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How Was Imperialism Able To Strive During The Age Of Industrialization

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Thalia Hundt
Dr. D’Harling
Modern World History
3 February 2017
The Success of Imperialism
How was Imperialism able to strive during the age of Industrialization? Imperialism is the policy of extending a country's power and influence throughout the world. It was able to be so successful during industrialization because of four practices created during that time. Nationalism, the “civilizing mission”, scientific racism, and industrial capitalism were the four big contributors to this policy. These four processes all had very different effects on Imperialism during this time period but they all had the same effect on it, allowing it to be successful. During the age of Industrialization, labor was devoted to the production for the global market. It was in their interest to “improve” the societies that they had previously governed, which is the bases of the civilizing mission. While developing into new places, it was important to have happy workers who would …show more content…
Even if the colonies nations had limited economic value it still seemed to matter. The growth of mass Nationalism was excelling in Europe and as a result of this people began going out and expanding even more into places they hadn’t even thought to before. Because Nationalists wanted their country to be in the highest position possible, they distinctly supported expansion. The unification of Italy and Germany made the international relations even more competitive than before, making nationalists want to expand even more. Which then spilled over into the struggle for colonies and economic concessions in Asia and Africa, which was really bad for them because their economic status is important and without the access to colonies they desired they were at a disadvantage, and many nationalists were unhappy and lost the desire to expand their nation because there was no where to

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