...|University of Sunderland | |Managing Financial Resources andDecisions | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ...
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...1. TASK 1 Financial statement is a list that indicates the financial activities of the business; it shows the ups and downs of the company in terms of financial, and financial statement could bring the company to wealthy as well, as the company has some improvements or brainstorming by seeing each of the statement. It has so many things inside of it, but then first of all, there are 4 types of financial statements, which are the following statements: 1. Balance Sheet, defines as the financial situation of a company on a specific dates, therefore the purpose of having a balance sheet is the business can determine some of the things that can be improved in the future, and also the purpose of it is to see the company’s prosperity and the difference of total assets and liabilities, as also have some things inside of the statement, such as: * Assets, is one of the examples, as defines as something the person or business has, or the one who business controls. This could be fixed assets (land, buildings, any other equipment) or current assets (cash, prepaid insurance, account receivable, and any other things that could be sold and/or consume, or in more specific, could be converted into cash in a year) * Liabilities are also the other example, which is a liability or ‘debt’ to creditors, or loans. This could be short term (account, notes, taxes, interest payable, and anything that is payable and needed to be paid within a year), and long term (due more than a year...
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...UKCBC MANAGENING FINANCIAL RESOURCES & DECISIONS MARICICA FERARU PR6 STUDENT ID.-11315 2015 LEARNING OUTCOMES LO1 Understand the sources available to a business P1.1 Identify the sources of finance available to the new business you have chosen. P1.2 Asses the implications of the different sources of finance to your chosen business P1.3 Evaluate appropriate sources of finance for your chosen business project. LO2 Understand the implications of finance as a resource within a business P2.1 Analyse the costs of different sources of finance for your chosen business. P2.2 Explain the importance of financial planning to the business organisation you have chosen. P2.3 Asses the information needs of different decision makers in your chosen business P2.4 Explain the impact of finance on the financial statements of your chosen business LO3 Be able to make financial decisions based on financial information P3.1 Analyse budgets and make appropriate decisions from the case study P3.2 Explain the calculation of unit costs and make pricing decisions using relevant information P3.3 Asses the viability of a project using at least two investment appraisal techniques LO4 Be able to evaluate the financial performance of a business P4.1 Discuss...
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...Managing Financial Resources and Decisions 1.1 Sources of Finance Retained Earnings Retained earnings are profits that are brought back to the company as additional capital instead of declaring dividends. It is a long term source of finance. Edge Enterprise can use the retained earnings of the company as capital instead of giving dividends to its shareholders. Sale of Stock Sales of stock profit is obtained when a number of unsold shares of the company are sold to investors in exchange for shares. The proceeds from selling the shares are then used as capital. Edge Enterprise can sell approved shares by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in exchange for cash that will later on used as capital. Sales of Fixed Assets Assets that are no longer needed, like machinery or surplus, are sold. For example, if Edge Enterprise has a machine or vehicle that is not being used and is still useable, then it can be sold to get funds for the company. Financial Debt Financial debt is the cash borrowed by the company at an agreed rate of interest over a set period of time, for example the company borrowed P100, 000 on January 10, 2015 with an interest of 10% to be paid on April 20, 2015. This sources can be a medium or long term source of finance since the amount of the borrowed cash will depend on the agreement of the two parties. Working Capital Working capital is the sum of the all the cash gained from day to day activities like selling goods and services, it is...
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...1.Find out the various sources of finance used by the company. 2.Write a summery on the operation of the company 1-raising the finance was not too difficult because his engineering contacts enabled him to identify suppliers of every single component. He invested 30,000 pounds from his own money and He also took a bank loan of 15,000 pounds because he needed a small assembly plant which could easily be rented. Business gave him a profit of 60,000 since the start when he needed 100,000 to increase the production capacity to the level of demand so he negotiated a package of 55,000 of loan capital and 15,000 of share capital . *Ventures capitalist angel investors *internal source of finance and external source of finance long term-shares, mortgage, debentures medium term finance- Let's assume you are asking about mortgage financing; Long term financing guarantees your interest rate, and your payment, will remain at the same level as when you started for the term of the loan, usually 30 years.Short term financing, usually at a slightly lower rate, guarantees your interest rate only for the "short term" 1 year, 5 years or whatever you negotiate. At the end of the term your interest rate will adjust to the then curent rate. That could be a lower rate but historically it will be a higher rate. Other circumstances may impact your ability to extend that mortgage unless you have a guarantee for refinancing at the then current rate. You should discuss your options with...
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...|[pic] BANKING ACADEMY OF VIETNAM | |BTEC HND IN BUSINESS (ACCOUNTING) | | | |ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET | |NAME OF STUDENT |Vũ Thị Thanh Huyền | |REGISTRATION NO. |F07-073 | |UNIT TITLE |Unit 2: Managing Financial Resources and Decisions | |ASSIGNMENT TITLE |Financial Performance Analysis and Decision Making | |ASSIGNMENT NO |2 of 2 | |NAME OF ASSESSOR |Mr. Nguyen Nam Trung, ACCA, MBA | |SUBMISSION DEADLINE |23/12/2014 ...
