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How Is Odysseus Brutal

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and shot Antonius square in the throat." (XXII.18) Odysseus has been described as "the infernal nuisance."(XXII.172-173). It was not only the suitors that he attacked without mercy, but
Polyphemus as well. When faced against the lumbering giant, Odysseus wanted to kill him at first, before changing his mind and deciding to leave the blinded giant in agony. One may argue that Odyssey deserves to be brutal after the trauma that he has received, but Odysseus shows that when he is overcome with emotions that he does not think clearly. For example, while he was leaving Polyphemus's island, he taunted the cyclops, and allowing for Poseidon to target him.
Leadership, while being one of Odysseus's best traits, is also a great weakness, causing

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