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How To Compare And Contrast Identified Similarities As Well As Differences In Expected Assessment

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Address the following based on the above assessment findings. Expected answers will be 1-2 paragraphs in length. Cite and reference outside sources used.

1) Compare and contrast identified similarities as well as differences in expected assessment across the childhood age groups.

All children are shaped by guidance and education of their parental figures from toddler stage through school age. The guidance and education a child receives in its younger years will be building blocks to add onto throughout their life. A parent’s goal is to help your child feel competent and have confidence in their selves. Parents help develop a sense of passion and purpose in their child (Capetta, 2015). Without the basic building blocks or basic steps to promote a healthy, confident child, that child may not be able to cope with situations that arise as they grow. …show more content…
The children are learning emotions and how to cope with change. These years can be vary trying on the parental figures with children trying to figure out the limits in which a behavior will be tolerated. Also children learn about negative and positive feedback for others around them. At school-age a child should have a strong knowledge of family life. They will look outside the family to find peers for socialization. A lot of the values and beliefs are taught and learned from toddler to pre-school years which will follow them through life. At school-age even though they have a good understanding about their body. They will start going through puberty that brings more questions and emotions about themselves. These building blocks of education, support, encouragement, and advice are important bases to build and transition throughout their

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