...How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? Identify at least three trends in nursing practice from the "Nursing Timeline of Historical Events" media piece. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice? Paraphrasing the great philosopher Santayana, we can say that those who dare to ignore the lessons of history condemn themself to go throw the same growing pains past generations had to go, unnecessarily. Modern nursing practice is based on scientific knowedge, technological accomplishments that have allowed the development of a data base of wisdom, knowledge, information and data about individuals and populations who suffer illness and sickness. Also, knowing that men and women of courage, determination and intelligence and observation skills paid a painful price to arrive to the knowledge base that we have now at our disposition, and had to fight many battles in the different communities and nations to advance the idea that the provision of a rational, compassionate and professional medical and nursing care oblige us to be grateful to they and to commit ourselves to continue practicing modern nursing without taking it for granted. One lesson contemporary medicine and nursing that shows a tendency to incorporate state of the art technologies and procedures to the nursing/medical care, may learn from this empirical stage of the nursing history is that we need to keep the compassionate...
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...leading cause of adult death in the United States. Alzheimer's creates emotional and financial catastrophe for many American families every year, but fortunately, a large amount of progress is being made to combat Alzheimer's disease every year. To fully be able to comprehend and combat Alzheimer's disease, one must know what it does to the brain, the part of the human body it most greatly affects. Many Alzheimer's disease sufferers had their brains examined. A large number of differences were present when comparing the normal brain to the Alzheimer's brain. There was a loss of nerve cells from the Cerebral Cortex in the Alzheimer's victim. Approximately ten percent of the neurons in this region were lost. But a ten percent loss is relatively minor, and cannot account for the severe impairment suffered by Alzheimer's victims. Neurofibrillary Tangles are also found in the brains of Alzheimer's victims. They are found within the cell bodies of nerve cells in the cerebral cortex, and take on the structure of a paired helix. Other diseases that have "paired helixes" include Parkinson's disease, Down's Syndrome, and Dementia Pugilistica. Scientists are not sure how the paired helixes are related in these very different diseases. Neuritic Plaques are patches of clumped material lying outside the bodies of nerve cells in the brain. They are mainly found in the cerebral cortex, but have also been seen in other areas of the brain. At the core of each of these plaques is a substance called amyloid...
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...Having the knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provides a context in which nurses understand current practice because it helps us understand how nursing even came to be. Realizing all the struggles, problems and challenges many significant people such as St Benedict to Florence Nightingale to Mildred Montag faced helps provide an understanding in how they contributed in shaping nursing as a Profession today. As early as 250 BC, St. Benedict initiated the Benedictine Nursing Order. With this initiated the beginning of nursing education which set the basis of importance of knowledge. Then there is Dorothea Lynde Dix who in the early nineteenth century witnessed how many the mentally ill and orphans lived in such shocking living conditions. Because of all her efforts in convincing those of authority the need for better care and facilities in which the ill are cared for resulted in the first hospital being built in Trenton, New Jersey. Then of course the infamous Florence Nightingale, the founding mother of modern nursing. Her work further assisted in improving the many things that others fought for such as education, improving the sanitary conditions of where people are treated. Her research and writing instated the importance of understanding disease and its relation to morality rates. These trends have helped influence my perspective of nursing practice in that it gives me the understanding of how important nursing education is and that there is always...
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...Professional Dynamics. How Does Knowledge of the Foundations and History of Nursing provide a Context in which to Understand Current Practice? Identify at least three trends in nursing practice demonstrated by the Interactive Timeline. How How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? Identify at least three trends in nursing practice demonstrated by the interactive timeline. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice? Foundation is everything we build or improve on. Having knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice, and how evolved and developed as a profession throughout the centuries. By understanding the history and foundation of nursing, nurses can build on that foundation and develop a sense of professional identity and build a better future for the profession and the people they serve “(Ic.gcumedia.com.2013). Looking at the foundations and historical perspective of nursing, we the present generation of nurses has no choice but to appreciate the nurses of the past centuries for their enormous contributions that get us to where we are today. We have many theories such as Florence Nightingale and host of others to be appreciated for preparing the way for subsequent generations of nurses. Interactive timeline have shown many trends, three of which were: One trend in nursing education is the growing...
