...“It’s a terrible place to be in, it’s not habitable, but people live there because they have no choice,” says Iheanyi Ohiaeri, a citizen of Nigeria (Tunnicliffe 20-22). People like Iheanyi live in devastating conditions, day and night. The fact that most inhabitants don’t even get electricity for light during the night while citizens of one of the most oil rich places in the world, should blow your mind. Nigerians don’t have access to the plentiful oil surrounding them and the horrible conditions they live in because of such drillings is killing them. Their environment, economy, and daily conditions all reveal the suffering citizens endure as a result of oil. “Produced” water which comes from a well, is brought up along with oil and gas containing toxins such as: benzene, arsenic, lead, toluene, and varying amounts of radioactive pollutants (Haerens 27-32)....
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...OIL AND GAS LABOUR UNIONS IN NIGERIA: NUPENG AND PENGASSAN INTRODUCTION The Federal Republic of Nigeria is a country located in the Western Part of Africa. It was a former British colony and achieved independence in 1960. It is a federal republic constituting of 36 states and 1 federal territory. It has a current population of 155,215,573. It is the most populated country in Africa and the 8th most populated country in the world. The current President of Nigeria is GoodLuck Jonathan. Its capital city is Abuja. Nigeria is the 12th largest producer of petroleum in the world and the 8th largest exporter of petroleum. It also has the 10th largest proven oil reserves in the world. In 1971, Nigeria joined the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Petroleum is a very important aspect of the Nigerian Economy. Petroleum accounts for 40% of Gross Domestic Product and 80% of Government earnings. The main oil producing region is the Niger Delta which consists of three states - Bayelsa, Delta, and Rivers States. However, various problems have afflicted the country preventing it from exporting petroleum at 100% capacity and leading to frequent disruptions. These problems include environmental pollution, human rights violations, poor working conditions and lack of proper investments in the area that would improve the standard of living for the local communities. There are currently two major labour unions in Nigeria that deal with the issues of oil and gas workers: ...
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...5923/j.economics.20120203.06 Linear Function Application: Enlightment to the Impact of Fuel Subsidy Removal in Nigeria Abang I. S.*, Elufisan T.O., Okwubunne A. C. National Centre for Technology Management, an Agency of the Federal Ministry of Science & Technology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria Abstract This paper adopts a linear function approach to analyse the effect of fuel subsidy removal on the value of Nigerian Naira and local production in the country. Data for about eight different periods where fuel hike occurred in Nigeria was used, and a mathematical model with the aid of a graph, was also developed to aid estimated calculation of Naira’s value. We also deduced from this study that increase in fuel pump price has an adverse effect on the standard of living of the people, since fuel is essential for the transportation of major Nigerian commodities, such as Agricultural produce and other market product. The significant impact of the upsurge of petroleum pump price on the price of goods transport initiates this study; with the aim of checking its effect on the purchase value of naira. Though this study is totally neutral about the subsidy removal, its just to enlighten us on the topic and let viewers decide. Keywords GDP, Subsidy, Data, Scarcity calls for a quick intervention. In a bid to averting the continual occurrence of this problem, Nigeria government have decided to intervene by deregulating the petroleum sector in the form of subsidy removal. The...
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...ABSTRACT This research work was designed to find out the effect of poverty on the academic performance of students in some selected secondary schools in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. This research work consist of five chapter. Chapter one was on the background of the study. However, the significance of the study was highlighted in addition to the problem encountered by the researcher in the course of investigation. Chapter two was on the review of related literature while chapter three was on methodology, area considered under this section are population, sampling, validation and reliability of questionnaire, administration of questionnaire and method of data analysis. Chapter four was devoted to data analysis, where the researcher adopted the frequency method and percentage to analyze the data collected by means of questionnaire on the final note was chapter five which was devoted to the summary and conclusion and recommendations. TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE Introduction Background of the study Statement of the problem Purpose of the study Significance of the study Research questions Limitation of the study Definition of terms CHAPTER TWO Literature review CHAPTER THREE Research methodology Research design Area of study Population Sample and sampling procedure Instrument for data collection Method of data collection Method of data analysis CHAPTER FOUR Analysis of data CHAPTER FIVE Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation REFERENCES...
