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How Has 9/11 Impacted Society

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Was there any other planned attacks on the twin towers? 9/11 was not the first planned attack on the twin towers, a man named Ramzi Yousef attempted to kill 250,00 people by planting a bomb in a van parked in the center underground parking of the twin tower building. although it wounded more than 1,000 it killed only six people. 9/11 impacted society by influencing people's life in a negative manner, destroying important buildings,and Urging Americans to change the security system.
One way 9/11 impacted society in a negative manner by taking many people’s lives. Over 3,000 people were killed altogether in both New York City and Washington D.C, and it has been the second most loss of life in American history. It gave a lot of shock to families of the victims, and people who witnessed this dreadful event and made it out of the tower were scarred for life.
This gave an aftershock to does who witnessed the Event. Some people showed love some showed hate some …show more content…
9/11 didn’t affect the twin towers alone, but the Pentagon, and other buildings surrounding it. A lot of items were lost, like records, works of art, and history documents. 6.5 square measures of buildings were affected while the twin towers were collapsing. There were seven buildings in the Twin tower which contained over 400 hundred companies and agencies. Buildings that were not targeted were distributed alongside the targeted buildings. Like what cost the fire at the pentagon and twin towers was the speed of the plane and the one heading to the pentagon was loaded with 10,000 gallons of fuel and was at full speed. The part of the pentagon was later rebuilt.“Within 30 minute two planes hitting World Trade Center and the five story pentagon”. The pentagon was his hit later on after the twin towers but still had the same effect on people.The speed of rate in which this killed people, and destroyed building is heavy and extremely

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