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How Therapists Deal with Painful Memories of Post – Traumatic Stress Disorder Victims


Submitted By Theta526
Words 6125
Pages 25
How Therapists Deal with Painful Memories of Post – Traumatic Stress Disorder Victims


How Therapists Deal with Painful Memories of Post – Traumatic Stress Disorder Victims On March 3, 2006, Sergeant Blaire Smith was discharged from the Navy after spending eighteen months in Iraq. While Sergeant Smith was serving time in his deployed location, he was captured and a near death experienced occurred when he was threatened with beheading by his captors. Years later he began seeing flying horses and reported hearing voices from the television that were in a foreign dialogue. It was recommended he see a psychiatrist when family members realized that the foreign dialogue he heard came from the television when it was not turned on. The symptoms that Blaire had were similar to what many other veterans of wars experienced. The doctors treating Sgt. Blaire Smith were familiar with the different types of symptoms he was experiencing and they immediately diagnosed him with Post – Traumatic Stress Disorder (also known as PTSD). PTSD is a common anxiety disorder that develops after exposure to a terrifying event in which a deadly physical harm occurred (Pastorino & Doyle- Portillo, 2010, P. 585).
History of PTSD
After many years of dealing with the various symptoms of Post – Traumatic Stress Disorder clinicians and psychologist have worked together to develop treatments that help reduced the symptoms of PTSD. These symptoms include depression, anxiety, re-current nightmares, and hopelessness. Though it took years for medical doctors to recognized PTSD, surviving veterans have been rewarded with intensify treatment that is master towards their individual needs. Many of the veterans who displayed PTSD from flashbacks had exhibit depression where first given psychological therapy to help them face the trauma that they had experienced during combat. Many

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