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...How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? Identify at least three trends in nursing practice from the "Nursing Timeline of Historical Events" media piece. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice? Knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing helps to provide nurses with an understanding of how nursing became established, how current practices were put into place and became effective, and enables you to see the significant changes that were taking place to make nursing into a profession. According to the “Nursing Timeline of Historical Events,” it was interesting to find out that nursing started being performed by people who were considered to be uneducated, unaccepted, and lower class. In comparing nursing to to now, it has became a profession that requires a lot to become licensed to practice. It has a very intense curriculum, skills training, and requires testing in order to become licensed to practice. There have been so many changes within the nursing profession and continue to change daily. Some of the changes on the “Nursing Timeline of Historical Events” and current practices today include changes in education, uniforms, and technology. As far as education, nursing was once completed by people who were uneducated and now the you are required to at a minimum receive an associate degree and pass a licensure exam. Nurses are also held responsible to practice...
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...Week 2 DQ 1: How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? Identify at least three trends in nursing practice from the "Nursing Timeline of Historical Events" media piece. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice? For someone to understand nursing today, one must understand its history and foundations of its practice. From the beginning of nursing history nurses have cared for the sick, wounded, desolate and poor. This continues in todays practice as well. The nurses of our past laid that foundation and history for us current practitioners’ to continue. Because of the beginning trends of nursing, schools of nursing were founded and then came licensure, etc. Thus, we follow those past foundations as set forth by our nursing founders in our current practice. From the Nursing Timeline of Historical events I have identified three trends of practice that have directly influenced my perspective of nursing practice. First, ‘Prior to 1800’ during this time it was recognized that the need for caregivers was profound. Because of this, what we call nursing today was established and in it’s true beginnings. Without this vital recognition, or founding of a ‘calling’, nursing would not have developed further. Secondly, The Crimean War directly influenced ‘modern’ nursing. Without the hard work of past outstanding nursing figures, such as Florence Nightingale, nursing would not have become...
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...How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? Identify at least three trends in nursing practice from the "Nursing Timeline of Historical Events" media piece. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice? To understand the current practice of nursing, we must go back to its origin, and look at how it has evolved. We need to understand the “why’s and the how come’s “ behind this practice, in order to learn from the past shortcomings, in order to provide optimum care for the patients we are entrusted with, and influence our future in this profession. The three trends that have influenced my perspective of nursing practice, as outlined in the “Nursing Timeline of Historical Events”, are the switch from the beginning of civilization and nursing care delivered by men, usually with religious affiliation to a female dominate field, the evolution of this profession being seen as work unworthy of respect and financial compensation to now being a highly sought after and respected profession, and the advancement of education and professional organizations. To understand Nursing’s current practice, one must understand its history. Nursing has been called an art. One must have a passion for it. To be a nurse, one should be compassionate, patient, and possess a strong desire to give to those in need. Since the beginning of history, nurses have been caring for the wounded, sick, desolate...
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...Question 1 How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? Identify at least three trends in nursing practice from the "Nursing Timeline of Historical Events" media piece. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice? My understanding of the nursing history used to be limited to Florence Nightingale time during the Crimean war. However, after watching the slides and read other resources, I realised that nursing history go way back before Florence Nightingale. In order to understand nursing, the history must not be waved aside as a thing of the past.Nursing over many decades has made a lot of great progress. Dorothea Lynde Dix made a landmark by initiating first nursing registration.Effort of Elizabeth Mahoney for coloured nurses despite racial discrimination made positive change among coloured nurses.Midred Montag's idea about 2 year associate nursing degree gave birth to many nursing schools. All these people and many others have made a tremedous progress in nursing,from bedside nursing to nursing research. The foundation of nursing today is laid on the efforts of brave men and women who practiced and gave their best to the profession. Nursing has risen from a profession that is not respected to a highly competitive profession. Despite many changes and trends in nursing, nursing has remained a profession whose primary responsibility is to care for the patients. From the "Nursing...
