...Introduction Minimum wage refers to the lowest hourly, daily or monthly wage an employee is legally entitled to when working. Minimum wage is in effect in a range of different jurisdictions with differences in the views on the advantages and disadvantages being disputed by people. Supporters claim minimum wage increases the standard of living for workers whilst reducing poverty. Opposite views are that if it is high enough to be effective then it increases unemployment, particularly among workers who are inexperienced or handicap, thus harming the lesser skilled workers to benefit the better skilled workers The effect on employment rates due to minimum wage rates is a highly contested policy within economics. The introduction of minimum wage into the market can lead to competitive employers cutting employment; this depends on the rate of the wage rises require to comply with the current minimum wage according to the “standard textbook model”. Other models have also been suggested in which a decline in the employment rate may not occur and in fact employment may increase. During my research I found a wide range of literature on minimum wages, particularly on the effects of a minimum wage policy in place. Though a lot of informative research was concluding I also found the argument between weather the effects and positive of negative on employment, both sides of the disagreement present a large amount of information supporting the theories. Research before the 1990’s mostly...
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...employees to attract that to work at their company. Human Resources provides benefits in six core areas, Health which includes (medical, prescription drug, dental, vision, and health care flexible spending accounts), Retirement (university provided retirement contributions and employee retirement savings vehicles), Tuition (for employees and eligible children of employees), Life Insurance (basic and supplemental life and AD&D insurance, and life insurance for dependents), Disability Insurance (short- and long-term disability and workers' compensation), Lifestyle Support (such as child care, EAP, transportation, banking, paid time off, and other benefits). In our research paper we will explore how some of these benefits affect the social, political and ethical areas of Great Britain and Australia. Life Insurance Human resource is a very difficult subject. It has so many different aspects to cover. The manual for human resource is so long but every area is important and has to be covered. Benefits are what every employee looks forward when looking for a job, though I believe many applicants don’t ask the question about life insurance. Life insurance is a touchy subject but I believe that every person should be insured for themselves and their loved ones. Not being covered whether it’s with or without your companies can leave financial hardship on your loved ones when you’re gone. Group life insurance exists just about everywhere. It’s a single policy that allows many members...
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...AFFECT FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKET TRENDS DIFFERENT EXCHANGE SYSTEMS WHICH LINKS THE FOREX MARKET GLOBALLY BASIS OF COMMUNICATION FOR INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS CONCLUSION BIBLOGRAPHY Page no. 7 9 11 12 14 16 22 25 35 37 39 40 42 5 GLOBAL LINKAGE OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKETS 6 Introduction The foreign exchange market is the biggest financial market in the world. Every day, transactions worth about 3.98 trillion dollars are carried out within the market. The major aim of introducing the foreign exchange market is to facilitate international trade by enabling businesses to perform transactions outside their local currency. The market operates round the clock from Monday through Friday. Foreign Exchange is the simultaneous Buying of one currency and paying for it with another at an agreed price (exchange rate) for settlement on an agreed date. FOREX is an acronym for FOReign Exchange. In the foreign exchange market today, a trader can purchase some amount of international currencies by paying with a different currency. This type of foreign exchange market started to develop in the 1970s, which was about thirty years after foreign exchange was introduced. Some important features about the FX market include the following: 1. It has a very large number of daily participants. This makes its liquidity one of the highest in the world. 2. Participants come from several countries in the world. 3. The market is open from 22:00 GMT on Sunday to 20:00 GMT on Friday. 4. Exchange rates...
