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How Torture Goes Pop

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Have you ever wonder how people seek answers to questions that they have in order to get the truth? Naturally people investigate as a way to get information and answer those questions. What kind of methods are being used when interrogating someone? Do they use violence or not? After all, in the end, what kind of information do we get out of it? Would the information be useful to us or not? I will be explaining how Torture goes Pop! written by Madelaine Hron and Rise of Modern Art Market in London and Development of Art Market in England written by Thomas Bayer, John Page, Pamela Fletcher, and Anne Helmerich are connected to each other by identifying how the general idea of investigating could help us seek answers to questions that we want answered and what methods are being used to achieve this goal. …show more content…
is about how the idea of torture has change our thinking in society today and how torture could be used in different situations. Hron explains about a fellow name Michel Foucault who claims that after researching on torture being used throughout history, he concluded that over a period of time, the use of torture has disappeared completely from society today. Hron also mentions how torture can be used in society today as well as explaining how the effects could damage people mentally and physically. This article demonstrates that torture can not only bring fear and pain to people, but this is used for getting information by using it as a threat to get the answers we seek. While this method is useful in achieving the purpose, I think this would not be a method to use first because there are better methods to use for gathering information than hurting people to the point of death just to get the answers people need in the first place. If people want answers, then simply do some research on what information they need without having to use violence as a resort to completing the

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