...leadership for excellence in learning and teaching project (le67) developing Multi-level leadership in the use of student feedback to enhance student learning and teaching practice http://emedia.rmit.edu.au/altclgp/ 2009 Project Leader Professor James Barber – Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Project Manager Associate Professor Sandra Jones – Director Learning & Teaching Unit Project Officer Brenda Novak ISBN 978-1-921426-36-0 Student Feedback and Leadership A Report on the 2006 Leadership for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Project (LE67): Developing Multi-Level Leadership in the Use of Student Feedback to Enhance Student Learning and Teaching Practice 2009 Project Leader Professor James Barber - Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Project Manager Associate Professor Sandra Jones – Director Learning & Teaching Unit Project Officer Brenda Novak Report written by: Associate Professor Sandra Jones and Brenda Novak. Case studies written by: Dr Mali Abdollahian, Ian McBean, Geoff Outhred, Dr Kate Westberg. Photographs - Copyright © 2009 RMIT University Photographers Margund Sallowsky and Kate Ebbot unless otherwise stated. ISBN 978-1-921426-36-0 Support for this project has been provided by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council, an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council...
Words: 49217 - Pages: 197
...Characteristics of professional development linked to enhanced pedagogy and children’s learning in early childhood settings: Best Evidence Synthesis July 2003 Characteristics of professional development linked to enhanced pedagogy and children’s learning in early childhood settings: Best Evidence Synthesis October 2003 This report is one of a series of best evidence syntheses commissioned by the Ministry of Education. It is part of a commitment to strengthen the evidence base that informs education policy and practice in New Zealand. It aims to contribute to an ongoing evidence-based discourse amongst policy makers, educators and researchers. The best evidence synthesis approach is being developed in collaboration with researchers. It draws together in a systematic way the available evidence about what works to improve education outcomes, and what can make a bigger difference for the education of all our children and young people. Prepared for the Ministry of Education Authors Linda Mitchell and Pam Cubey Copyright © Ministry of Education PO Box 1666 Wellington ISBN 0-478-18773-4 Web ISBN ISBN 0-478-18774-2 www.minedu.govt.nz Characteristics of professional development linked to enhanced pedagogy and children’s learning in early childhood settings Best Evidence Synthesis Report prepared for the New Zealand Ministry of Education Linda Mitchell and Pam Cubey July 2003 New Zealand Council for Educational Research P O Box 3237 ...
Words: 59345 - Pages: 238
...Nursing Evaluation and Learning Advisory Committee (ELAC) ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION ELAC Members: Marilyn H. Oermann (Chair) Karen Saewert (Chair-elect) Pamela Rutar Suzanne Yarbrough Sub-committee Members: Reba Childress Dawne-Marie Dunbar Sally Erdel Barbara Haas Evelyn Hayes Debra Hurd Sheila Kyle Gayle Preheim, Chair Linda Siktberg Gale R. Woolley, Chair A comprehensive literature review was completed, reflecting best practices in assessment, evaluation, and grading in nursing. This annotated bibliography of the literature is organized into four areas: assessment and evaluation in (a) the classroom, (b) the online environment, (c) clinical practice, and (d) learning and simulation laboratories. There is a fifth section that provides references on the assessment of psychomotor learning and performance; that section is not annotated. This work was completed by members of ELAC and its subcommittees as noted above. 1 CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT Ahmad, N. (2002). Evaluation of teaching: Through eyes of students. Plano: Institutional Research Office, Collin County Community College District. This article reviews the student evaluations instruments used to evaluate learning and faculty in the classroom. The purpose of this article was to search for come standardized instruments of student evaluations. Instruments used are: Individual Developmental and Educational Assessment (IDEA), Student Assessment of Learning Gains( SALG), Instructional...
Words: 20999 - Pages: 84
...Title: Mass and Individual Communication for Greater Population Awareness and Receptiveness of Natural/Alternative Methods of Medicine (8th August 2010) Mass and Individual Communication for Greater Population Awareness and Receptiveness of Natural/Alternative Methods of Medicine 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 2.0 MIND BODY CONNECTION 3.0 HEALTH COMMUNICATION 4.0 HEALTH EDUCATION AND LEARNING STYLES IN ADULTS 5.0 CONCLUSION 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Good health is the most important aspect in an individual’s life. Studies have shown that the health of a person can be affected by many different factors. At the advent of science and the development of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures only the physical/environmental factors were thought to influence the health of a person. Thus the health promotion activities that were developed mainly advocated the prevention or enhancement of physical determinants of health. This was boosted by the scientific studies which identified a significant link between the physical factors such as microbial agents and health of a person. Measures have for a long time been developed and are still being researched to address the environmental factors that adversely affect health. The healthcare system in place is sufficiently equipped to address the healthcare needs arising from a person’s interaction with environmental factors. However, more recent research reveals that the greatest cause of ill health does...