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...Investment from one country into another (normally by companies rather than governments) that involves establishing operations or acquiring tangible assets, including stakes in other businesses. Vertical: when different stages of activities are added abroad. Forward vertical FDI is where the FDI takes the firm nearer to the market (for example, Toyota acquiring a car distributorship in America) and Backward Vertical FDI is where international integration moves back towards raw materials (for example, Toyota acquiring a tyre manufacturer or a rubber plantation). Common law system and how it differs from a civil law system Common law is based on tradition, precedent, and custom. When law courts interpret common law, they do so with regard to these characteristics. This gives a common law system a degree of flexibility that other systems lack because it allows the judge to interpret the law. Civil law system and how it differs from a common law system Civil law is based on a very detailed set of laws organized into codes. When law courts interpret civil law, they do so with regard to these codes. Over 80 countries, including Germany, France, Japan, and Russia, operate with a civil law system. A civil law system tends to be less adversarial that a common law system, since the judges rely upon detailed legal codes rather than tradition, precedent and custom which they interpret. Judges under a civil law system have less flexibility than those under a common law system. Factor...
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...Participants will attempt to adapt it to their own purposes; but they are difficult to change. ● 02.How do institutions check tyranny? - checks and balances:Social pluralism, we divide government up between three institutions with all the same amount of power, ● 03.Why are institutions difficult to change? Path dependency: reliance on experience, constrained by status quo; solutions based on familiar institutions. Some participants are content with current arrangements and not willing to change. ● 04.Framers consciously designed a set of institutions for making it possible to do politics of this kind. The point is to design a set of institutions that control the effects of factions--by setting them against one another, but dividing authority among institutions ● Problems with the Articles of confederation No ability to tax , No central currency, No way to negotiate treaties ,No executive capacity, difficult to maintain public order, nation security. ● 06.Deals addressed by the constitution Path dependency: reliance on experience, constrained by status quo; solutions based on familiar institutions. Some participants are content with current arrangements and not willing to change. ● 07.Federalist papers- A series of (85) published arguments that advocated the ratification of the Constitution. A sales pitch, these explicated the logic for the constitution and provide great insight for understanding why government was set up as it is. Specifically, laid out the problems with...
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...research . The most highlight areas on GST is on the public reaction towards GST in Malaysia before the implementation which can known their readiness , perception and awareness on GST. According to ( Mohd Rizal Palil ,2011) he has done a research in Malaysia on the impact of Good and Service Tax towards Middle Income Earners. The author has done survey towards people all around Kuala Lumpur through questionnaire. Based on the finding of his research he reveals that most of the employees does not support the government decision for the implementation of GST and also they strongly does not accept the fact that GST will be implemented in the nearest future. At the same time they strongly does not support the implementation. Based on (K. Saira ,2010) he has done a research on the awareness of the people towards GST and his finding indicates that people are not aware that GST will be charge on Goods and Services. The researcher conclude that people are not aware of GST as soon its going to be control in their life. Beside that they are not aware that it will impact on the economy very well. (K. Saira ,2010) There is also another research which is concerning about the perception of Tax Payers on GST by (Tan Mei Lian ,2010) .The author has also done survey questionnaire towards people randomly. Based on the researcher finding it show that many people feel that it is not necessary to introduce GST as it will increase the overall living costs. On the other hand , most of the people...
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...industries of Ireland and Portugal Instructor: Mr. Ritsema Date: 12.03.2015 Group 2.03 Niklas Binter S2555611 Josef Richarz S2535688 Table of Content: 1. Introduction 2. Methodology 2.1 Prime Theories and Approaches 3.2.1 Hofstede´s model of national culture 3.2.2 Porter´s diamond 3.2.3 Porter´s five forces of competition 3.2.4 The PESTEL framework 3.2.5 National Innovation Systems 3.2.6 Varieties of Capitalism Framework 2.2 Data Collection 3. The IT Industry 3.1. Description of the IT-Industry 4. Country Comparison 4.1 Macro- Level Indicators 4.1.1 Geographic Indicators 4.1.2 Demographic Indicators 4.1.3 Macro- Economic Indicators 4.2 Historical Developments relevant to the IT industry 4.3 Socio Cultural Conditions 4.3.1 Cultural Systems 4.3.2 Level of Education 4.3.3 Labor Market Regulations 4.3.4 Protectionism of Intellectual Property 4.3.5 Tax Regulations 4.4 Market/ Industry Conditions 4.4.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers and Subsidiaries 4.4.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 4.4.3 Threats of New Entrants 4.4.4 Competitive Rivalry 4.5 Other Contextual Conditions 4.5.1 Related and Supporting Industries 5. Major Findings of Comparison 5.1 Conclusion 5.2 Trends 5.3 Recommendation 1. Introduction In general, factbooks are conducted by decision makers within the fields of business and politics in order to...
