Premium Essay

How Leaders Develop Leaders


Submitted By Drinkomania
Words 9068
Pages 37
“How am I doing as a leader?” asks
Larry Bossidy, CEO of AlliedSignal in a meeting with his operating mangers. “The answer is, how are the people you lead doing? Do they learn? Do they visit customers? Do they manage conflict and initiate change? Are they growing and being promoted? “When you retire, you won’t remember what you did in the first quarter of 1994, or the third. You’ll remember how many people you developed – how many you helped have a better career because of your interest and dedication to their development. When you’re confused about how you’re doing as a leader, find out how the people you lead are doing. You’ll know the answer.” Andy Grove, CEO of Intel: Roger Enrico, CEO of PepsiCo; Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric; and Admiral Ray Smith of the U.S. Special Operations Command agree with Bossidy. All are respected leaders of successful organizations that constantly outthink and outmaneuver their competitors. Though those leaders have been 1


instrumental in their companies’ success, they have also built large pools of talent. They have contributed to their organizations’ success by personally developing leaders at all levels.

Once upon a time
Here’s what you would see if you visited Grove, Enrico, Welch, and Smith leading their businesses. Intel. In Santa Clara, California, Andy Grove is teaching Intel managers how to lead in an industry in which the product (semiconductors) doubles in capacity every 18 months. In Grove’s teaching sessions, he discusses the role of leaders in detecting and navigating turbulent industry shifts – shifts that many companies fail to survive. Why does Grove take the time to do this? Because he believes that having leaders at all levels of Intel who can spot trends and who have the courage to act will enable Intel to prosper while other companies falter. So, Grove is dedicated to imploring and encouraging

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