...interests and whether it needs to be read in its entirety 2. fairly impersonal in tone talks about what the paper does rather than about what the author did “This article considers…”, “This article proposes…”, “This article examines…” 3. need for brevity more complex in syntax than the actual article mentioning all the sections of the paper drawing the ideas for one sentence or two from each of the article’s main sections 4. the content of an abstract 1) research objective 2) methodology (research subjects/research instrument / methods of statistical analysis) 3) research results and major conclusions 4) the significance of the findings Section 2: key words Investigate / investigation? (which one is preferred?) Using noun instead of verb 4---6 words min: 2 words max:10 words Chosen from the title and abstract writing & punctuation Section 3: introduction a crucial part of the paper ,the hardest part to write Function: to draw readers into the topic, to make them see why it is important and what you have to say about it is new and interesting three steps Step 1: to establish the general territory in which you are working One traditional way to begin : emphasize the importance of the general topic by briefly reviewing previous research in the area and making generalizations about what has been found Step 2:to establish a specific research point for yourself in that general area 1) by making a counterclaim to a previous researcher’s ---Because...
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...A Guide on How to write a research paper 1. Establish Your Topic * Genuinely interests you. * Read and think about what you'd like to do. * Narrow it down to something more manageable (e.g.: Too general: Ancient Egypt. Revised: The building of the pyramids of Ancient Egypt. * Brainstorming to get ideas. 2. Identify the goal of the paper * An argumentative research paper: argues for one point of view. The issue should be debatable with a logical counter argument. * An analytical research paper: offers a fresh look at an important issue to persuade audience that it is important. 3. Look for Sources of Information * Books, magazine articles, and internet articles. * A research paper should use at least four sources. * The academic credibility of a source could be considered. * Make note of page numbers, URLs, and quotable passages for citation. 4. Read Your Sources and Take Notes * Use index cards to relate ideas from different sources. * Keep source information on the other side of the cards. * Use quotation marks for “copy/paste” to avoid PLAGIARISM. * Organize your note cards by subtopic to make an outline. 5. Write a First Draft * Table of contents. * Introduction (let the reader know what the topic is, inform the reader about your point of view, arouse the reader's curiosity to read more). * Body (Limit each paragraph to one main idea, prove your points continually by using specific...
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...How to Write an MBA Research Paper If you got an assignment to write a research paper and you want to deliver a great one, you have to first understand what a research paper actually is – it is an argument or discussion that is founded on a certain thesis; and it includes collected evidence and quotations from authoritative sources. When you get your first research paper, it may seem like an overwhelming task, but it’s actually not that complicated if you understand the process and follow it as you should. First of all, make sure you supply yourself with some index cards, highlighters and a lot of note paper. Step 1: Organize! The first thing you need to do before starting to write the research paper is organize your time and schedule. Here is a list of your tasks: 1. Choose an interesting, captivating topic that will be useful for the reader. 2. Search for authoritative sources associated with your topic. 3. Collect your initial thoughts by taking notes (using index cards can be useful during the process). 4. Organize those notes and arrange them by topics. 5. Prepare your basic outline for the research paper. 6. Start writing the initial draft version. 7. Edit and correct the draft version. 8. Proofread the paper! The process of researching Although you may think that the Internet has made the process of library research kind of silly, you mustn’t avoid it. In fact, the library can provide you with the most authoritative resources, which...
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...Shawn J. Burtner SW-SO-214 September 25, 2012 Chapter 4 Pg. 165-175 Social Dimension Socialization It is almost impossible to count how many times we hear a child scream or cry when left with a care giver, at school, or even when a stranger looks at them in the supermarket. And although we notice these things, we don't usually connect them with being unnatural or unnecessary. But in fact, we should. There is hardly a need to experience such things, and that goes for the child as well as the parent. It is a given that a child will cry, it is also given that the child will be reluctant to leave the parent. However, this anxiety can be eased by applying a principle that is very simple. Socialization, it's a concept that many people aren't consciously aware of, yet it is experienced every day in many different aspects of life. Ones manners, people skills, and the like are all a result of one’s socialization. Even pets are now socialized in order to better prepare them to interact with other animals when walking in the city or the park. So why then is socialization such a strange and foreign concept to parents? To put it simply, children should being socialization at a young age to prepare them to interact with other children and adults as they grow. Socialization alone can move a child from having a dramatic experience when being left with a care giver to a more pleasant one. Not only does the child benefit from this, but the parents do as well. Often parents feel that...