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...her many critics as capturing the essence of her political mission. They believed that she wanted to remove the sense of community in Britain. The Thatcher ethos was seen as negativity towards the state’s role in people’s lives that it was up to each individual to look after him or herself. The Thatcher era was seen by many as about winners and losers, the winners were well rewarded with lower taxes, a property boom, rising wages, opportunities to purchase council houses and shares in the privatized companies at discount rates. If you had a job and money under the Thatcher government, there was multitude of opportunities. Whilst those who were without jobs and were dependant on welfare saw industries such as manufacturing decreasing in size, welfare payment cut in size, training being either cut or unfunded. They were expected to pay catch up with the winners on their own initiative without much help from the government. Much of the opposition came from the left, who Thatcher herself had little time for and one of her main objectives was the removal of socialism. Thatcher saw socialism as the polar opposite to her beliefs that people should first and foremost look after themselves. Whilst Thatcher created many enemies during her time as prime minister, she had little time to worry about these and even in her own cabinet she created a 'them' and 'us' situation, referring to those against her as the...
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...• FAQ Legal systems Introduction: profusion and variety There are hundreds of legal systems in the world. At the global level, international law is of great importance, whether created by the practice of sovereign states or by agreement among them in the form of treaties and other accords. Some transnational entities such as the European Union have created their own legal structures. At the national level there are over 180 sovereign states in the United Nations Organization. Many of these are federal or confederal, and their constituent parts may well have their own law. But, despite this great variety, it is important to begin by emphasizing one great division: that into religious and secular legal systems. Each side of this split holds quite different views as to law, in its source, scope, sanctions, and function. The source of religious law is the deity, legislating through the prophets. Secular law is made by human beings, and one of its most famous examples begins with the words 'We, the people'. It follows from this difference in their source that religious laws are perceived to be eternal and immutable, while secular rules can be changed by their makers. Religious law tells people what to believe as well as how to behave, whereas secular law deals with our external actions as they affect others. In a religious legal system disputes are usually adjudicated by an officer of that religion, so the same person is both judge and priest. In a secular system, by contrast,...
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...Sciences de l'Homme Alternative Systems of Health Care Provision Author(s): Timothy Besley, Miguel Gouveia and Jacques Drèze Reviewed work(s): Source: Economic Policy, Vol. 9, No. 19 (Oct., 1994), pp. 199-258 Published by: Wiley on behalf of the Centre for Economic Policy Research, Center for Economic Studies, and the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1344496 . Accessed: 24/12/2012 16:11 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. . Wiley, Centre for Economic Policy Research, Center for Economic Studies, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Economic Policy. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded on Mon, 24 Dec 2012 16:11:43 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Alternative systems of health care provision Timothy Besley and MiguelGouveia and of Princeton University University Pennsylvania 1. I[ntroduction Around the developed world, many health care systems are in crisis. Populations feel...
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...AND SERVICES TAX (GST) IMPLEMENTATION IN MALAYSIA CHAPTER ONE - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Backgroud of Study Malaysian taxation system is generally divided into two, which are direct taxes and indirect taxes. Indirect taxes are controlled by the Royal Malaysian Custom Department (RMCD) and it consists of four components such as excise duties, customs duty, sales tax and service tax. Direct taxes are under the control of the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM). The IRBM is responsible for all policies relating to direct taxes such as income tax of individual and business, petroleum income tax, real property expansions tax, and stamp duty. From the government perception, taxation is a vital economic tool because it can be employed to regulate the economy, to invigorate economic growth through the granting of fiscal incentives as a principal aim of implementing tax policies and to provide funds for development projects (JeyapalanKasipillai, 2005). The contribution of direct taxes and indirect taxes to government revenue in 2009 amounted to RM78.375 billion (49.4%) and RM28.129 billion (1 7.73%), respectively. This shows that taxation contributes more than 60% to the Malaysian government revenue. Recently, the Malaysian government established the implementation of goods and services tax (GST) to replace Sales Tax and Services Tax (SST). The GST plan was first raised in 1988 but at the time it was considered unnecessary because the sales tax and services tax was effectively...
