...Piggy acts like the only one that knows what most things are and what to do. Piggy seems like the only one with common sense. Piggy says, “ an’ this is an island. Nobody don’t know we’re here. Your dad don’t know, nobody don’t know−” (14) Piggy is the only one that thinks no one knows the kids are on the island. This shows Piggy is very clever because he is using common sense and proving his point. Piggy also knows what the shell they find is, and shows common sense towards it, “−a conch; ever so expensive. I bet if you wanted to buy one you’d have to pay pounds and pounds and pounds− he had it on his garden wall, and my auntie−” (16) This quote shows that Piggy knows what the conch is. Therefore, he is characterized as smart. During this same scene, Piggy tells Roger what to use the conch for, "We can use this to call the others. Have a meeting. They’ll come when they hear us—" (16) this quote tells us that Piggy appears very intelligent because he knows how to use the conch. He knows that the conch is loud enough for everyone on the island to hear it and come together. Piggy is also characterized as very sensitive. He gets bullied a lot and ganged up on by the people on the island. This is why Piggy gets very easily offended by people. The one person that is especially mean to Piggy is Ralph. Piggy gets very frustrated with Ralph, “About being called Piggy. I said I didn’t care as long as they didn’t call me Piggy; an’ I said not to tell and you went an’ said straight out−,”...
Words: 474 - Pages: 2
...Throughout this interview the responses of the therapist (T) (Rogers), and the client (C) are numbered for easy reference. [Source: Shostrom, E. L. (1965). Three approaches to psychotherapy (Part I)[Film]. Orange, CA: Psychological Films.] GLORIA DR. CARL ROGERS PART I -- DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM [Before the Interview] "From my own years of therapeutic experience, I have come to feel that if I can create the proper climate, the proper, relationship, the proper conditions, a process of therapeutic movement will almost inevitably occur in my client. You may ask, 'What is this climate? What are these conditions? Will they exist in the interview with the woman I am about to talk with, whom I have never seen before?' Let me try to describe very briefly what these conditions are as I see them. First of all, one question is, can I be real in the relationship? This has come to have an increasing amount of importance to me over the years. I feel that genuineness is another way of...
Words: 44273 - Pages: 178
...I don’t know if you read your email yet B: I’m just about to R: I got an email from Abby and I know that she sent one to you, and since you haven’t read your email I want to try to nip this in the bud and explain what this email is about. She’s accusing me of sexual harassment. What had happened, let me just give you some back history first. First of all, my wife and I are having marital problems and during that time we separated and Abby and I, because we have seen each other, because we have liked each other decided, let’s see what can happen. B: How long ago was this? R: This was 6 months ago. Last 2 weeks it has really become stressed and that’s why production is down. And I know that you know these numbers. But the problem being is that she is fighting everything. She doesn’t want to work with me, she doesn’t want to give me a hand with anything, and I’m managing it all on my own. And then she’s threatening me. Now this is in response to another email that I sent her, which she refers to in there. Now here is that email, and let me explain. Right now I’m just saying if you don’t want to get back together with me, and I had wrote her an email saying why don’t we get back together. Well she didn’t respond positively so I said fine, if you’re uncomfortable on our team, I’ll do everything that I can to help facilitate you moving to a different group. I wanted to help her, I wanted to solve this problem and instead she’s writing me these threatening things like you need to...
Words: 6452 - Pages: 26
...a Fourth Quarter Deal The Meeting G: Jason, I have such awesome news for you, I’m so glad you’re here. Betsy said that you are going out of town and I was wondering you know, is he going to be here or not because I have such awesome news. J: Yeah great. G: I have Bestel who is interested in investing 4 million dollars in this company, immediately. All we have to do is sign a few papers and we are done. Now the chairman of the board, do you remember Jack Schneider? Do you remember when he came in? J: I do. G: Ok. So I have known him since I was a kid, he’s almost like an uncle to me. Now he said, basically this is a done deal. Now his shareholders, they don’t get together until 2 weeks after the fourth quarter. But that’s not really a problem because I have talked to him, and worked everything out and done everything that he wanted me to do. J: does he have to get the shareholders to approve the deal? G: Well yeah of course. J: Well how is he going to do that if the quarter ends, he can’t legitimately sign the deal before he gets shareholder approval? G: Ok, well technically I know what you’re saying, but I’m telling you I know this guy. He’s like, like at thanksgiving and when I was growing up we would have picnics together, and he’s given me the OK. He says he’s got these shareholders on his side, and then he’ll have this meeting that’s kind of a technical problem but other than that, he said he will do it so it’s really not a problem. J: So if he does that though, are we authorized...
