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Submitted By hharve01
Words 718
Pages 3
Hayden Harvey
MWF 9:00 AM
Mrs. Edwards In my opinion, Anzaldua says "Wild tongues can't be tamed, they can only be cut out" for the purpose of expressing how she was treated. It was either, say it right, or get out, which seems to be a little harsh. Another possible meaning to this quote could be that if you are not afraid to speak up about what you believe in, you could be a very influential and threatening person, therefore the opposing party would take action to silence you. This is ultimately what many influential people fear the most, another person or group speaking out against them and challenging them. It makes me think of Suzanne Collin's Hunger Games trilogy, Katniss starts off as a little insignificant girl and blossoms into a star and the start of a revolution because she is not afraid to speak out and go against the system to pursue what she believes in. My goal in life is to achieve having a tongue that can't be tamed. Making a difference and seeing how many people you can positively affect in the process. That quote definitely makes you think about standing up for what you believe in. Defining some and not all of the Spanish phrases in this essay is an effective strategy to keep the essays spanish base. Anzaldua was limited by the things she could say and she decided to limit some of the parts that English speaking people could understand as a sort of payback. Why not serve up what she got dished out? I may not even be right about this, but this is what it seems like. She wanted to keep her identity while allowing most of the English speaking people to be able to read and understand this, but she also issued a challenge with this, to make those people research what she wrote and actually study the Spanish language. To me, this strategy seems to be pointed at people who don't know the language and have no clue the struggle that Spanish speaking

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