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The Glass Bottle Analysis

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-La bouteille (the bottle) \bu.tɛj\: (féminine) “La bouteille contient de l’eau.” A bottle is considered feminine in French since you could say that in terms of stereotypes, women are delicate just like a glass bottle. Another interpretation is that bottles are normally curvy as a form of referring to the hourglass figure of a woman. -La clef (the key) \kle\: (feminine) “La clef est nécessaire pour ouvrir une porte.” A key is a small and delicate object, which is used to open a door. Because of its delicate part, women can be portrayed in this object. -El coche (the car) \ˈkotʃe\: (masculine) “Mi coche es más poderoso que el tuyo en término de caballos que tiene el motor.” A car generally needs to be robust to be considered as a good car. In Mexico, misogyny is more present than in other countries, this is why women in these regions are considered as weaker (less robust) than men. In our society, it is considered that boys like cars more than girls that is why from a young age boys are given cars to play with while girls get dolls. When grown up it is considered that men know more about cars than women as well as a car being of great importance to the personality of a man, while for women not so much. From birth to death a man will always be related to cars, this is because a car is considered a boys toy. -La …show more content…
This is why the word congressman was created in the first place since in a world where there is actually no women in positions of governmental power then there is no real need for a word that includes women. The world is very misogynic and therefore words such as congressmen are created simply because when they were created the reality was that there were no women in power and through the years nothing has been done to change

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