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Domestic Violence In The United States

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Domestic violence is recognized as a criminal offense in almost all countries across the world. Yet, it remains a common occurrence, that often goes unpunished because of the hidden nature of abuse by one partner against another. Most attempts to counter and control domestic violence are directed towards raising awareness of this crime, and changing commonly held perceptions against it. Physical violence is the use of physical force to cause bodily harm. Examples of physical violence include choking, hitting, shoving, punching, or using a weapon against another person. Emotional violence involves acts such as criticizing or humiliating the victim, doing something to make the victim feel embarrassed, or isolating the victim from friends and …show more content…
Such as telling them what and what not to wear, not allowing them to talk to certain people, and are infuriated when one attracts the attention of the opposite sex. All of these are early signs in the relationship that it is not going to end well. Soon the verbally abusive partner will then be physically abusive when they don't get their way. Most people choose not to walk away from the relationship because of the hold it has over them such as what most seem to believe is love. Media has portrayed abuse to be a tough love relationship and with maturing can be overcomed. However if we continue to spread awareness for this matter, we can hopefully convince people to leave their abusive relationship and live for the better once …show more content…
While praising these movies and relationships, we are often mistaken of what a true love story is. Because of our lack of knowledge in this subject, it's important we catch these signs in movies, T.V. shows, and in real life. The “Twilight” saga heavily represents a toxic relationship that many young girls desire without knowing the real intentions and problems in the relationship between main characters Edward and Bella. The very controlling relationship unfortunately ends in a happy ending, Edward and Bella living together forever with their newborn child. Seeing as the movie and books end in a positive manner, the audience looks past all signs of the abusive relationship and focuses mainly on the end result. Therefore, telling girls to look for these characteristics in a relationship to get the “happy ending” that is

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