...Six Reading Myths ©Academic Skills Center, Dartmouth College 2001 MYTH 1: I HAVE TO READ EVERY WORD Many of the words used in writing grammatically correct sentences actually convey no meaning. If, in reading, you exert as much effort in conceptualizing these meaningless words as you do important ones, you limit not only your reading speed but your comprehension as well. MYTH 2: READING ONCE IS ENOUGH Skim once as rapidly as possible to determine the main idea and to identify those parts that need careful reading. Reread more carefully to plug the gaps in your knowledge. Many college students fell that something must be wrong with their brain power if they must read a textbook chapter more than once. To be sure, there are students for whom one exposure to an idea in a basic course is enough, but they either have read extensively or have an excellent background or a high degree of interest in the subject. For most students in most subjects, reading once is not enough. However, this is not to imply that an unthinking Pavlovian-like rereading is necessary to understand and retain materials. Many students automatically regress or reread doggedly with a self-punishing attitude. ("I didn't get a thing out of that paragraph the first time, so if I punish myself by rereading it maybe I will this time.") This is the hardest way to do it. Good reading is selective reading. It involves selecting those sections that are relevant to your purpose in reading...
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...I. 740 is the new 720! While the median FICO score in America is still 720, many lenders have now set the bar 20 points higher (money.msn.com, 2010). A. Fair Isaac, the credit rating agency behind the FICO score says that 13% of Americans have credit scores of 800 or better (money.msn.com, 2010). Ask yourself is your credit score near that lofty mark? B. If not, today I’m going to talk about some steps such as credit reports, how to stabilize your credit profile, the reason why lenders say “no”, and also improvement in your credit scores. (Transition: Now I’m going to talk about credit reports.) II. The top 3 credit bureau are Equifax, Trans-Union, and Experian (bankrate.com, 2008). A. You will need a credit reports from each of them, because creditor doesn’t have to report to all three credit bureaus. (bankrate.com, 2008). B. Look for errors on your credit reports such as information about you is out of date or just plain wrong (bankrate.com, 2008 C. Accounts histories can be inaccurate, and sometimes people make typing mistakes (bankrate.com, 2008). D. If there are some errors you see on your credit report you can use the dispute form to report mistakes or write a letter detailing them (bankrate.com, 2008). (Transition: Now I’m going to talk about how to stabilize your credit profile.) III. Yet over time, credit generally gives more weight to the consistency of credit payment then to disruptive events. So consistency is key. A. Plan to...
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...Activity 1 Assessing One’s Needs in Business English Task: The students will tick the areas provided on the board by the instructor that they see as very significant to advance their grasp or command in business English. _____ Reading skills for business purposes _____ Vocabulary _____ Grammar and syntax _____ Writing skills _____ Graphics and technical aids _____ Practical applications of the language in varied business contexts Correspondence Telecommunications Conferences, business meetings Other public address situations Activity 2 Writing about One’s Purpose for Studying Business English Task: In a brief paragraph (5 – 15 sentences), the students will write about the topic: “Why you see your own need to study Business English.” They will use separate paper for this and will submit to the instructor. Activity 3 Let’s Fill This Out! Task: The students will complete the list of subject areas by writing the keywords on the spaces provided. 1. Reading and __________ (understanding what we read) 2. Vocabulary (building our data of __________ we know and can use correctly) 3. Grammar and __________ (the art and science of fitting the words of a language together so as to enhance both spoken conversation and written correspondence by ensuring that the __________ for that language have been correctly followed). 4. Practical __________ of the language in a variety of __________ situationscorrespondence, reports, telecommunications, public-address situations...
