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How Does Incarceration Reduce Crime

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There is no doubt incarceration is to reduce crime; but is giving longer prison sentences the best course to reduce crime? In recent years, many argue there are better alternatives. Before reaching my own verdict, both views are to be discussed.

The first field upon which people argue is the effectiveness of lengthening imprisonment. Retributivists argue that longer incarceration deters people from committing crimes (the 'chastening' effect). Harsher punishment is said to prevent offence in the first place, as would-be offenders will fear more. It is also claimed to chasten recidivists. This, however, assumes that all criminals, would-be or already one, weigh the anticipated costs and benefits before committing crimes.

Those against sentence enhancement questions: do criminals consider the consequences? Research has shown they care less about the future than normal people. A report from the National Research Council on mass incarceration in the US and other numerous reports and papers have found lengthy prison sentences ineffective as a crime control measure. …show more content…
Some propose rehabilitation, such as offender treatment programmes, as a better alternative. There are even voices calling for community sentences to replace prison sentences. These all point towards more lenient treatment of offenders. Advocates cite numerous researches as well as the case of the Netherlands as evidence. The Netherlands, in order to tackle crime, introduced milder sentences, psychological treatment and drug and alcohol support for all offenders; whereas the US enhanced sentences over the years, lengthening prison sentences. The result is the crime rate of Holland dropped, while that of America was kept high. Another point put forward is that incarceration has an extremely high social cost. Coupled with the low efficacy in crime reduction, the cost-effectiveness is

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