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...The Role of Non-governmental organisation towards poverty reduction in Nigeria An assessment of the Lift Above Poverty Organisation (LAPO) Chapter 1 1.0 Introduction Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are powerful agents of change and development (Ukpong, 1993 p 52). While there are no clear definitions of NGOs, the commonly held view is that they are non-governmental, non-profit making and self-governing with a purpose to ameliorate the plight of people in dire needs of life sustaining facilities in the society. NGOs are private organisations characterized primarily by humanitarian or corporative rather than commercial objectives that pursue activities to relieve the suffering of the poor; they promote the interest of the poor in developing countries (Werker & Ahmed, 2007 p3). In other word, NGOs have emerged for the purpose of providing social services or giving assistance to the marginalized, deprived and disadvantageous people in society that could hardly provide for themselves (Inhabekhai, 2002 p 150). NGOs on a global level engage in the provision of education, wealth, social welfare and other support to a large number of people. They have helped in the assistance millions of people in abject poverty and in dire condition. One of such grand projects embark upon by a conglomerate of popular NGOs in the world is the millennium development goals. The aim of the millennium development goals includes halving extreme poverty to stopping the spread of HIV/AIDs...
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...International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 5, No. 2; February 2015 Assessment of National Poverty Reduction Programmes in Nigeria: A Study of National Poverty Eradication Programme (Napep) Ebonyi State Onwe, Sunday Onwe (Ph.D, Fcai) Nwakamma Michael Chibuzor Department of Public Administration Ebonyi State University Abakaliki Nigeria Abstract The paper sought to assess the National Poverty Reduction Programmes in Nigeria with specific focus on NAPEP Ebonyi State. The study became imperative based on the debilitating effects of poverty which often manifests in loss of hope, aspirations, malnutrition and sometimes sudden death. The startling 69% national poverty level and 73.6% rate in Ebonyi state is a clear indication that poverty is still very high in Nigeria. The study therefore evaluated NAPEP’s performance in the area of human capital development, infrastructure facilities, access to safe drinking water, sanitation and access to basic education which are some of the parameters for measuring poverty level. A descriptive survey design was adopted with a sample population of 400 which spread across the six local governments studied. The major instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire, which was distributed to the respondents and a total number of 380 questionnaire were duly filled and returned representing 95% of the sample population. The data collected was analyzed with statistical tables, percentage calculations...
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...CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY For decades now, Nigeria has been experiencing disappointing performance in terms of growth in gross domestic product (GDP) and the general development of her economy. As a result, there’s no improvement in the level of poverty. In the 90s, came the era of globalization which connotes external opening and increased role of markets domestically (i.e. the market economy). To the developing world, market economy is a modern way of turning the economy around. The essence of globalization is to move the economy towards external liberation, focusing on market oriented economic system, export-led strategy and stabilization of the economy. In Nigeria, it was the era of structural adjustment programme in collaboration with the IMF and World Bank. The governments in the developing world, believes that it is more desirable to globalize which simply means to open up the economy and penetrate international markets. In time past, the world economy has undergone a fundamental shift towards an integrated and coordinated global division of labour in production and trade. In the 1950s and 1960s, productions were within national boundaries. The increase of oil prices in the late 1970s and the contractionary monetary policies of the United States during 1979 and 1982 period led to the increased interest rates and consequently indebted developing countries found they unable to service their debts. Continual refinancing was the only...
