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How Is Bob Ewell Selfish

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Robert “Bob” Ewell, 41, of Maycomb AL, was found dead lying under a tree after being stabbed to death by Boo Radley, while Boo was defending Jem and Scout, while they were walking home the night of the pageant. Boo Radley was watching over the kids. Boo ended up stabbing Bob Ewell in between the ribs, this resulted in his death. It was agreed that he did fall on his who knife.
Many knew him as an unpleasant, but generally likable charity case who lived shut in on the poorest side of town. Ewell was often described as a very dirty man, as well as a very disrespectful and rude one. He was as rude as he was dirty. Ewell has no ambition to improve his life or the lives of his eight motherless children; instead, he spends his welfare checks on

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