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How Did Ronald Reagan Change America

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President Ronald Reagan turned the country around and made it a superior nation once again. President Reagan strengthened the United States economically, its military standpoint, and domestically. Ronald Reagan benefited the United States of America by helping putting an end to the Cold War, lowering taxes, and fighting against drug shipments into the country. President Ronald Reagan helped end the Cold War. When Reagan entered office in 1981, he pledged to rebuild the American military and confront Soviet Union and allies. Reagan tried to meet with many Soviet leaders, but none of the leaders agreed to meet with Reagan. In 1983, President Reagan called the Soviet Union “the evil empire”. When Gorbachev took position as the leader of the Soviet Union, the United States and Soviet Union began to negotiate terms. In 1987 President Ronald and leader Gorbachev signed the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty to reduce nuclears. The INF Treaty opened a gate to many more treaties between the United States and Soviet Union. These treaties and agreements later helped to end the Cold War. President Reagan also helped with collapse of …show more content…
An assassination attempt nearly left President Ronald Reagan dead on March 30, 1981. After President reagan recovered, he featured large tax cuts and spending cuts. Reagan believed “high taxes threatened individual freedom”. Reagan cut taxes from seventy percent to twenty eight percent which lead to a growing economy. In 1982, the economy had a downturn. After this downturn inflation rate reduced, economic growth sparked, and unemployment rates decreased. The Tax Reform law in 1986 cut taxes more than any other tax cut in United States history. Reaganomics emerged as a relatively loophole free policy that radically reduced taxes. The tax cuts in the United States helped the country's citizens gain wealth once

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