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...ENERGY POLICY AND CONSERVATION IN NIGERIA: IMPLICATIONS FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT BY O.ADEGBUYI AND O.O. FASORANTI (PhD) ABSTRACT To impact visible advances in rural communities in Nigeria for achieving meaningful economic goals, the effective policy of energy usage as a vessel for the acquisition and utilization of required technologies to develop and recover the present depreciating national economy associated with poor food production must be focussed strategically. The socio-economic growth of any developing nation is generally a function of the level of maintenance of her energy demand supply balance and sustainable food production. Nigeria may attain the potential status of an industrialised nation by the year 2010 if all available manpower and other natural resources are well utilized before then to effectively harness her potentials of cheaper alternative energy technologies for long term economic and rural developmental goals. This paper presents the nation’s requirement of a well- articulated energy policy and urgent implementation strategies emphasizing on appropriate energy conservation concepts to promote optimal utilization of existing energy resources in her rural areas. It is therefore suggested that the development of available alternative energy resources be encouraged for integrated rural growth, sufficient food production and small scale industrialization thereby alleviating poverty in the rural communities of the...
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...ABSTRACT Nigeria is an oil rich country, as a matter of fact the sixth largest oil producer world over, the 26th largest economy in the world and Africa’s largest economy. Paradoxically, this same resource-rich nation ranks among the five “extremely poor” nations of the world, ranking 153rd with a Human Capital Development Index of 0.471 according to UNDP in 2013. Of course this does not portend economic development. What is however, not surprising is Transparency Internationals’ Corruption Perception Index which ranks Nigeria as one of the most corrupt countries in the world, coming 144th out of 177 surveyed countries. This paper therefore seeks to examine the accountability of public officers in Nigeria and their effects and bearing on the economic development of the nation. It also looks at the factors militating against public sector accountability and the ways of achieving accountability in the public sector. The study uses historical data and a descriptive approach of study; it was found that Public sector accountability is essential to economic development in Nigeria. And the nation seems to exist at two extremes, abundant resources at one extreme, and poverty at the other extreme due to lack of accountability in public sector. Amongst others, it is recommended that the legislature should champion the accountability process, the Nigerian society should be re-orientated on value process, and whistle blowers should be protected to achieve accountability and economic development...
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...American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 2 No. 1; January 2012 ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAINING AND EDUCATION AS STRATEGIC TOOLS FOR POVERTY ALLEVIATION IN NIGERIA Dr. O. J. K. Ogundele Department of Business Administration & Management Technology Lagos State University, Ojo; Lagos Nigeria. Waidi Adeniyi Akingbade Department of Business Administration & Management Technology Lagos State University Ojo; Lagos, Nigeria. Hammed Babatunde Akinlabi Associate Lecturer Lagos State University External System Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria. Abstract The main objective of the study is to investigate the intensity of entrepreneurship training and education as strategic tools for poverty alleviation in Nigeria. Using a stratified random sampling technique, 250 entrepreneurs and apprenticeships from five recognized local government areas in Lagos state, South Western Nigeria were selected as our respondents. Data were gathered through a self-monitored questionnaire survey. Simple regression analysis was used to test the relationship between the entrepreneurship training and education and poverty alleviation. Two hypotheses were postulated to determine the relationship between technical skill and youth empowerment and between personal entrepreneurial skill and social welfare services. This study confirmed that entrepreneurship training and education are significantly related to the youth empowerment and social welfare services. Findings revealed that youth empowerment are influenced by...
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...employment promotes social healing and improves social welfare. This essay focuses on how we can create and expand employment opportunities in Nigeria in order to solve Nigeria’s security challenges. This essay starts by giving an overview of the Nigerian employment landscape since Independence, it then adapts Joachim Von Braun’s Employment generation chain to schematically explain the economic impact of employment creation, and finally it proffers solution on how Nigeria can create jobs for its population in order to live in a safer Nigeria. The Nigerian Employment Landscape Employment generation is a primary economic development goal of every industrializing nation. More jobs generally mean more economic activities, more tax revenues for the government, and less idle time. Job growth permits the expansion and improvement of public goods and services, leading to an improved quality of life and enhanced prospects for future employment growth. In addition, a vibrant job market provides an incentive for citizens to continue their education since the rewards for such are evident in better employment opportunities. While an expanding job market encourages workers to upgrade their skills in order to qualify for available higher wage jobs, sustained job growth stimulates improvements in the education and skills of the labour force, making the nation a more attractive location for businesses in the future. The present employment situation in Nigeria has its roots in the country’s economic...
