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How Did Slavery Affect The Colonies

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Slavery began in 1619 when the dutch brought the first supply of slaves. The colonies wanted a cheaper way for labor. Slavery spread through the colonies. After a couple years historians believe that 6-7 million slaves were in the “new world”. The slaves were captured by the bigger tribes in Africa and sold them to the english. The Slaves mostly worked on tobacco plantations. Some worked on rice farms. They also worked on indigo plantations. After a while growing tobacco did not go so good, so the started to grow cotton. At that time England wanted tons of cotton. The slaves had to pick and pluck the seeds out of the cotton. Later a young teacher named Eli Whitney invented a cotton gin. The cotton gin made it easier to get the seeds out in the field.The cotton was grown in the south. Once the the cotton gin was made everywhere else, there was not as much slave demanded there. …show more content…
There was a few plantations that had slaves in the north. In the north there was mostly fish, fur, and lumber trading. In the colonies there are mostly men.In the colonies they had less than 50 women. The slaves and the slaveholders lived on the farms.One-third of the population of the southern slave lived on farms or small plantations. Some of the slaves learned how to read and write. So of the slave owners had relationship with women's. Most slave owners had less than 50 slaves. Slaves were allowed to get married. They were also allowed to have kid and raise families. In the 1830-1860 people started to stand up against slavery. One of the main supporter against slavery is Fredrick Douglas. There are many more. Free slaves started to free others slaves. They made a save house for them. It helped between 40,000-100,000 slaves reach

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