Words: 1754 - Pages: 8
...Scene-by-scene Commentary • This is intended as a teacher resource and should not be given to students. They will absorb and remember much more of what they discover and write down for themselves. • Scene numbers are for easy reference; they may refer to sequences rather than single scenes. They have no official standing and should not be quoted in essays or answers. Chapter division are from the DVD. • Time shifts are indicated thus: F/B-W = wartime memories; F/B-PW = post war memories; H or D = dreams, hallucinations – though they are often mixed up, so it is an indication only • 'Clue': used to point out deliberate illogicalities etc. that may cause unease on first viewing but are really obvious only on subsequent viewings. S/T: 'sub-text' = things said that take on another layer of meaning on second viewing. • 'Teddy' is used for the Marshal persona, 'Andrew' for his real identity as a patient. Similarly Chuck / Dr Sheehan. • Abbreviations used: // = CUT; M = motif; A = allusion; F/S = foreshadowing (signposting); MS = Martin Scorsese narrative commentary 1. screen text: Boston Harbour Islands, 1954 fog; a ferry appears; a man (Chuck) stands at the bow // INT. HEAD - DAY: a man being sick "It's just water. It's a lot of water." SHALLOW FOCUS on manacles and handcuffs, PULL FOCUS as he emerges He joins a solicitous Chuck at the rail. They introduce themselves – he is Teddy Daniels, a "legend" in the US Marshalls. Teddy concedes that he used to...
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...1. Even though the complete survey is not included in the case, summarize how the closed-ended and open-ended questions provided valuable customer insight for FIR. The closed ended responses, when matched with customer demographics, confirmed that FIR customers were generally typical of internet banking customers. Most had high speed internet connections, were men, and were in medium to high socioeconomic categories and many were in technical occupations. In general the open ended questions support three main points, The potential users still have a need for traditional banking services. One of them being mail deposits, another is access to a local ATM. Security is a concern even among sophisticated users. (Respondents 3 and 137) The big concern is the lack of security with the customers receiving phishing-type emails from hackers which can lead to identity theft. There is also a concern to small businesses that they do not have a big enough protection policy when it comes to identity theft/hackers. The existing user base is happy with the convenience and the quality of service. Based on the surveys, the respondents believe FIR is simple and easy to use when viewing and paying bills. 2. What customer segments are targeted by FIR? On what issues should FIR focus in order to build relationships with its varied customer segments? The customer segments that are targeted by FIR are customers who are innovation-minded, busy and technologically advanced...
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...Crime Scene Reconstruction Devry University Kemisha Askew October 20, 2012 The topic I am writing about is Crime Scene Reconstruction. Crime Scene Reconstruction is the use of scientific methods, physical evidence, deductive reasoning and their interrelationships to gain explicit knowledge of the series of events that surround the commission of a crime. Crime Scene Reconstruction looks at the physical evidence and attempts to determine “What Happened? And how did it happen?” The reason why I have selected this topic is because I find it intriguing how physical evidence is broken down, evaluated, and reconstructed to actual tell how a crime occurred and what happened in the process. There are many television shows I watch daily that portray the crime scene investigation process in a certain light this is another reason why I chose this topic. I’d like to find out firsthand what actually goes on in the reconstruction process versus fictional exploitations of it on television. Crime Scene Reconstruction looks at the physical evidence and attempts to determine “What Happened? And how did it happen?” A similar method that is used is Criminal Profiling. Criminal Profiling is the application of psychological theory to the analysis and reconstruction of the forensic evidence that relates to an offender’s crime scenes, victims and behaviours. Crime Scene Reconstruction is the use of scientific methods, physical evidence, deductive reasoning and their interrelationships to...
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...opinion, Anzaldua says "Wild tongues can't be tamed, they can only be cut out" for the purpose of expressing how she was treated. It was either, say it right, or get out, which seems to be a little harsh. Another possible meaning to this quote could be that if you are not afraid to speak up about what you believe in, you could be a very influential and threatening person, therefore the opposing party would take action to silence you. This is ultimately what many influential people fear the most, another person or group speaking out against them and challenging them. It makes me think of Suzanne Collin's Hunger Games trilogy, Katniss starts off as a little insignificant girl and blossoms into a star and the start of a revolution because she is not afraid to speak out and go against the system to pursue what she believes in. My goal in life is to achieve having a tongue that can't be tamed. Making a difference and seeing how many people you can positively affect in the process. That quote definitely makes you think about standing up for what you believe in. Defining some and not all of the Spanish phrases in this essay is an effective strategy to keep the essays spanish base. Anzaldua was limited by the things she could say and she decided to limit some of the parts that English speaking people could understand as a sort of payback. Why not serve up what she got dished out? I may not even be right about this, but this is what it seems like. She wanted to keep her identity while allowing...
