...research & development are required, the production of these fake goods offers strong financial incentives to counterfeiters. As modern technologies are available globally, the production of counterfeits has become less expensive and rather easy to set up. Unfortunately, revenues gained from counterfeiting are at the expense of legitimate marketers. The damage to their brand reputation and profits is tremendous. For consumers, purchasing of counterfeit products offers advantages as well. The fake or counterfeit products are usually of low physical, performance and financial risk, but carry the high image and prestige connected to a well-known brand name such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Rolex or Chanel. By buying the fake product instead of the original, the consumer takes advantage of the benefits sought-after from branded products, such as prestige, image or design, without paying for them. The demand for counterfeit products may be considered an aspect of aberrant consumer behavior, however, only under the condition that the consumer willfully engages in this misbehavior. This aspect appears important, as the literature distinguishes two types of counterfeiting, namely deceptive and non-deceptive counterfeiting. In deceptive counterfeiting, consumers do not realize that they are buying a counterfeit product. They rather believe to be buying the original product. Given that consumers are unaware of buying fake...
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...HISTORY The forerunner of Omega was founded at La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland in 1848 by 23-year-old Louis Brandt, who assembled key-wound precision pocket watches from parts supplied by local craftsmen. He sold his watches from Italy to Scandinavia by way of England, his chief market. After Louis Brandt's death in 1879, his two sons Louis-Paul and César, troubled by irregular deliveries of questionable quality, abandoned the unsatisfactory assembly workshop system in favour of in-house manufacturing and total production control. Relocation Due to the greater supply of manpower, communications and energy in Biel/Bienne, the enterprise moved into a small factory in January 1880, then bought the entire building in December. Two years later the company moved into a converted spinning-factory in the Gurzelen area of Biel/Bienne, where its headquarters are still situated today. Their first series-produced calibres, Labrador and Gurzelen, as well as the famous Omega calibre of 1894, would ensure the brand's marketing success. Merger Louis-Paul and César Brandt both died in 1903, leaving one of Switzerland's largest watch companies — with 240,000 watches produced annually and employing 800 people — in the hands of four young people, the oldest of whom, Paul-Emile Brandt, was not yet 24. Brandt was the great architect and builder of Omega.[5] His influence would be felt over the next half-century. The economic difficulties brought on by the First World War would lead him to work...
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...Swatch Group 1 Professor: Rolf Butz 10/28/2008 International Business BADM 455 Section 2 Swatch Group 2 Table of Contents Executive Summary .............................................................................................................. 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 5 History ................................................................................................................................. 5 Industry Analysis .................................................................................................................. 7 Company & SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................ 11 Current Situation &Global Market ..................................................................................... 17 Competitor Analysis ........................................................................................................... 23 Recommendation............................................................................................................... 26 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 29 Methodology ...
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...DOCKERS: CREATING A SUB-BRAND INTRODUCTION In the spring of 1985, Levi Strauss & Co. (LS&Co.) was flush with its success in the blue jeans market. The company’s star campaign, called “501 Blues,” had recently brought new vitality to the company after several failed expansions into other apparel market segments in the earlier part of the decade. Confident in the wake of 501’s success, the company was contemplating its next steps when research revealed a decline in jeans purchases by LS&Co.’s core customer base of baby boomers. In short, the company’s “bread and butter” customer for the last 30 years - the American male teenager - was now 25-40 and was moving out of the jeans market at an alarming rate. To retain these customers even as their jeans purchases slowed or stopped, the company introduced Levi’s Dockers casual pants. Dockers, as the name was later shortened to, was one of the most successful new product introductions of the 1980s in the clothing industry. Consumers responded to the product design, which utilized the comfort and casual feel of cotton, and likeable advertising by purchasing enough Dockers to make a billion-dollar brand by 1993. Over the course of the 1990s, LS&Co. enjoyed phenomenal success from its Dockers sub-brand. The Dockers brand achieved record sales growth in 1998 and Fortune magazine estimated in 1999 that 75 percent of American men owned a pair of Dockers and that the average customer owned 3.8 pairs. That year, the total...
