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Professional Dynamics


Submitted By melodytemi
Words 532
Pages 3
Re:Topic 2: Discussion Question 1

How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? Identify at least three trends in nursing practice from the "Nursing Timeline of Historical Events" media piece. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice? My understanding of the nursing history used to be limited to Florence Nightingale time during the Crimean war. However, after watching the slides and read other resources, I realised that nursing history go way back before Florence Nightingale. In order to understand nursing, the history must not be waved aside as a thing of the past.Nursing over many decades has made a lot of great progress. Dorothea Lynde Dix made a landmark by initiating first nursing registration.Effort of Elizabeth Mahoney for coloured nurses despite racial discrimination made positive change among coloured nurses.Midred Montag's idea about 2 year associate nursing degree gave birth to many nursing schools. All these people and many others have made a tremedous progress in nursing,from bedside nursing to nursing research. The foundation of nursing today is laid on the efforts of brave men and women who practiced and gave their best to the profession. Nursing has risen from a profession that is not respected to a highly competitive profession. Despite many changes and trends in nursing, nursing has remained a profession whose primary responsibility is to care for the patients.
From the "Nursing Timeline of Historical Events" media piece, some trends could be observed.
Nurses have been contributing to the socioeconomic growth of the country. Take for example, Lillian Wald. She positively influenced reformation of child labour law, helped organise national association of advancement of coloured people and she founded organisation

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