Words: 2121 - Pages: 9
...anyone. He puts his book down and answers the door.) Archie: (Quickly, nervously) Hello! Dennis: Hi. (Beat) Yes? Archie: Erm... I think... I better come in. Dennis: Why? Archie: I just... ought to. It’s important, really. May I? Dennis: Erm I... 0k. (They walk into the flat.) Archie: Oh. A nice place you’ve.., got. Good view isn’t it? Dennis: If you like concrete I suppose. Take a seat. Archie: Thank you. Well, I’d better introduce myself l’m Archie. Dennis: Dennis. Archie: Good. (Dennis looks slightly puzzled.) Archie: You live alone? Dennis: Yeah, it’s only a one-person flat y’know, I couldn’t... too small you see. Archie: Ah quite, quite. But cozy. One gets tired of having too much space sometimes - take my word for it. Dennis: You live in a big house? Archie: Oh, not really big. Just a few spare bedrooms, couple of acres.., doesn’t really feel like home when you can get lost in ¡t - you know? Dennis: Not really. Err, why are you here?...
Words: 6637 - Pages: 27
...lovely beloved :))))) You know ome weeks ago I was at the hospital the whole sunday because I had heart-ache... As the checked me the found a black spot in my lung - but it supposed not to be bad... I was told anyway to seek for a special lung clinic to be really sure of the results and so my lung will be in consequent observation... So I went to a really good specialist and he told me he will check it again... Now I have a new appointment with him on Thursday... and to be honest I am nervous again... but I hope for the best... Sorry for bothering you... :) I haven't told many people about it... actually it is difficult pretending everyhings is at its best like at work.... Maybe you want to see me at nights but hide yourself without any make-up :))) Should be get a spotlight which only shines on me??? :) I am not sure this is the best idea haveing an angel in the same room :))) OMG! ... and another Porsche??? Do you need 2? and another house??? You really are making me a poor man... Well, maybe a second house, I can't see might be cheaper also :))) So better you keep my head then :))) On the other hand I have some "head ache" from banging to the walls all the time :)) Kind of phantom aching :)))) So what can we do about our future communication, Honey??? Are you suggesting me to stay for some more years there??? I'd rather buy you whatever you need then put my money into the agency... Just rational... And how about some sweet, romantic SMSs from me at least :))) Don't worry...
Words: 1343 - Pages: 6
...asks could most likely tell you what he or she perceives personality to be. Personality is what makes a person individual; it’s the behaviors and attitudes that once can define a person by in regards to what kind of person they are. They are many different viewpoints and theories that exist but all concede that personality is unique to each individual and no two are ever the same. Individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving would be referred as Personality. The study of personality also focuses on two broad areas: understanding individual differences in particular personality characteristics, and how various parts of a person would come together as a whole. There are roughly sixteen personality types, that Briggs Meyers created in relation to better understand which type you would be classified under. While including top careers, relationships, and core values and motivation; by participating in a personality test you can discover how to use your strengths, to create an exciting and satisfying life. INTJ is my basic personality type, and is one of the less common to have of the 16 types some may say. Personality disorders are classified as mental disorders characterized by long lasting patterns of behavior and thought which can be unhealthy. Schizotypal personality disorder can be associated with a person whose personality is (INTJ). Learning that I was an INTJ in the system was quite an experience for me and it thoroughly explains...
Words: 2221 - Pages: 9
...attractive and bright, and right away she hooked up with one of the city's eligible bachelors. The question remains, is this a company we want to own? Tim was 42. A well-liked and respected banker, who made about two million a year. They met one evening, in typical New York fashion, at a gallery opening. Like it? Yes, actually I think it's quite interesting. What? I feel like I know you. Oh, doubtful. I just moved here from London. Really? That's my favorite city. It is? Absolutely. It was love at first sight. You know, I think perhaps I have met you somewhere before. For two weeks they snuggled... went to romantic restaurants... had wonderful sex... and shared the most intimate secrets. One day, he took her to a house he saw in the New York Times. How about if we start at the top? There are four bedrooms upstairs. Do you have any children? Not yet. That day Tim popped the question. Would you like to meet my folks Tues-day night? I'd love to. On Tuesday he called with some bad news. My mother's not feeling very well. Oh, gosh, I'm sorry. Can we take a rain check? Of course. Tell your mum I hope she feels better. When she hadn't heard from him for two weeks, she called. Tim, it's Elizabeth. That's an awfully long rain check. He said he was up to his ears and that he'd call the next day. He never did call... Bastard. She told me one day over coffee. I don't understand. in England, looking at houses together would have meant something. I realized no one had told her about the end of love...