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...Brand Management Case No. 4 DOCKERS: CREATING A SUB-BRAND INTRODUCTION In the spring of 1985, Levi Strauss & Co. (LS&Co.) was flush with its success in the blue jeans market. The company’s star campaign, called “501 Blues,” had recently brought new vitality to the company after several failed expansions into other apparel market segments in the earlier part of the decade. Confident in the wake of 501’s success, the company was contemplating its next steps when research revealed a decline in jeans purchases by LS&Co.’s core customer base of baby boomers. In short, the company’s “bread and butter” customer for the last 30 years - the American male teenager - was now 25-40 and was moving out of the jeans market at an alarming rate. To retain these customers even as their jeans purchases slowed or stopped, the company introduced Levi’s Dockers casual pants. Dockers, as the name was later shortened to, was one of the most successful new product introductions of the 1980s in the clothing industry. Consumers responded to the product design, which utilized the comfort and casual feel of cotton, and likeable advertising by purchasing enough Dockers to make a billion-dollar brand by 1993. Over the course of the 1990s, LS&Co. enjoyed phenomenal success from its Dockers sub-brand. The Dockers brand achieved record sales growth in 1998 and Fortune magazine estimated in 1999 that 75 percent of American men owned a pair of Dockers and that the average customer owned...
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...keep up, we can probably get around in just 80 seconds! ...Not! In any case, we'll make sure you learn about the nitty-gritty of each major economy and what makes its engine go. For each country that we will be touring, we'll start off with a quick peek at the important facts and figures, followed by an overview of its economy. Once that's out of the way, we'll visit the country's central bank to find out some of their secrets. In this section, we will explore the powerful monetary policy tools central banks employ to control the country's economy. Hopefully, we'll stumble into the room where they keep their printing plates and we can sneak out the back door and sell it on the black market. We're kidding - we're here to teach you how to trade forex the legal way. After that, we'll discuss the important characteristics that differentiate that country's local currency from all the rest, as well as hard-hitting economic indicators for that country. To keep the trip interesting, we'll be dishing some trivia every now and trading tactics that will prove useful later on when you go off on your pip-catching adventure! And as we promised, this very exclusive field trip is covered by your scholarship. No need for travel visas and no need to buy a travel fanny. Although if you're paranoid like Huck, then go right ahead. Pack light, cause all you'll need is your hunger for more learning. If you need a change of clothes, don't worry, you can borrow one of Cyclopip's robes. ...
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...What Every Body is Saying An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People Joe Navarro FBI Special Agent (Ret.) with Marvin Karlins, Ph.D. To my grandmother, Adelina, whose withered hands lovingly molded a child into a man. —JOE NAVARRO To my wife, Edyth, who has blessed me with her love and taught me what it means to be a caring human being. —MARVIN KARLINS Contents Foreword: I See What Y ou’re Thinking Acknowledgments One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Mastering the Secrets of Nonverbal Communication Living Our Limbic Legacy Getting a Leg Up on Body Language: Nonverbals of the Feet and Legs Torso Tips: Nonverbals of the Torso, Hips, Chest, and Shoulders Knowledge Within Reach: Nonverbals of the Arms Getting a Grip: Nonverbals of the Hands and Fingers The Mind’s Canvas: Nonverbals of the Face Detecting Deception: Proceed with Caution! Some Final Thoughts Bibliography Searchable Terms About the Authors Other Books by Joe Navarro with Marvin Karlins Credits Copyright About the Publisher FOREWORD I See What Y ou’re Thinking Marvin Karlins, Ph.D. The man sat stoically at one end of the table, carefully crafting his replies to the FBI agent’s inquiries. He wasn’t considered a major suspect in the murder case. His alibi was believable and he sounded sincere, but the agent pressed on nevertheless. With the suspect’s consent, he was asked a series of questions about the murder weapon: “If you had committed this...