Words: 8876 - Pages: 36
...THE RELATIONSHIP OF OPEN HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM TO PERFORMANCE OF PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN THE DIVISION OF QUEZON A Dissertation Proposal Presented to The Faculty of the Graduate School Polytechnic University of the Philippines Sta. Mesa, Manila In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course RSH 710 - Seminar in Dissertation Writing 2 By Mark Anthony R. Malonzo May 2015 CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction The global education agendum is EDUCATION FOR ALL. In the Philippines, it has been a struggle from the time when formal education was first introduced. The 3 major concerns always revolve around the three issues of ACCESS, QUALITY AND EQUITY. Asking how these three are addressed by the Government is a never-ending endeavor for all the education service-providers and stakeholders. One of the major socio-economic and political milestones in the history of Philippine Educational System is the advent of ASEAN Integration 2015. As brought about by this Economic Integration, the enhancements that the educational system in the country has been undergoing, primarily aim to refine quality, improve access and maintain equity in education. Still, the major concerns that the education sector faces is the low participation rate and increasing dropout rate specifically in the secondary level of education. The data also support that there is 46,404 ES and 12,878 HS ratio...
Words: 40505 - Pages: 163
...Grammar Translation Method 1.2 Direct Method 1.3 Audio-Lingual Method 1.4 Silent Way 1.5 Total Physical Response (TPR) Community Language Learning (CLL) 1.6 Suggestopedia (Suggestology) 1.7 Communicative Approach 1.8 Natural Approach 1.9 Emotional-semantic method 2. Theoretical aspect of effective methods of teaching 2.1 The bases of teaching a foreign language 2.2 Effective ways and techniques of teaching a foreign language 2.2.1 Constructivist teaching strategies 2.2.2 Communicative Teaching Method 2.2.3 Using project method in teaching a foreign language 2.2.4 The method of debates 2.2.5 Games 2.2.6 Role plays as a method of teaching 2.3 Methodological principles of modern methods of teaching 2.4 Practical aspect of ways of teaching 3. Comparative characteristics of modern techniques of teaching English 3.1 Features of techniques 3.1.1 Communicative method 3.1.2 Project methodology 3.1.3 Intensive method 3.1.4 Activity Based method 3.2 Similarities of methods 3.3 Positive and negative aspects of techniques Conclusion Bibliography Appendix Introduction Language teaching came into its own as a profession in the last century. Central to this process was the emergence of the concept of methods of language teaching. The method concept in language teaching—the notion of a systematic set of teaching practices based on a particular theory of language and language learning—is a powerful one, and the quest for better methods preoccupied teachers...
Words: 23635 - Pages: 95
...(Workforce Focused Outcomes) 38 7.5: Best 5 Bs (Process Effectiveness Outcomes) 41 7.6: Best 5 Bs (Leadership Outcomes) 45 GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS APP: Annual Planning Process 5Bs: AtlantiCare’s five “Bests” or performance excellence commitments – Best People and Workplace, Best Quality, Best Customer Service, Best Financial Performance, Best Growth ARMC : AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center ASC: Ambulatory Surgery Center ASPP: Annual Strategic Planning Process A AAAHC: Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care AAI: AtlantiCare Administrators Incorporated AAP: Annual Action Plan B BFP: Best Financial Performance Big Dots: The system-level measurements or targets for each of the 5 Bs (performance excellence commitments). Business units (and their departments) have measurable action plans and goals that align with/support the Big Dots. ABCs: AtlantiCare’s Best Customer Service Standards– AtlantiCare’s customer service training program. BMI: Body Mass Index ABH: AtlantiCare Behavioral Health BOT: Board of Trustees ACS: American College of Surgeons BP: Blood Pressure ACR: American College of Radiology...
Words: 41167 - Pages: 165
...Palestine Red Cresent Society Vulnerability & Capacity Assessment A Participatory Action Research Study of the Vulnerabilities and Capacities of the Palestinian Society in Disaster Preparedness August 2000 INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF RED CROSS AND RED CRECSENT SOCIETIES United Nations Children's Fund West Bank & Gaza Vulnerability & Capacity Assessment A Participatory Action Research Study of the Vulnerabilities and Capacities of the Palestinian Society in Disaster Preparedness Palestine Red Crescent Society August 2000 Copyright © Palestine Red Crescent Society 2001 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval sysems without prior permission from The Palestine Red Crescent Society, Al-Bireh, Palestine. For further infromation: Palestine Red Crescent Society Headquarters/ Al-Bireh P.O.Box 3637 Tel: ++972-2-2406515/6/7 Fax: ++972-2-2406518 e-mail: info@PalestineRCS.org Website: www.PalestineRCS.org Thanks to technical support of UNICEF West Bank and Gaza to this study and to the financial contribution of UNICEF- Middle East and North Africa Regional office who made the design and printing of this publication possible. Special thanks to the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies for their technical and financial support to carrying this study. Cover...
