixon in 1969. It was also known as the Guam Doctrine for the country in which it was announced. The strategy of the Nixon Doctrine allowed Nixon to devise a way for the United States to exit that very unpopular conflict, the Vietnam War. It also stated that the United States would provide aid to its allies in times of need. A reassessment of American foreign policy, and a move to the era of negotiation was a must. Nixon needed to first extricate the country’s forces from Vietnam. Secondly, the country needed to ease the overall tension in Berlin and the Middle East. Thirdly, according to domestic ideological demands, and due to the increasingly threatening possibility of a surprise attack, nuclear arms controls had to be carried out. Removing these problems would remedy the damage done in such a period. The problem was to figure out how. The existent schools of diplomacy did not suggest a favorable method. Nixon’s foreign policy advisors decided not to stick on preceding principles or theories, but adhere to only one basic priority, National Interest. This doctrine tried to adjust the degree of U.S. intervention in various regions by adopting three criteria in its diplomatic decision: - The United States would keep its treaty commitments - The United States would "provide a shield if a nuclear power...
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...The Cold War and U. S. Diplomacy of Dwight Eisenhower Dwight D. Eisenhower originated from a family of Swiss descent. He was born October 14, 1890 in Denison Texas, however soon thereafter moved to Abilene Kansas, due to his father’s job at a local creamery. Coming from a poor family, he was the third of seven sons.to the distress of his mother, a devout Mennonite and pacifist, young Ike (as he was known) Eisenhower learned the virtue of hard work as a child. During high school he was more interested in athletics than academics, graduating sixty-first out of 165. After his high school career he attended WestPoint. He was stationed in Texas as a second lieutenant and graduated in 1915 at the bottom half of his class. Eisenhower married Mamie Doud in 1916, whom he met at WestPoint. The couple had two sons, one of which died as an infant from scarlet fever, the other following the footsteps of his father. During his military campaign he devised many successful battle strategies ensuring the United States world power status in North Africa, Normandy and along the German border. As a president he developed America’s nuclear arsenal, began the Interstate highway system, ended the Korean War, and contained communism throughout the world, gaining strong support as a general and a president. During WWI Eisenhower served as a tank instructor, continuing his slow march towards the top of military rankings. Between the years of 1922 and 1924, Eisenhower was awakened by a special interest...
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...anthropologists, botanists and other researchers as cannabis, extracted into about six quarts of olive oil, along with a variety of other fragrant herbs. The ancient anointed ones were literally drenched in this potent mixture." Chris Bennett "Was Jesus a Stoner?," High Times Magazine, Feb. 10, 2003 "Marijuana proponents suggest that the recipe for the anointing oil passed from God to Moses included cannabis, or kaneh-bosm in Hebrew. They point to versions calling for fragrant cane, which they say was mistakenly changed to the plant calamus in the King James version of the Bible." Shannon Kari "Cannabis Involved in Christ's Anointment?," National Post, Apr. 22, 2010 [Editor's Note: The Revell Bible Dictionary (1990), by Lawrence O. Richards, estimates that the events of the Book of Exodus occurred around 1450 BC.] 3. 1213 BC - Egyptians Use Cannabis for Glaucoma, Inflammation, and Enemas Cannabis pollen is found on the mummy of Ramesses II, who died in 1213 BC. Prescriptions for cannabis in Ancient Egypt include treatment for the eyes (glaucoma), inflammation, and cooling the uterus, as well as administering enemas. Lise Manniche, PhD An Ancient Egyptian Herbal, 1989 5. - Jesus Allegedly...
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...conflicts had not finished around the world. The Soviet Union was communist and supporting other communist states. In the other hand, the United States was anti-communist and always supported countries, regions, and political parties fighting against communism. In Vietnam as other places a long war happened nearly a decade after the World War Two in 1954 between the North Vietnam communist regime with the support of China, Soviet Union, and other communist allies, against South Vietnam and its essential partner, the United States, also supported by other anti-communist allies. The war was long and costly for both sides, and it left many problems and disadvantages on the United States economy. This essay will argue the following three points, how the United States involved in the Vietnam War, the impact of the war especially on the United States with focus on economics, politics, and culture in both negative and positive aspects, and the US withdrawal of the war. Beginning with the involvement of the United States in the Vietnam War. Firstly, there were many different reasons of the American involvement in the war, but the main reason was prevention of communism spread and expansion. The United States felt communism is spreading in the Vietnam and more people were becoming communist probably after France failed and the Vietnam became two parts. In other words, before the United States get involved in the war, they helped France to fight against communism by supplying economic and military...