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...PRODUCTIVITY IN THE NIGERIAN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY BY C. M. ANYANWU ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, RESEARCH DEPARTMENT, CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA. INTRODUCTION Prolonged economic recession occasioned by the collapse of the world oil market from the early 1980 and the attendant sharp fall in foreign exchange earnings have adversely affected economic growth and development in Nigeria. Other problems of the economy include excessive dependence on imports for both consumption and capital goods, dysfunctional social and economic infrastructure, unprecedented fall in capacity utilization rate in industry and neglect of the agricultural sector, among others. These have resulted in fallen incomes and devalued standards of living amongst Nigerians. Although the structural adjustment programme (SAP) was introduced in 1986 to address these problems, no notable improvement has taken place. From a middle income nation in the 1970s and early 1980s, Nigeria is today among the 30 poorest nations in the world. Puttingthecountrybackonthepathofrecoveryandgrowthwillrequireurgently rebuilding deteriorated infrastructure and making more goods and services available to the citizenry at affordable prices. This would imply a quantum leap in output of goods and services. The path to economic recovery and growth may require increasing production inputs - land, labour, capital and technology - and or increasing their productivity. Increasing productivity should be the focus because many other countries that have...
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...NIGERIA MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS REPORT 2010 © 2010, Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Acronyms and abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 MDGs status at a glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Goal 1 – Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Goal 2 – Achieve universal primary education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Goal 3 – Promote gender equality and empower women . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Goal 4 – Reduce child mortality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Goal 5 – Improve maternal health . . . . . . . . . . ....
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...INTEGRATING THE CONCEPT OF SELF RELIANCE IN LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE EDUCATION IN NIGERIA: ISSUES AND PROSPECTS Isibor Andrew, BLS Kashim Ibrahim Library, A. B. U., Zaria. GSM: 08032785145 Email: isibor_andy@yahoo.com Umar Ibrahim, BLS, MLS, PhD Department of Library & Information Science A. B. U., Zaria. GSM: 08037022011 Email: umarahim2003@yahoo.com Abstract This paper examines the preponderance of unemployment and the dynamic role Library and Information Science educators and accrediting bodies are expected to play in ensuring that Library and Information Science graduates are well informed and adequately prepared for career opportunities. There are numerous career opportunities for Library and Information Science professionals in the information industry as long as they come up with strategies to reach out to members of the communities. Young graduates are increasingly shouldering the adverse consequences of the lack of economic reforms and the growing inability of the state to create jobs. By initiating, mobilizing and galvanizing their own resources in the quest for improving their standard of living, graduates can avoid the precarious dependence on government for white-collar jobs. The paper highlights how integrating the concept of self reliance into Library and Information Science education can enhance the career opportunities of Library and Information Science graduates. The paper recommends the creation of the Young Entrepreneur Association to...
Words: 4012 - Pages: 17
...2011 Ethical Compliance by the Accountant on the Quality of Financial Reporting and Performance of Quoted Companies in Nigeria 1 G.N. Ogbonna and 2Appah Ebimobowei Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Port-Harcourt, Port-Harcourt, Nigeria 2 Department of Accounting, Bayelsa State College of Education, Okpoama, Brass Island, P.M.B. 74 Yenagoa, Nigeria 1 Abstract: The study investigates the ethical compliance by the accountant on the quality of financial reporting and performance of quoted companies in Nigeria. Five hypotheses guided the study. The sample for the study which was twenty companies from five sectors quoted in the Nigerian Stock Exchange. They were systematically and purposively selected from the number of quoted companies in the exchange. A five point scale questionnaire was used with items on ethical issues on organizational financial reporting and performance. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistical tools and Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient. Findings suggest that the compliance by the accountant positively and significantly affect the quality of financial reports and performance of organizations. The conclusion drawn from the findings is that the compliance by the accountant on professional ethics of integrity, objectivity, honesty, compliance and accountability will improve the quality of financial reports and the performance of organizations. Based on the findings, some recommendations were made...
Words: 6312 - Pages: 26