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Billy Jones Case Study

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Failures in Design and Security Principles
Billy Jones has recently opened an optical business in a neighborhood shopping center. In the process of opening the business, Billy Jones ran into some financial issues, so he was forced to do a substantial amount of the work himself in order to get the business up and running. Amongst the tasks that Billy performed consisted of designing the the system that would strengthen his business. Billy has no previous IT experience. However, he is extremely intelligent and relied on the salesperson at the area’s major electronic store to let him know which specific equipment he needed to buy for his system. Included in the equipment Billy purchased was a used server that was running a “Windows 2003 operating system.” This particular server came pre-loaded with a “point-of-sale” (POS) programming that allows for the gathering and storage within the back-end database from the interchanges made by the electronic money register (Microsoft, 2014).
Identify the Failures in Process
Billy was able to make a strange arrangement on some form of POS programming through a type of wholesaler in the Philippines. Billy has spent a couple of …show more content…
It assures reliable security consents involving all individuals from a gathering. By using security groups in order to allow permissions, simply indicates being able to control the assets remains uniquely static and up-front to regulate and analyze (Follis, 2007). Clients who need to include or dismiss from the proper security groups as mandated, and the to control any records change (Kaufman, 2006). Within the Windows Server operating system, there are a small amount of original files and security groups that are preconfigured with the proper rights and permission to perform certain tasks. For Active Directory, there are two types of managerial

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Fas Paper

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