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...Southville International School Affiliated with Foreign University SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND COMPUTING MANAGING FINANCIAL RESOURCES AND DECISIONS Unit 2 – PAPER #1 SUBMITTED BY: Rodolph Joseph B. Cannu SECTION B SUBMITTED TO: MR. MARK ANTHONY CASANOVA 4 February 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents 2.2 explain the importance of financial planning 3 2.3 ASSESS THE INFORMATION NEEDS OF DIFFERENT DECISION MAKERS 4 Lenders 4 Suppliers 4 Customers 4 2.4 explain the impact of finance on the financial statements 5 Investment 5 Borrowing 5 Sales of property 5 Cash sales 5 Leasing 5 4.1 DISCUSS THE MAIN FINANCIAL STATEMENT 6 4.2. Compare appropriate formats of financial statements for different types of business 7 TYPES OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS 7 Owner's Equity 7 Partners' Equity 8 Stockholders' Equity 8 SERVICE, MERCHANDISING, MANUFACTURING INCOME STATEMENTS 9 Service 9 Merchandising 10 Manufacturing 11 4.3 INTERPRET FINANCIAL STATEMENTS USING APPROPRIATE RATIOS AND COMPARISONS, BOTH INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL 13 The liquidity ratio 13 Profitability ratio 14 Efficiency ratio 14 Leverage ratio 15 BIBLIOGRAPHY: 16 APPENDICES 17 2.2 explain the importance of financial planning A financial plan is made up of financial statements that forecast the resources and provides the structure to the way of finance are handled within the company. It has two objectives. First, It ensures the availability of the funds that guarantee...
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...(1.1) Internal It will be easier for the owners if funding has its options to select types of financing that fit their needs for the companies. 1.) Retained Earnings – Is a quick source of internal financing to be used which is a liquid assets. It is the proportion of the net income that have retained from a company and not paid out. 2.) Current Assets – Consistently, cash or any preferences that is easy to convert in cash. You can actually deprive from those stocks and use the procedure source of financing. Without decreasing you current assets through the levels, less than your current liabilities. This take away you from paying off your debts. 3.) Fixed Assets – The disadvantages of this is, you can’t just converted it into cash because it includes varied equipment, properties and factories from the assets. Because these assets takes a lot of time to convert in cash. Because they are not reliable to accessing short-term finance. If you have extra time to extend, you can sell off or rather, market the equipment and properties that invest to owners business. It is actually serviceable if you surpass any fixed assets. 4.) Personal Savings - It is the mini heart of your small business. If the business doesn’t have an assets to finance the project being built in, you may still have the personal finance that you can contribute to the business. This prevail an alternative to seeking external investors or loan allows you to control it on your own. ...
Words: 4902 - Pages: 20
...Need Help On MFRD Assignments Get expert assignment help for MFRD at assignmenthelpuk@yahoo.com or hndassignmenthelp@gmail.com Enrolled in BTEC and looking for MFRD assignment writing help or business decision making to complete your papers?? Then look no more, as we guide you with the HND study process and help you in the accomplishment of your writing project. Managing Financial Resources and Decisions (MFRD) is a subject which falls under the BTEC HND in Business qualification course. Students who opt for the course have to undergo a blend of assignments and term examinations, for the successful completion of the course. For professionally written papers, students approach reliable MFRD assignment help on internet. HND in business includes number of units and the completion of a variety of papers on those units, such as - marketing principles (MP), organizations & behavior (OB), aspects of contract and negligence for Business (ACNB) and business decision making assignment. All these papers are assessed and scored by the assessor’s authority, Edexcel evaluator and other internal verifiers. Through the evaluation, students may be awarded grades as – Pass or Merit or Distinction based upon the quality of content delivered. Get expert assignment help for MFRD at assignmenthelpuk@yahoo.com or hndassignmenthelp@gmail.com HND Assignment Help – Providing You Online Assignment Writing Services Our writing team comprising of ex-Professors, PhD qualified writers and tutors in diverse...
Words: 522 - Pages: 3
...QUESTIONAIR on a research of Awareness on Insurance among Sri Lankan Community The following questionnaire is being prepared to gather information for the survey carried out to find out the awareness of SriLankan community on insurance. Your personal information and answers will be kept secured. Please be kind enough to provide true and accurate information Section 1- Background information 1. AGE : ---------------------- 2. Gender : a) Male b) Female 3. Marital status: a) Married b) Unmarried 4. Job title : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Nature of job : a) permanent b) Part time 6. No. Of Family members: --------------------------------------- 7. Highest Education Qualification : Ordinary level Advanced level Diploma Higher National diploma Degree Masters 8. Total Family income? Less than 30,000 30,000 – 50,000 50,000 – 75,000 75,000 – 100,000 More than 100,000 9. How many vehicles do you own? a) None b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) More than 4 Section 2 – Personal questions about insurance ...
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...miltrimas235Department of the Army Pamphlet 738–751 Logistics Management Functional Users Manual for the Army Maintenance Management System— Aviation (TAMMS-A) Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 15 March 1999 UNCLASSIFIED SUMMARY of CHANGE DA PAM 738–751 Functional Users Manual for the Army Maintenance Management System— Aviation (TAMMS-A) This revision-o o o Adds an Aircraft Transfer Decision Table (chap 1). Converts the removal/achievement codes back to failure codes (chap 1). Adds procedures for the Unit Level Logistics System-Aviation (chaps 1, 2, 3, and 4). Introduces DA Form 2408-14-1 (Uncorrected Fault Record Aircraft) (chap 2). DA Form 2408-14 (Uncorrected Fault Record) will no longer be used for aviation equipment. Incorporates Standard Army Maintenance System procedures (chap 3). Adds procedures for documentation of component repair at Aviation Intermediate Maintenance and depot levels of maintenance (chap 3). Adds phase maintenance and periodic inspection documentation procedures (chap 3). Adds information on migrating automated DA Form 2410 (Component Removal and Repair/Overhaul Record) data (chap 3). Changes DA Form 2410 and instructions. Therefore, the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command’s Guide/Workbook for the DA Form 2410, The Army Maintenance Management System Aviation (TAMMS-A), October 1992, is obsolete (chap 3). Adds instructions for DA Form 2408-16 (Aircraft Component Historical Record) and DA Form 2410 to track aircraft...
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