Words: 31277 - Pages: 126
...Interview Carolyn: Hey Evelyn how are you doing today? Evelyn: I'm fine. How are you? Carolyn: I'm good alright well you know that my name is Carolyn and that we are recording this conversation, is this okay with you? Evelyn: That's fine Carolyn:Alright, well the only person that is going to be hearing this is of course you, myself and my teacher and this is all strictly confidential is that alright with you? Evelyn: That's fine just tell him he can't laugh at me later. (Laughs) Carolyn:Alright, well thank you alright so what has brought you in here today? Evelyn: Um mm I just want to talk about basically how life is going right now for me and how much I'm kinda taking in and it's kinda taking a tole on me I just wanna kinda stress about that a little bit. Carolyn: Mmmk so what are some things that are stressing you out? Evelyn: Well um mm basically I’m being super student I’m doing 2 classes while doing 2 jobs and going to school full time and trying to take care of my grandma at the same time its like I’m taking on a heavy load but with that being said I’m a strong person I can handle it but at one point your going to have to let some stress out. Carolyn: Okay Um mm What are some other things that are stressing you out? Evelyn: Well with school its like okay we have four to five classes you know your going to have one class that’s going to have the same I guess assignments as the other because they all coincide with each other I’m taking business...
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...her boyfriend, and later that day, the entire school knows. Characters Best Friend: Catherine Best Friend 2: Courtney Boyfriend: Dambite (Dom-bee-tay) Setting A high school in a Southern Baptist town. Notes to Actors Best Friend 1 (Courtney): Battling with insecurity about being a lesbian, finally getting up to tell her best friend, Catherine. Acts scared in the beginning, relieved once the truth comes out. Super strong southern accent. Best Friend 2 (Catherine): Dating Dambite, social butterfly, loud mouth, supportive to Courtney (but then goes behind her back and tells boyfriend)...
Words: 1536 - Pages: 7
...pure sick. I know why I felt sick; 1. I had been feeling ill all day. 2. I had to do P.E (my worst subject). 3. I had to do P.E with ‘the clan’. And I knew just as I got to the finishing line ‘the clan’ where going to have a field day in the changing rooms. I closed my eyes gently, trying so slowly not to start crying. Anyways you’d probably want to know the names of the witches, well there was Madison Everett, Lola Freestone and last and defiantly least of them all is Lacy Bourne and as you can probably tell by the way I introduced her she’s the one out of them all who made me feel as though I shouldn’t of even had the right to be on this planet. “Right! You were all bad out there today guys, but at least we weren’t as bad as some.” Ms Dessen shouted and I can still feel her hawk eye glare straight at me when she was talking about ‘but at least we weren’t as bad as some’. “Go on in I hope to see better of you next time, especially you Reynolds” “REYNOLDS!” shouted Lacy in a tormenting way. I turned to go into the toilets where everyone else was. It usually didn’t help but that week we had a new girl and well I thought naively; you never know, if she saw someone getting bullied she might tell the head teacher, but that usually didn’t happen with me. She never did tell. She just stood there watching with a guilty look on her face as if she wanted to do something but knew if she did then she would get the bullying as well. “Do you know how pathetic you looked out on...