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...How to Write a Research Paper For the rest of the semester, you will work on writing a three- to four-page research paper. Of course, college preparatory students are expected to write the longer length, and general the shorter. Your paper will include a title page, an outline, a body, and a works cited page in this order. I will give you the time and the resources to write this paper, and I will tell you how to write and guide you as you go. I even will try to get you research materials. The rest is up to you (History). We will spend four days in the Nute library and at least one day in room 8 or a computer lab, working on this paper in class, unless people are wasting their time, in which case, the number of days will be fewer than the above. The research paper is worth ____ grading points, and by itself constitutes about 25% of your quarter grade. Another 5-10% of your quarter grade will be made up of homework and in-class assignments of rough draft sections of the research paper. Because of the importance of this paper to your grade, rarely do students pass this course without writing a research paper. Please write your paper and pass this course (Anon, 428). The paper will be due on ___________________, in time for me to grade it, give it back the following Monday, and give you time to fix it and resubmit it for a higher grade that Friday. Any papers I receive by one of these Fridays, I will return, graded, the following Monday. This schedule means that you...
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...MBA-Essay Sample:SAMPLE REFLECTION PAPER(2012-06-22 17:52:41)转载▼标签: mba-essaysamplereflectionpaper财经 分类: DIY留学PS/Essay/简历/推荐信 MBA-Essay Sample:SAMPLE REFLECTION PAPER (submitted by a student in CRIM 1006E, Fall term 2003) Mark: 4/5 Please NOTE: This paper is presented as a model based on the way the author began the inquiry, (i.e. narrowing the reflection by posing a question and focusing on it). There are areas for improvement in the piece (e.g. carrying through with the author's initially posed question; focusing more critically on Bodi's argument and/or her responses to this author's comments), however, it is offered as a formidable example of how to initially tackle a critically reflective piece by focusing on only one point, argument, (or in this case, sentence). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I found the article written by Sonia Bodi was very informative and interesting. Although many of the ideas she presented I agreed with, there were also a few points that I'd like to argue against. First I would like to answer the question that was proposed in the title of this article: How do we bridge the gap between what we ( professors) teach and what they ( students) do? To fill in that gap, both sides need to work together. Students need to push themselves to expand their knowledge and help themselves become more inquisitive, critical, and reflective. Professors, on the other hand, should push and...
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...and downs. I've been able to write papers but I've always needed a little bit of help to complete them. My mom has always been there when I am having problems writing papers. There have been times where I am amazing at them and knock them out like nothing. These are papers are usually short stories or something I can relate to. Then theres times where nothing comes to me and it seems like it takes forever to write them. When writing the papers one of the difficulties came from what I was writing about. In high school papers stressed me out because I knew I was going to have trouble with them. When I had to write my paper for chemistry, I worried about the length, how many citation, and how to cite it. I ask myself how does confidence impact my ability to write? On the one hand the papers I have the most confidence writing and I favor the most are ones where we have to tell a made up story or about a life event. I can write these very easily because I can remember the event very vividly or can make up a story with lots of detail. With event stories I usually just remember then write and occasionally go back to reread and fill some parts with more detail. In high school one of the first papers I had to write in my English class about a life event that changed your life. I thought to myself this is really easy to write about. I had an idea and there was no length on the paper so I didn't have to worry about how long it was. I was ready for this paper. I had confidence and I knew...
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... | | |COM/156 Version 7 | | |University Composition and Communication II | Copyright © 2013, 2011, 2010, 2009 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course builds upon the foundations established in COM/155. It addresses the various rhetorical modes necessary for effective college essays: narration, illustration, description, process analysis, classification, definition, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, and argumentation. In addition, requirements for research essays, including the use of outside sources and appropriate formatting, are considered. Policies Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Arlov,...
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...Question I: (Discussion and Review Questions No.6) What is a work breakdown structure, and how is it useful for project planning? Work breakdown structure (WBS) – a hierarchical listing of what must be done during a project. It is useful due to the fact that large projects usually involve a very large number of activities, planners need some way to determine exactly what will need to be done so that they can realistically estimate how long it will take to complete the various elements of the project and how much it will cost. Question II: What kind of projects need project management? What are the five phases of project management? To your understanding, what is the key reason why many projects fail? Anything with a goal and/or expected outcome, regardless if it has a budget or not, can benefit from using project management principles. The five phases of project management: 1. Scoping the project 2. Developing the plan 3. Launching the plan 4. Monitoring & controlling 5. Closing out the project Poor requirements analysis causes many of these failures, meaning projects are doomed right from the start. Question III: Chris received new word processing software for her birthday. She also received a check, with which she intends to purchase a new computer. Chris’s college instructor assigned a paper due next week. Chris decided that she will prepare the paper on the new computer. She made a list of the activities she will need to do and their estimated...
