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Adelin Virginia Woolf

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My author Adeline Virginia Woolf was influenced by her personal background because of her early conditions and feminism as crucial part. Dis author dint understand as why men and women were treated so differently and the empowerment. In the 20th century at the time women were speechless treated differently and dint had rights as same as men there was no equality between men and women, so women dint had many choices.
Virginia was born on January 25,1882 in London. Were she graduated at kings college London. Virginia had multiples mental break downs through out her life some that affected her writing as and English publisher author at the end of her life. Her first break down was on 1895 after her mother Julia, dies due to a rheumatic fever. …show more content…
She is briefly institutionalized but recovers. A year after her father death, Virginia begins work as a teacher at Morley College and leaves her teaching job 2 years later in 1907 to focus on her writing. During this time period the
World War I happen in 1914. Great Britain enter World War I most members of the
Bloomsbury Group are pacifist and none of he men enlist. The Bloomsbury group, is a group of English writers during the 20th century who work or studied together near
Bloomsbury London. Associated with Cambridge University for the mean and Kings
College London for women. United by belief in the importance of the arts there work deeply influence literature, criticism, and economics. As well as modern attitudes towards feminism, pacifism and sexuality. Virginia was one of the members of this group. In 1918 the World War I comes to an ending. In 1929, after giving a lecture series on women’s literary abilities and obstacles, Virginia Woolf publishes the book “A
Room of Ones Own”. In it she argues that in order to write, a woman must have independence, manifested in material form as an income and a private room where …show more content…
The books tone is harsher than her previous feminism tract “A Room of Ones Own”, and proves controversial upon publication. In
1939 the World War II fearing Nazi persecution due to Leonard (Virginia husband)
Jewish ethnicity Woolf make plans to commit suicide if England is invaded. They leave their home and move out to Monks house at Rodmell. In 1940, the Woolf’s London home and the Hogarth press offices are destroyed during the Blitz. The Germans campaign of terror bombing over the city. Their papers and printing press are salvaged and brought to their country home in Roodmell. Virginia is working on a novel but is struggling with her mind; the stress of her work and the war brings on another serious of depression. Thru out her life since her mother death till now mental illness was not fully recovered making her commits suicide. Virginia commits suicide after convinced she will not recover from her current battle with mental illness. Virginia fills the pockets of coat with stone and drowns herself in the Ouse River near Monks house. Her body was found 3 weeks later. Leonard Woolf (Virginia husband) chooses to have the

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