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Cattaraugus County Rehabilitation Center: A Case Study

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Introduction Perception is part of the business, and throughout history, how Chief Executive Officers, investors, customers, and competitors all perceive the overall success of an organization continues to change. Just a half century ago, business leaders would justify a company’s success by having a bottom line in the black as well as the size of dividends their investors were receiving quarterly and annually. Today, a bottom line is only part of an organization’s success; along with organizations being held to higher business standards to include a code of conduct, ethics, labor laws, and so forth. Companies need a balanced scorecard to address their financial status, while addressing customers’ perspective, internal operations, and positive …show more content…
The drawback non-profit organizations face is some of their funding is through grants, and the remaining is through private donations. Additionally, when looking at the scorecard in general, the four categories of financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and growth all have subcategories. It is in the subcategories where Cattaraugus County Rehabilitation Center is failing in generating a successful and fully operational scorecard. More specific, within the customer category, the rehabilitation center failed not only themselves, but their most important their customer. Those who use the facilities or seek service from Cattaraugus County Rehabilitation Center was not offered to provide input on the type of services they would like to see offered. Moreover, failing to obtain the customers input, is grounds for failure, as those who use the services are external lobbyists and free advertisement for the center. Their vision lacks identifying how they will receive financial support in order to accomplish their mission of providing and/or accessing comprehensive services to provide those with disabilities the max independence. Furthermore, their mission statement also did not address their customers, or location, which Williams (2008) identifies as a key difference between high-performing and low-performing organizations. Finally, when looking specifically at the scorecard, Cattaraugus County Rehabilitation Center did highlight the objectives and targets however, they did not identify how they would measure success or what initiatives they would implement, ensuring their initiatives were successful. A perfect example of their failure is under Financial Stability they address growth to increase revenue, which would

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