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USA Today: Business Analysis

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People take risk daily whether they realize it or not. For instance, a person might take a different route to work. The individual has two choices. One, take a conservative approach and travel the familiar road they are accustomed to minimize the risk of being late. Secondly, the person can obtain a diverse path and assume the chance of being delayed or discovering a new road that saves time and money. Sure, it is always safe to stay in the comfort zone. The person may begin to think the “what if.” What if there is more traffic or closed roads while taking this new path towards reaching their destination. A savvy individual must assess the risk of driving an unfamiliar way. They must be willing to face the outcome. The consequences can be positive …show more content…
Implementation of new services enables continuity of any businesses. A company needs to increase the product selection (Ferrell & Hartline, 2014). Since the debut of USA Today in 1982. Calling itself "the nation's newspaper," USA Today (Ludlow, 1986) has been able to differentiate itself while maintaining independently away from the commodity status of most resources by redesigning their newspaper layout and making a partnership with other corporations. As more companies are joining forces in today’s rigorous consumer market, USA Today has merged with the media's giants to provide a package deal service to their customers. The shareholders have taken a gamble in investing in technology. They have assessed the risk of not implementing new avenues to enhance their …show more content…
They have assumed the risk involved, thus avoiding a disaster. On the other hand, some organizations fail to adequately acknowledge and efficiently manage the risk associated with decisions made throughout the organization can and often do lead to potentially catastrophic results (Fraser & Simkins, 2010).
In conclusion, it is impressive how the paper created by Allen H. Neuharth of Gannett Co., Inc. could capitalize on anything from notebooks plus pads including the Amazon Kindle and Apple iPad with news apps. Moreover, reaching traveler with travel articles via Facebook, e-mail, Facebook, or Twitter. Today the company has more than 30 years of continual growth in addition to 5.3 million readers (Ferrell & Hartline, 2014). Again, making the USA Today one of the newspaper giants next to the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times.

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