Words: 1057 - Pages: 5
...a hit. I mean we are a huge hit. I can’t believe how beautiful this is. P: That means it’s all over the place right? M: Absolutely. P: Congratulations. M: I mean it looks right. It looks exactly; I couldn’t even have imagined it. P: Yeah, I saw it, it was great. M: So what did you want to see me about? P: Ok, well. First of all, I wanted to congratulate you. M: Oh, thanks, thanks so much. I called my mom and dad I was so excited. P: I’m really happy with your work. And I also want to talk to you a little a bit about how I think, for us to organize ourselves a little bit better… M: Did you see this? P: Yes, I saw it, I loved it. M: Of course you have. P: Of course. You know, with the few campaigns you have been working on, there was a tiny complaint by the client that you went over budget by quite a bit of money. Now, I know that they were not told in advance. It was 11 grand over budget. M: Oh come on, that’s nothing. You know that’s nothing. That’s a drop in the bucket to these people. P: But they were upset about it. And you know that we have to… M: Oh, hold on. P: …cater a little… M: I was buzzing, I just… P: Yeah, ok. M: Oh, oh it’s Scott and Abby. P: Miguel, let’s turn our cell phones off while we’re in the meeting if you don’t mind. M: Oh my god. No, I’m just kind of on cloud nine still because I just can’t believe it. P: I know, but you’re busy, I’m busy so let’s uh... I just wanted to specify to you that there are certain things that maybe we should...
Words: 1768 - Pages: 8
...home. You want to know why? I don’t know either. I just don’t feel like going to class today, but I have to. I went to my first class. And guess what? The teacher was boring me to death. I wished this semester was over because of her. I sighed. Then someone from behind me tapped my shoulders. “Yes?” I said as I turned to look at the person. Oh, a girl. “Sighing on the first day? That’s not good.” Then she smiled. Okay. That was weird. I was like ‘are we close or something?’, though I didn’t tell her that straight to her face. I just laughed. I’m not good with talking to girls, especially those who are prettier or cuter than me, even though I’m a girl too. I get intimidated by them. I’m the kind of girl that’s more comfortable with guys. “Is there someone sitting beside you? Is it okay if I sit there?” “It’s okay, I don’t mind” “Thank you!” and then she sat. We didn’t talk the whole time after she sat beside me. Maybe she doesn’t like me. I didn’t want to talk to her anyway. She seemed like a bitch. I sighed again, and then the teacher dismissed us. I was in a hurry to get out of that room but someone tapped my shoulders, again. And it was her, again. “What’s your next class?” she asked. “Its Business Communication, but I still have a 2-hour break before it starts. What about you?” “That’s my next class too; I think we have the same schedule. Mind if I look at your schedule?” “Sure.” Then I gave it to her. After a few scans, she gave it back to me. “You want to...
Words: 3298 - Pages: 14
...hit. I mean we are a huge hit. I can’t believe how beautiful this is. P: That means it’s all over the place right? M: Absolutely. P: Congratulations. M: I mean it looks right. It looks exactly; I couldn’t even have imagined it. P: Yeah, I saw it, it was great. M: So what did you want to see me about? P: Ok, well. First of all, I wanted to congratulate you. M: Oh, thanks, thanks so much. I called my mom and dad I was so excited. P: I’m really happy with your work. And I also want to talk to you a little a bit about how I think, for us to organize ourselves a little bit better… M: Did you see this? P: Yes, I saw it, I loved it. M: Of course you have. P: Of course. You know, with the few campaigns you have been working on, there was a tiny complaint by the client that you went over budget by quite a bit of money. Now, I know that they were not told in advance. It was 11 grand over budget. M: Oh come on, that’s nothing. You know that’s nothing. That’s a drop in the bucket to these people. P: But they were upset about it. And you know that we have to… M: Oh, hold on. P: …cater a little… M: I was buzzing, I just… P: Yeah, ok. M: Oh, oh it’s Scott and Abby. P: Miguel, let’s turn our cell phones off while we’re in the meeting if you don’t mind. M: Oh my god. No, I’m just kind of on cloud nine still because I just can’t believe it. P: I know, but you’re busy, I’m busy so let’s uh... I just wanted to specify to you that there are certain things that maybe we should...
Words: 2127 - Pages: 9
...love that me and you shared expired So there will be no renewing our contracts, no, no And I ain't got nothing since I've been hired So I can't take you back, oh And I done gave love and got no commission (Not even a little) So give me one reason why I should stay here (Why I should stay) I thought compared to all the other guys you were different But I cried the same old tears And baby, baby I can't take it, I can't do it, no This is my two week notice I resign my position 'cause you ain't treating me right Pulling up to the Peabody Hotel my heart was heavy but my mind was made up Fantasia was singing Two Week Notice and I swear she was signing the soundtrack of my love life. I'm pass tired of being Blue’s best kept...
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