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James Naismith Research Paper

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In 1891, the American game was invented by a Canadian (“About”). There are almost 100,000, male and female, that play the game basketball in high school (“Probability”). Basketball is a well-known sport in America; throughout the years the fast paced, fun, active sport has become extremely popular in America. The game of basketball is still as popular as it was in the past.
In the year 1891 a man named Dr. James Naismith was instructed by his boss to invent a game for the children in the winter months. His boss wanted to keep the kids out of trouble and keep them active as the winter months passed. James was a young PE instructor from Canada teaching in Springfield, Massachusetts. As he was working on his project, he thought back into his childhood years. He remembered the rugby players playing the future game by throwing a ball into a box. He soon got the knowledge of raise the boxes and exchanging the boxes into peach buckets. Naismith told his student to break into teams of two with nine players in each. James then told his student that the object of this game is to defend the ball from the …show more content…
Cape Town, Africa is where it all started at. The players had a great influencing teacher that was a good role model for players, his name is Mfundisi. Mfundisi is 27 years old and started the program called Hoops 4 Hope. He was hoping this would keep the kids off the street and out of trouble. ““We’re doing some service to the kids who can’t play rugby, can’t play cricket, cant play netball, and all the other sports” said Thierry Kita who grew up playing basketball in the democratic Republic of Congo and the pro in South Africa. (McClatchy-Tribune News Service)” South Africa lacks the All American sport because of the lack of its a white people. The Africans think the game of basketball is a white person sport. The Hoops 4 Hope ended up building 40 different courts all in South Africa

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