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How Does Okonkwo's Culture Change American Culture

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I have recently read the book Things Fall Apart which was written by one of your fellow countrymen Chinua Achebe. It is about a man who cannot change when his culture begins to change. In Things Fall Apart, the main character Okonkwo is a great man of Umofia and a leader in society, but he is banished from his clan for seven years after committing a female crime. While he is away, white missionaries come to Umuofia and begin to change the way of life there, gaining supporters and followers as the do so. When Okonkwo returns to his clan after his years in exile he sees that it is not as it used to be and the change is so great and profound to him that he eventually takes his own life in order to escape it. I know, however, that the present-day …show more content…
It is a holiday in November where one’s family joins together to celebrate one another and share what they are thankful for in life. Thanksgiving morning generally begins in the morning with watching the Thanksgiving parade on the television or maybe even in real life. A small breakfast is also prepared. Soon after preparations for the night’s dinner begins. During the day there is a small tray of food for everyone to snack on during the day, that way we do not become full before dinner. The meal takes most of the day to cook. Some families even begin preparation for cooking the night before. Thanksgiving dishes for my family include a turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, string bean casserole, macaroni and cheese, dinner rolls, and gravy. It is a lot to cook for one person so we help each other. Perhaps you could help cook and eat Thanksgiving dinner and share with everyone the things that you are thankful …show more content…
America and Nigeria are very different countries and it will take time to understand our customs, but if you have any questions I will answer them for you. I hope that you have a eye opening and cultivating stay in America. I would like to invite you to an all around American dinner. I will cook cheese burgers for you on the grill and have fries and root beer floats as well. A burger is season ground beef pressed into a patty form. You can put toppings on it such as cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, ketchup, mustard, and relish. On the top and bottom are the burger are buns. Fries are potatoes that are cut and fried in oil. Finally root beer floats are ice cream with root beer soda. If you would like to stay for dessert I will have apple pie and vanilla ice cream. I wish you a wonderful stay in

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