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...Literacy? Emergent Literacy is the reading and writing concept, behavior and dispositions that precede and develop into conventional reading and writing. Recently the term “reading readiness” has given way “emergent literacy” by which we mean the many skills children need for reading and writing. From the time they were born and continuing through the preschool years, each child picks up in his or her own way. Listening, speaking, reading and writing are all part of emergent literacy. Literacy really begins when an infant coos or babbles, then hears those sound repeated by a responsive and loving adults. These early conversation, which can make adults feel a little silly, and a gentle introduction to spoken language and will soon change into soon change into the sound and rhythms of language. Adults encourage these beginning steps in to language by singing, saying nursery rhymes, doing finger play and sharing picture books. Reading Readiness vs Emergent Literacy Reading readiness has been defined as a point at which a person is ready to learn to read and the time during which a person transition from begin a non-reader into a reader. Other terms for reading readiness include early literacy while emergent literacy is how young children interact with books when reading and writing, even though they could not read or write in the conventional sense. According to piaget theory of cognitive development the concept of reading readiness refers to the general state of maturity...
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...positive and negative influence of allowing children to use technology by giving different people’s views and surveys taken by experts. However. I believe that young children should be allowed to use technology because of the educational apps, ebooks, Children’s are attracted to technology as toys nowadays and they should be allowed to play and learn with it as mentioned by Rosin in the article “more than 40,000 kids’ games are available on iTunes, plus thousands more on Google Play”. Apps like “Noddle words”, “Letter school” teaches children how to write and spell words. With every generation, childhood has changed and as Maria Montessori’s quote says “The hands are the instruments of man’s intelligence”, small children can also learn new things as we adults learn with the use of technology. My cousin sister, about 4 year old, plays a game on her Ipad “Endless Alphabet” which has over 50 words to learn and play with, and word games teaches children letters. Therefore technology is beneficial to children in education. Technology brings many different ways for children to learn. Television shows made especially for small children are directed in such a way that children can interact with it. While some of us might believe television as a bad influence to children, a magazine “Endangered Minds: Why Children Don’t Think- and What We Can Do About It” by Jane Healy gave a name “zombie effect” which means that the viewers express less mental activity. as Children can learn things from...
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...It was early Saturday morning. I decided to text my friend to see if he wanted to go to breakfast. Seconds later I got a response; he would love to. When we got to Cracker Barrel, there was a gigantic crowd. So, we decided to wait, but the entire time we were waiting, my friend, instead of talking to me, just looked at his phone. I was infuriated. And if it wasn’t bad enough already, when we got to the table, he proceeded to look at his phone almost the entire time. This is becoming a major problem among teens, as well as adults. Just last week, I was at Chey’s and I look over to the table across from me, and both women were staring at their phones and were not saying a word to each other. Is this what we really want the dinner table to look...
Words: 2008 - Pages: 9
...age .Do young adults see this as free money or as a chance to establish good credit that can help them in future investments .If carless spending takes place this can hurt young adults for years to come were many don’t recover for years. What can be done to help young adults from falling down the wrong path and make the correct decision? I once was a young adult with tons of credit card offers. Yes I saw it as free money I was never brought up the importance of credit and many of today young Americans. This argument could be considered as valid when viewed in the context of being a deductive argument. A deductive argument is said to be valid. We know that the credit card habit promotes careless spending because research indicates that credit cards have an unconscious confusing characteristic. The idea is to stay within a budget using a credit card, which , in order to do you have to remember the prices for each item you buy and keep track of how those prices relate to your overall budget. (White, Sept) A mature person is self-directing, so parents who make all their children’s decisions for them usually show the kids of not having responsibility. The pros and cons of owning a credit card can be good and bad .It can either set you up in the future for success and promise or either set you back seven to ten years back on your credit report. Almost two-thirds of young adults today don’t have a credit card, but maybe that’s for the best, given their sweeping lack of know-how about...