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...GM614 Global Advertising Professor Christin Walth Jenessa Carder, Chia-Ying Chen, Fango Lin, Yi-Hsuan Su, Ya-Ling (Claire) Wang, Winette Yee May 5, 2010 Swatch: The Global Watch The IMC Plan in Brazil, Japan, and Switzerland 1 Statement of Purpose Swatch (‗Swiss‘ + ‗watch‘) watches, created under the management of Nicolas Hayek, are fashion statements and pop-culture icons. They feature witty, outlandish designs that use intense colors and are youthful, provocative, stylish, and unpredictable. The mission of the IMC campaign is to tie the brand image with creative art in order to tell the brand story, strengthen Swatch‘s brand identity among the target audience (young students or professionals, aged 18-25) globally, and consistently incorporate different and relevant mediums (print ad, website, MTV – user-generated content, and online communities) to reach the target audience. The multi-country marketing analysis of The Swatch Group will aid in developing the IMC strategy and campaign for Swatch‘s CreArt (‗creativity‘ + ‗art‘) Collection in the following three countries: Brazil, Japan and Switzerland. When reading this, please be aware that Swatch did not impose an integrated marketing campaign in Brazil; rather, they only held one event and communicated to customers through Twitter. Therefore, the Brazil section is composed mostly of what The Swatch Group should do in order to meet their objectives. Furthermore, the cultural dimensions and components that will affect...
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...ALSO BY NEIL STRAUSS The Long Hard Road Out of Hell WITH MARILYN MANSON The Dirt WITH MOTLEY CRUE How to Make Love Like a Porn Star WITH JENNA JAMESON Don't Try This at Home WITH DAVE NAVARRO THE GAME PENETRATING THE SECRET SOCIETY OF PICKUP ARTISTS Neil Strauss Regan Books An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers Cover silhouettes are from the following fonts :Darrian's Sexy Silhouettes by © Darrian (http://westwood.fortunecity.com/cerruti/445/), Subeve by © Sub Communications (http://www.subtitude.com),NorpIcons 1 and Norp Icons 2 by © DJ Monkeyboy (http://www.djmonkeyboy.com). "The Randall Knife": Words and Music by Guy Clark © 1983 EMI APRIL MUSIC INC. and GSC MUSIC. All Rights Controlled and Administered by EMI APRIL MUSIC INC. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Used by Permission. In order to protect the identity of some women and members of the community, the names and identifying characteristics of a small number of incidental characters in this book have been changed, and three minor characters are composites. THE GAME COPYRIGHT © 200 5 BY N E I L STRAUSS. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022. HarperCollins...
Words: 151995 - Pages: 608
................................. 9 Energizer: Human Treasure Hunt............................................................................... 10 Energizer: Secret Hat Trick ........................................................................................ 11 Energizer: Accentuate the Positive............................................................................. 11 Energizer: Name Game.............................................................................................. 11 Energizer: Heart to Heart ........................................................................................... 11 Energizer: Guess my Body Language ........................................................................ 11 Energizer: How to Say Hello in Different Languages ................................................. 12 Energizer: Good Morning Game ................................................................................ 12 Service Value # 2 – Maintain A Professional Image ................................................. 14 Energizer: You Look Marvellous ................................................................................ 14 Energizer: First Impressions ....................................................................................... 14 Energizer: Your Professional Image Assessment ...................................................... 15 Energizer: Beauty Pageant...
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...in English, understand the World News on TV, or converse in a colloquial style, because they’d never had a chance to hear and learn common, everyday expressions such as, “It’s a done deal!” or “Drop whatever you’re doing.” Because misunderstandings of such idioms and expressions frequently caused miscommunication between our management teams and foreign clients, I was asked to try to assist. I am happy to be able to share the materials that follow, such as they are, in the hope that they may be of some use and benefit to others. The simple teaching device I used was three-fold: 1. Make a note of an idiom/expression 2. Define and explain it in understandable words (including synonyms.) 3. Give at least three sample sentences to illustrate how the expression is used in context. For instance, Idiom: “It’s a done deal.” Definition: “We agree. Everything has been decided. We’re ready to sign the contract.” Examples: 1. “The bank has confirmed the loan agreement, so It’s a done deal.” 2. “The court has approved the restructuring plan, so it’s a done deal.” 3. “The Senior Partner has signed my promotion papers, so it’s a done deal.” If a student came to me...