Words: 15209 - Pages: 61
...reports are an excellent source of such quality information, covering a wide variety of product sectors.” The Chartered Institute of Marketing “We have enjoyed a long-standing relationship with Key Note and have always received an excellent service. Key Note reports are well produced and are always in demand by users of the business library. Having subscribed to Market Assessment reports for a number of years, we continue to be impressed by their quality and breadth of coverage.” The British Library “When we are putting together strategic information for presentations to major retailers and Symington’s Board, the combination of Key Note’s market research and company information proves invaluable. It is accurate and easy to use, and provides us with important insight that we cannot get elsewhere.” Symington’s “I regard Key Note as the number one provider of UK market research. The way Key Note content is packaged and presented is appealing and easy to understand and therefore a must for my taught course students. Its products are complemented by remarkably high levels of customer service.” University of Cambridge, Judge Business School © Key Note Ltd 2013 Hotels...
Words: 28392 - Pages: 114
...Dictionary of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality By the same author Britain – Workshop or Service Centre to the World? The British Hotel and Catering Industry The Business of Hotels (with H. Ingram) Europeans on Holiday Higher Education and Research in Tourism in Western Europe Historical Development of Tourism (with A.J. Burkart) Holiday Surveys Examined The Management of Tourism (with A.J. Burkart eds) Managing Tourism (ed.) A Manual of Hotel Reception (with J.R.S. Beavis) Paying Guests Profile of the Hotel and Catering Industry (with D.W. Airey) Tourism and Hospitality in the 21st Century (with A. Lockwood eds) Tourism and Productivity Tourism Council of the South Pacific Corporate Plan Tourism Employment in Wales Tourism: Past, Present and Future (with A.J. Burkart) Trends in Tourism: World Experience and England’s Prospects Trends in World Tourism Understanding Tourism Your Manpower (with J. Denton) Dictionary of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality S. Medlik Third edition OXFORD AMSTERDAM BOSTON LONDON NEW YORK PARIS SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SINGAPORE SYDNEY TOKYO Butterworth-Heinemann An imprint of Elsevier Science Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 200 Wheeler Road, Burlington MA 01803 First published 1993 Reprinted (with amendments) 1994 Second edition 1996 Third edition 2003 Copyright © 1993, 1996, 2003, S. Medlik. All rights reserved The right of S. Medlik to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted...
Words: 133754 - Pages: 536
...ANSWERS TO BEGINNING-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS Most of the questions are illustrated in the BOC spreadsheet model. 27-1 A purely domestic firm does not have to deal with exchange rates, different laws in different countries, transferring funds between subsidiaries in different countries, having to communicate in different languages, and so forth. All of these factors create complications and challenges for multinational firms. In spite of these challenges, there is a strong trend among corporations to “go global.” The primary motivation is profit—many firms can increase their rates of return on investment, and their stock prices, by going global. Some do it primarily to get raw materials; oil companies are an example. Others go global to expand their markets, which helps them cover huge development costs; this is true for producers of movies like Lord of the Rings. Others go global because production costs are lower overseas; this is true for most electronics firms. Still others buy from foreign suppliers; Wal-Mart and Nike are examples. Finally, banks, accounting firms, and other service companies are going global because their customers are doing so, and they must follow their customers or lose them. 27-2 (See the BOC model for data and examples of exchange rates.) From a U.S. perspective, an exchange rate tells us: a. Direct quotation: Number of dollars required to buy one unit of a foreign currency. b. Indirect quotation: Number...
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