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...How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? In order to comprehend the art of nursing one must appreciate and have knowledge of the nursing foundation and historical events that have evolved over time to understand and apply to their current practice. The article Nursing History, Theory and Conceptual Models states that before Florence Nightingale, nurses were the “sinners, saints, or mothers.” The women that were nurses’ from the beginning of time were women that were either religious leaders or more commonly had a disgraceful reputation to society and over the years nursing has evolved to a highly respectable profession. I remember learning the historical events and the history of nursing before learning anything else in my first nursing class. In order to move forward sometimes you must step back and take a closer look to understand things clearer. Identify at least three trends in nursing practice from the "Nursing Timeline of Historical Events" media piece. 1. One trend in nursing would be Florence Nightingale’s dedication to improve healthcare sanitation and hygiene which has saved so many lives and continues to be pursued to the modern day of nursing. The Nursing Timeline of History piece discusses how her development and advancement to enhance nurses’ education contributed to the “establishment of measures to analyze disease and mortality rates using statistical measures.” Through evidence...
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...How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? Identify at least three trends in nursing practice demonstrated by the interactive timeline. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice? In answering the above question, my thought immediate goes to, “You don’t know where you’re going unless you know where you’ve been or come from.” “The American Association for the History of Nursing (AAHN) is a professional organization open to everyone interested in the history of nursing. The purpose of the Association shall be to foster the importance of history as relevant to understanding the past, defining the present, and influencing the future of nursing.” [ (About AAHN, 2007) ] The history of nursing and knowledge of foundations allows us an opportunity to ask why & then obtain answer(s) for current practices via documented evidence. This knowledge propels an individual from a level of ignorance to a focused level of education. Awareness of historical practices and events better assists us in understanding the why’s within this profession, we call registered nurse. Three trends within nursing practice that stood out in my mind were: 1.) The movement from male dominated, religious caregivers to females who at one time weren’t considered persons. Now women are recognized as human entities with value that dominate the nursing field, in all aspects. 2.) The trend from rudimentary...
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...How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? Identify at least three trends in nursing practice from the "Nursing Timeline of Historical Events" media piece. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice? Nurses must understand the historical perspective of changes which influence our society as a whole. Our history gives us a panorama view of the traditions we have as nurses and a legacy to pass on to new nurses as they enter the profession. Through periods of war, socioeconomic change, and health care reform, nurses have played a vital role in initiating change to improve the health care arena. In all health care settings, nurses have provided the integrity to maintain the quality of care. This advancement of practice from the treatment of disease to health promotion and disease prevention has led the way in determining the type of providers needed to care for patients. Over the year’s knowledge expansion, nursing care is responsive at all times and access to nursing care should be provided over the internet, by telephone, and by other means in addition to face to face visits. Another trend about providing nursing care based on patient needs and values. Nursing care should be designed to meet the most common types of needs as well as to respond to individual patient choices and preferences. Nurses have to remember that the patient is the source of information. Patients...
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...Week 2 DQ 1 How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? Identify at least three trends in nursing practice from the "Nursing Timeline of Historical Events" media piece. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice? Well for the beginning question on the foundations and history, for me personally I am very grateful for the men and women who pioneered nursing, without them nursing would not be what it is now, and there continues to be lots of changes in nursing that is why it is so important to continue learning. We are the future of nursing and will be pioneers to the nurses that follow us after we are long gone. This foundation and history that previous nurses have left us with helps me with how I care for my patients, from planning, organizing, educating, and discharge and beyond because of them. Now I understand where they came from. There is so much context in nursing it’s difficult to pick one topic. Lecture 2 (2011). For the second question, on the three trends; the first one for me that I identified with was Mary Eliza Mahoney, and how she helped minority nurses in this field, I also was the only nurse out of 4 to graduate from my LPN program, and talk about discrimination, WOW! There was lots of it and lots of segregation in a cliques which still continues on to this day, it’s like I have to work harder than others to prove myself, so yes I understand that aspect....