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...Marketing in China Before the reforms, under the command economy, Chinese companies took order from the state in production and push the products through state-controlled distribution systems. They never had to advertise, to do consumer research, and to think about marketing strategies. For years, even after the opening and reforms, many Chinese still consider marketing western concept of a dubious practice, something that may be not valid or applicable in China. Marketing proves to be one of the most challenging parts of China operations, perhaps more so than other areas such as accounting, finance, or research & development. For several reasons, First, infrastructure in marketing is underdeveloped, including transportation systems, media development, labyrinth of multi-tier distribution channels, and the severe shortage of qualified marketing personnel. Firms attracted to the longterm potential of this vast country must remember to pay sufficient attention to the basics of producing, distribution and marketing a successful product (Country Commercial Guide 1998), Marketing Strategies In the early 1980s when MNCs first came to China, many thought of China as a huge market with a homogeneous culture and felt standardized global marketing would be effective in capturing the opportunities and improving efficiency. These feelings were confirmed by the desire of Chinese to acquire western technologies and their fascination with products from the West. After living in an economy of...
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...Marketing in China Before the reforms, under the command economy, Chinese companies took order from the state in production and push the products through state-controlled distribution systems. They never had to advertise, to do consumer research, and to think about marketing strategies. For years, even after the opening and reforms, many Chinese still consider marketing western concept of a dubious practice, something that may be not valid or applicable in China. Marketing proves to be one of the most challenging parts of China operations, perhaps more so than other areas such as accounting, finance, or research & development. For several reasons, First, infrastructure in marketing is underdeveloped, including transportation systems, media development, labyrinth of multi-tier distribution channels, and the severe shortage of qualified marketing personnel. Firms attracted to the longterm potential of this vast country must remember to pay sufficient attention to the basics of producing, distribution and marketing a successful product (Country Commercial Guide 1998), Marketing Strategies In the early 1980s when MNCs first came to China, many thought of China as a huge market with a homogeneous culture and felt standardized global marketing would be effective in capturing the opportunities and improving efficiency. These feelings were confirmed by the desire of Chinese to acquire western technologies and their fascination with products from the West. After living in an economy...
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...TE AM FL Y Praise for Marketing Insights from A to Z “The bagwan of Marketing strikes again. Leave it to Phil Kotler to revisit all of our blocking and tackling at just the right time . . . and as all great marketers know: ‘timing is everything.’” —Watts Wacker Founder and CEO, FirstMatter Author, The Deviant Advantage: How Fringe Ideas Create Mass Markets “Wide-ranging, readable, pithy, and right on target, these insights not only are a great refresher for marketing managers but should be required reading for all nonmarketing executives.” —Christopher Lovelock Adjunct Professor, Yale School of Management Author, Services Marketing “Kotler tackles the formidable challenge of explaining the entire world of marketing in a single book, and, remarkably, pulls it off. This book is a chance for you to rummage through the marketing toolbox, with Kotler looking over your shoulder telling you how to use each tool. Useful for both pros and those just starting out.” —Sam Hill Author, Sixty Trends in Sixty Minutes “This storehouse of marketing wisdom is an effective antidote for those who have lost sight of the basics, and a valuable road map for those seeking a marketing mind-set.” —George Day Geoffrey T. Boisi Professor of Marketing, Wharton School of Business “Here is anything and everything you need to know about where marketing stands today and where it’s going tomorrow. You can plunge into this tour de force at any point from A to Z and always come up with remarkable insights and...
Words: 53807 - Pages: 216