Words: 1906 - Pages: 8
...Vietnam War Student Project I. Introduction Wars are fought for many reasons: to protect a nation's interests, to expand territory, to defend a country from an aggressive neighbor, to force one country to think or behave like another, to gain influence and political power. The reasons that a government has for going to war have a lot to do with how much support it gets from its people. If the general population strongly opposes a war, it is very difficult for a government to continue conducting it. Australia became involved in a war in Vietnam because our leaders were determined to stop the spread of communism in southeast Asia. Vietnam is a long, narrow country located south of China and due west of the Philippine Islands. North Vietnam, which bordered communist China, became independent of French colonial rule in 1954. So did South Vietnam. Under Ho Chi Minh, North Vietnam became a communist country which aggressively tried to spread communism to the south. Australia first tried to prevent the spread of communism in South Vietnam by sending the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam in 1962, at which point 10,000 US military troops were in place. US president Jimmy Carter and the Prime Minister of South Vietnam asked for additional help from Australia. To build up Australian forces, Sir Robert Menzies introduced national service in 1964. In April 1965, Australia dispatched its first troops to South Vietnam. When Harold Holt succeeded Menzies as Prime Minister in 1966...
Words: 525 - Pages: 3
...wanted man was at this time and it would be none other than El Padrino (the Godfather) Pablo Escobar. For those who do not know El Padrino he was the world’s largest cocaine distributor in the world. Even though many Colombians prospered from Pablo Escobar’s cocaine trade; was the financial gain worth the state becoming a narco-terror state; and introducing the world to a substance which would increase terror and corruption in two countries. Many Colombians and Americans would say no. Even though killing Pablo Escobar did not reduce the output of cocaine being imported into the U.S. and around the world. Many Colombians felt as if his death ended the narco-terror which paralyzed Colombia for almost fifteen years, but some Colombians believe that his good justified the means of his brutality. In the early 1970’s the United States started a campaign called the War on Drugs, President Richard Nixon declared “drug abuse enemy number one’ in 1971. Why did Richard Nixon take a hard line look at drugs with the Vietnam War taken place? Was it because, he looked at drugs as symbols of rebellion, political strife, and or social upheaval? Who knows what President Nixon’s reasoning for this new policy? After this policy was established earlier in the decade; there was a drug renaissance about a certain white powder, which would change the course of the United States forever. This drug renaissance came along with the perception that it was cool to use after seeing many celebrities such as...
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...around the world as well. This paper is an attempt to reveal and speculate on some of these important events. 1950’s A growing amount of American people began to speak out about inequality and injustice during the 1950’s and the Rosa Parks bus incident is a perfect example. On December 1, 1955, a 42 year old African American woman who worked as a seamstress named Rosa Parks boarded a Montgomery, Alabama city bus to go home from work. On that bus that day, Rosa Parks started a new era in the American quest for equal rights (Rosa Parks Bus, 2002). Parks sat toward the middle of the bus, right behind the 10 seats that were reserved for white people. The bus ended up getting completely filled up and when a white man that entered the bus did not have a seat, the driver tried to make the four blacks sitting just behind the white section give up their seats so that the white man could sit down. Mrs. Park’s who was already a NAACP activist, quietly refused to do so. For disobeying the bus driver’s orders and not giving up her seat to the white man, she was arrested and convicted of violating segregation laws, which were known as “Jim Crow laws”. Mrs. Parks ended up appealing the conviction and challenging the legality of segregation in our country, and triggered a boycott of the Montgomery, Alabama bus system. In cities all throughout the south, segregated bus companies were constant reminders of the inequities of American society. African Americans made up about 75 percent...
Words: 1910 - Pages: 8