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...Science Term Paper Writing a science term paper requires hard work and plenty of time to get through it successfully. Science is an ever-developing and advancing subject. Students normally have many other co-curricular and social activities. Out of such a hectic schedule, it becomes troublesome for students to write science term paper. Therefore students must understand each and every part of term paper structure so that they can manage to write their science term paper right on time. The following guidelines will show you how to write a science term paper. How to Write Science Term Paper? The science term paper commonly consists of 8 to 10 pages or maximum 3500 words. In order to write a good science tem paper you need to follow some essential steps. Here you will find all those essential steps which you need to be aware of about writing your science term papers. Title Page There are different procedures of making a science term paper title page just like bibliography such as MLA or APA. Here the description of MLA title page is given. MLA style needs double-spacing and it applies to the title page as well. Write the title beginning each word with capital letter and center-align it. Then write your name, your course, your instructor’s name and then submission date. Table of Contents Here you have to list all the headings/sections and sub-headings/sub-sections with page numbers. Introduction In the introduction...
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...semester was not ideal, how assignments were written on the papers were confusing. My first assignment in this class was not my best grade and definitely showed my confusion. Without a doubt, that continued to occur in almost every assignment. However, the essays that truly contributed to my newer depth in writing were the Three-Source Synthesis Essay, Research Paper, and this final essay. To begin, I would like to say, the synthesis essay was one of the hardest essays I have ever written. Finding the comparisons between three similar yet completely different articles was not easy. I had spent around 70 hours on this particular essay and even turning it in was nerve wrecking. Yet, this paper helped me improve my writing style greatly by pushing me to actually complete the essay. I had to learn how to find sources using the libraries website. To be truthful, using the libraries website was the most difficult part of finding reliable sources. The second essay that really pushed me was the research paper. I found plenty of sources but had the hardest time arranging them into essay formatting. Another difficult part of this essay that had helped influence my writing style was finding the...
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...am writing this as a general note to everyone. If it does not apply to you just read for your pleasure. Many of you may have never had the opportunity to write a research paper. The paper is not a speech, it is not a conversation that you have with someone, and it is not a personal letter that you are writing. Every class I seem to get one or two who write this way and write like: “First of all, we will address-------“…..You are not addressing anything. You approach a paper as a researcher—simply providing evidence without bias…You do not write the paper in first person meaning you do not use the words “I, we, me, us, you”, and so forth. Also, writing is done in present and future tense. You will not have a sentence like: “these steps would be good for any business”. This can be worded as “these steps can be good for any business or these steps may be good for any business”. Again understandably, many of you may not have had the opportunity to write a paper as this. The easiest thing to do but most people do not is to look at the grading Rubric. Liberty writes the course and deliverables; not the instructor. The paper is due Monday of week 7. No late work is accepted. This is strictly enforced for many reasons with the most basic of keeping deadlines. The deans remind us that students will have had 7 weeks to prepare a paper and procrastinating or waiting to the last minute is not favorable practice for future managers. Secondly, there will always be issues with computers, Internet...
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...Paper 4: The Annotated Bibliography Assignment: For paper 4, you will write an annotated bibliography. The focus of this paper will be on academic research and the evaluation of sources. Requirements: - 1000-1200 words (200-250 words per source) - Thesis statement - 5-6 sources (3 of which must be non-website sources. Examples of non-web sources: books, documentaries, magazine articles, articles from scholarly journals. It’s okay if you access those print articles online. I just don’t want five eHow articles). Additionally, NO wikipedia sources will be accepted, and be sure that any web sources you use are legitimate, scholarly sources. You will be evaluated on the legitimacy of your sources as well as your evaluation of them). - Proper MLA formatting for all aspects of the paper, including heading, formatting, and citations. Your adherence to MLA formatting will affect your grade (unlike the previous papers for our class). You may choose any topic you would like to research. The idea for this paper is that you will conduct the research for a theoretical research paper. You will not actually write the research paper, but conduct your research and write your thesis statement as if you were going to use your sources to write a research paper. If the idea of choosing any topic is not appealing, here are some ideas (which you will of course need to narrow down): • Media and self-image in consumers • Research related to a book or...
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...college they can pass their classes. This means that high school teachers only teach them to write so specifically and in such a hard structured manner, that many students hardly ever learn to write papers that flow. In high school, I always wrote really nice papers that my teachers enjoyed grading, however, I always hated writing them because if I did not use the cookie cutter format that they gave us, my teachers would not accept the work. The format that I am referring to goes as follows: hook, introduction, and thesis for paragraph one, three body paragraphs with two examples to support your thesis in each paragraph, and finally a conclusion ("Essay Template"). In total, there were five paragraphs, never any more, and never any less. The hook was always supposed to be a quote related to the topic or a factual piece of information...
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...As you begin AP everything will seem overwhelming, and like you have no time for activities other than AP English. You will learn to discover yourself and how to write things about almost any type of literature, among many other things. At the end of the year you’ll go back, and read all your writing that you’ve saved throughout the year, and reflect upon it. So here’s what I’ve learned. I looked at my first piece of writing which was about a song “That’s the way I’ve Always Heard It Should Be” by Carly Simon, and my last work which was based on “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry. My first paper was a summary of the song with some comments in with it. I also did not know how to properly cite my sources and used verse numbers...
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