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...Topic 2 Discussion question #1 How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? By having the knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provides even the third generation nurse such as myself to understand the growth and ability to grow in the field. One must be able to identify the unsurmountable challenges faced by Florence Nightingale can empower the registered nurse throughout their career. By taking the time to study our history, each registered nurse can more effectively support the standard of evidence based practice. I was raised in a family where my grandmother, mother, aunts and cousins were all nurses. Each one in her own specialty. In my late teens, my mother went into education and taught in a school of nursing, climbing the leadership ladder to at the time of retirement she held the role as an assistant director. This being said, I always felt that I had a good exposure to the history of the profession. I was amazed as I observed the power point on areas I had no previous knowledge about and the extent of the changes we in the profession had accomplished. Identify at least three trends in nursing practice from the "Nursing Timeline of Historical Events" media piece. Nursing Uniform Transition from the Florence Nightingale area to when our grandmothers and mothers were in nursing that encompassed the hat, white stockings and white dress with pockets. To the uniforms...
Words: 585 - Pages: 3
...Discussion Questions 6/24/15: Read Lake and von Baeyer's article, “Tips for Successful Students." Also, review the characteristics of a successful student as explained in the lecture. As you consider these, which is your strongest characteristic? Why? How will this characteristic help you to become a successful student in your program of study? Me: My strongest characteristic related to the article "Tips for Successful Students," (Lake and von Baeyer, 2005), include the fact I am a very responsible individual. When in the classroom setting I always strived to find a seat in the first couple of rows, because I knew I'd benefit from avoiding anonymity - and this stemmed from being responsible and accountable for my self and my own education. I feel this will help me remain a successful student while transitioning from my RN to my BSN, RN. Lake and von Baeyer. (2005). Tips for Successful Students. Retrieved June 23, 2015, from http://homepage.usask.ca/~clv022/success.htm 6/26/15: What do you look forward to as you begin this educational experience and your personal search for purpose? What is your greatest fear? How can you overcome it? Write about one specific educational experience from your past in which you addressed a fear and overcame it and how you succeeded in this process. Me: I am looking forward to obtaining my Bachelor’s degree. I am excited everything has gone smooth up to this point transitioning. My fear, however, is this won’t be smooth sailing...
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...Professional Dynamics Details This course is a bridge course for the RN who is returning to formal education for the baccalaureate degree in nursing. The course focuses on differentiated nursing practice competencies, nursing conceptual models, professional accountability, integrating spirituality into practice, group dynamics, and critical thinking. Emphasis is also placed on writing and oral presentation skills. 3.0 None None Additional Material Textbook Conceptual Foundations: The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice Cresaia, J., & Friberg, E. (2010). Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice (5th ed). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. ISBN-13: 9780323068697 (Available as eBook) Important information about this text: All required GCU RN-to-BSN eBooks are accessible anywhere-anytime, with lifetime access via Evolve at (http://evolve.elsevier.com). Refer to “Pageburst/Evolve eBooks” for details on how to access the course’s required text. http://evolve.elsevier.com Topics Topic 1: Essentials of Baccalaureate Education Description: Objectives: 1. Identify uses of the various elements of the virtual classroom. 2. Identify best practices for conducting academic research. 3. Access the GCU online Library Catalog to access the journal databases and locate scholarly/peer-reviewed articles. 4. Define plagiarism and distinguish between plagiarism, paraphrasing, and summarizing. 5. Differentiate between academic and nonacademic writing. Topic Material: Electronic...
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