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How Does Scout's Coming Of Age Occur In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Pages 3
How can this child go through all of this and act like nothing happened? Scout is a character in a book called “To Kill A Mockingbird”. Scout lives in a town called Maycomb, she lives with her dad Atticus he is a lawyer, her older brother Jem, her aunt Alexandra and Calpurnia the maid and the mother figure for Jem and Scout. Scout's coming of age happens through Scout’s many experiences throughout the book through like dialogue, the point of view, and external conflict. The first literary element that shows Scout’s growth is dialogue. Scout and Mr.Cunningham have a dialogue when Scout talks to him. On page 175 Mr.Cunningham is cornering Atticus in front of the jail at night and Scout talks him off. Mr.Cunningham and some other men are cornering

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