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How Psychopaths Changed My Life

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For years now I been cooking my own breakfasts, lunches , and diners. Don't get me wrong I love my mother's cooking but I can make average dishes. For the last two years I also help with my family's finances and even found appropriate budget.I also prepare for the worst so I'm never caught off guard. I have three main reasons why I think Im independent. And I believe that I'm independent to a certain extent until I get a job.
In my life I have rarely changed mentally. As my body changed my mind set has always been the same: Listen to your gut and do what you said you'll do. Even when I learned new words I still talked the same way. Also no matter how much I was punished I still fought if someone was being a jerk. I haven't changed yet and I …show more content…
I don't know. But I know who I try to be a lazy, cheap, but kind man. I try to be hard working but it never really sticks. its been proven I'm a psychopath with a score of 95/100. But I don't care because I saw a video on how psychopaths can be heroes. People like me can make the hard choice and not feel bad because of it-but we still have emotions- so we can make it do things normies can't handle. I take it as an advantage. I guess I'm a man who make lemonade out of the sour lemons life throws at him. A man who is proud of nothing and everything. And a man who does what is right.
A lot of words have been used to described me mainly bad ones but some good ones. These ones were repeated the most: smart, annoying, evil, psychopath, nice, weird and fake. And I know that all of these are true and I own up to it when I act like that. But words I use to describe me are a little different: dumb, annoying, neutral, mean, weird, psychopath, and proud. All of these are true and I'm proud of …show more content…
I love my friends, my family, and the Stars and Stripes. I love the feeling I get when I wake up even thought it feels awful. I love the fact that people will fight for strangers just so they can be safe at night. And most of all I love my chicken fried.
Even with all the thing I love my strongest feelings has always been anger and fear. I'm so used to it I'm no longer affected by horror films or rude people but still feel the affects from them.
Not being able to control myself is one of my biggest fears because its easy to hurt someone without feeling bad.I'm not scared of clowns, sharks, guns, or even knives. But I'm afraid of commitment since every girl I ever liked either humiliated or cheated on me. I tell people I cheated on them so they can keep there reputations even if people don't know who they are. Another fear is that people find out about this. Also I'm afraid of E.T. because he is an alien that can heal, use the force, and can easily invade us because they can control children psychopathicly. But I wasn't afraid until I discover the E.T. ride at Disney is about how E.T. needs to find new a planet because his is dying. But he is pretty

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