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...GEAR Up Waco www.gearupwaco.org The 5-Step Personal Essay Writing Guide: “Future Career” Writing about your future career is an excellent way to show colleges and scholarship organizations how you will use your education. College is not your final destination, but a springboard that will help you reach larger goals in life. Colleges and scholarship organizations do not expect you to be 100% certain about your future job. Don’t be afraid to aim high and write about your dream job. STEP 1: Brainstorm Your Future Career You don’t need to be absolutely certain about your career choice. You’re going to write about your dream job and there’s no limit to what this could be. Answer these questions to help you decide what to put in your essay: 1. What is your dream job? _______________________________________________________ 2. What attracts you to this job? ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. How did you first get interested in this type of work? Did someone in this career inspire you? How? ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What do you hope to accomplish in this career? _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ...
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...My case study is on a patient by the name of LaToya. LaToya is a fifty-one year-old black female. She was admitted to the medical-surgical department where I work, with a diagnosis of exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. She has a 66 pack-year history, meaning she smoked the equivalent of 365 packs of cigarettes for 66 years, and occasional drug and alcohol use. LaToya is divorced and lives alone in an older apartment building. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a lung disease that limits your airflow. COPD may include chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or both. Chronic bronchitis is the production of increased mucus caused by inflammation. Bronchitis is considered chronic if you cough and produce excess mucus most days for three months in a year, two years in a row. Emphysema is a disease that damages the air sacs and/or the smallest breathing tubes in the lungs. COPD is a progressive disease that makes it hard to breathe and the symptoms will get worse over time. Most cases of COPD occur as a result of long-term exposure to lung irritants that damage the lungs and the airways. Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of COPD. Most people who have COPD smoke or used to smoke. One of the greatest challenges for LaToya is to stop smoking. According to the Center for Disease Control (2012), the most important step a smoker can take after getting a COPD diagnosis is to quit. Not only will it make breathing easier, but it will cut down on the risk of severe...
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...referring to the number of people in the world or how far some galaxy cluster is away from Earth. It is the amount of money spent during the 2012 Presidential Campaign. Politicians consistently use unprecedented amounts of money during campaigns to ensure victory. According to the Gale Encyclopedia of American Law, “Election campaigns for public office are expensive. Candidates need funding for support staff, advertising, traveling, and public appearances. Unless they are independently wealthy, most must finance their campaigns with contributions from individuals and from businesses and other organizations.” The issue that arises is the matter of how this money is collected. Incumbent politicians have the biggest advantage in regards to campaign financing because of the connections they have already made. Super PAC’s, interest groups, corporations, and private individuals are the biggest contributors in campaign donations. Some people see these contributions and unlimited funds as unconstitutional and call for major reform in campaign finance laws. Campaign Financing Private campaign donors can provide unlimited amounts of funding; therefore, politicians often use these private donors in order to finance their massive campaigns. The most recent attempt at reform in the 2010 Supreme Court case of Citizen’s United vs. FEC instead served to worsen the problem. In “Non Profit Groups and Partisan Politics,” Christina Lyons explains how, (Q) “that ruling permitted unlimited spending...
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..."To be governed is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so.” said Proudhon - one of the most famous French anarchists. Proudhon manages to catch my attention with this quote since it can be easily applied to modern day world. Although many countries are known to spy on their citizens for the purpose of “security”, one of the most famous incidents happened just a couple of years back with the entire world finding out through Edward Snowden that the United States government was spying upon its people. Although I do agree with the...
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