Words: 34257 - Pages: 138
...in an alternative format, please contact http://unihub.mdx.ac.uk/support/disability/i ndex.aspx Sections from this publication can be supplied as: • a Word document with enlarged type — sent by email or supplied on a CD or memory stick • printed copy with enlarged type • printed copy on non-white paper • as Braille Other formats may be possible. We will do our best to respond promptly. To help us, please be as specific as you can about the information you require and include details of your disability. PGCE Secondary Programme Handbook 2015-16 Purpose and status of your student programme handbook The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with information about your programme of study and to direct you to other general information about studying at Middlesex University, the majority of which is available on UniHub. The material in this handbook is as accurate as possible at the date of production however you will be informed of any major changes in a timely manner. Your comments on any improvements to this handbook are welcome. Please put them in writing (an email will suffice) with the name of the handbook to Eddie Ellis e.ellis@mdx.ac.uk The University Regulations and Student Charter As a student of Middlesex University you agree to abide by the University Regulations when you enrol and therefore you should read this handbook in conjunction with the Regulations which are available online at; www.mdx.ac.uk/regulations. Some of the key...
Words: 35401 - Pages: 142
...rights reserved. UMI Microform 3187646 Copyright 2006 by ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved. This microform edition is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code. ProQuest Information and Learning Company 300 North Zeeb Road P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346 © Theresa Hueftle, 2005 Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the most effective way to deliver just-in-time learning using mobile technology for newspaper salespeople working in the field. The goal was to produce a pedagogical platform that was time sensitive, had on the job accessibility, and did not overload the salesperson’s mental abilities. The instructional design prototype used an action research approach. The study was based on the works of Gloria Gery (electronic performance support) and Ruth Clarks (building expertise). This study provided the information from an authentic newspaper environment to develop a mobile performance support prototype for newspaper salespeople. Results revealed the hardware, authoring software, content, architecture, and learning theory for developing a prototype. The Pocket PC could deliver the mobile EPSS because the device met the needs of the mobile EPSS and salespeople based on survey results and small group interviews. The researcher selected RoboHelp for developing the prototype because the software was easy to use and had the ability to output multiple formats. Emergent evidence suggested that...
Words: 54122 - Pages: 217
...participating in the SIGMA Programme. This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. The OECD Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern and Central Europe The Anti-Corruption Network (ACN) is a regional outreach programme of the OECD Working Group on Bribery. The ACN is open to countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The main counterparts are the national governments and anti-corruption authorities of the participating countries. Civil society, business sector, international organisations and international financial institutions, as well as other countries take an active part in the ACN. The ACN was established in 1998. Its main objective is to support its member countries in their efforts to prevent and fight corruption. It...
Words: 31902 - Pages: 128
... 2 |||Social Audit: A Toolkit| |||||| |||||| |||||| ||Contents|||| |Preface|||| |List of abbreviations|||| SECTION – I. SOCIAL AUDIT EXPLAINED|7|| 1.|Introduction to Social Audit|9| 2.|Accountability Mechanisms: Cases from India|10|| 3.|Social Audit Vs Other Audits|13|| 4.|History of Social Audit|14|| 5.|Stakeholders and Social Audit|15|| 6.|Principles of Social Audit|17|| 7.|Uses and Functions of Social Audit|18|| 8.|Benefits of Social Auditing for Government Departments|19|| 9.|The Design and Methodology|20|| 10.|Social Audit for Government of Andhra Pradesh|21|| 11.|Good Governance and Social Audit|22|| 12.|Social Auditing and Performance Evaluation|24|| 13.|How does Social Audit work?|25|| 14.|Who can use Social Audit?|26|| 15.|Social Audit and Social Capital|27|| 16.|Designing Social Audit|28|| 17.|Designing the Data Collection|29|| 18.|A checklist for designing an Audit|33|| 19.|Group Exercise|33|| 20.|Traditional Social Indicators|34|| 21.|The Follow-up action plan for Social Audit|36|| SECTION – II. THE TOOLKIT|37|| 22.|Social Audit Toolkit|38|| 23.|Where do we start?|38|| 24.|Six key steps for Social Audit|39|| 25.|How core values are linked to...
Words: 28002 - Pages: 113
...Advancing Effective Communication, Cultural Competence, and Patient- and Family-Centered Care A Roadmap for Hospitals Quality Safety Equity A Roadmap for Hospitals Project Staff Amy Wilson-Stronks, M.P.P., Project Director, Health Disparities, Division of Quality Measurement and Research, The Joint Commission. Paul Schyve, M.D., Senior Vice President, The Joint Commission Christina L. Cordero, Ph.D., M.P.H., Associate Project Director, Division of Standards and Survey Methods, The Joint Commission Isa Rodriguez, Project Coordinator, Division of Quality Measurement and Research, The Joint Commission Mara Youdelman, J.D., L.L.M., Senior Attorney, National Health Law Program Project Advisors Maureen Carr, M.B.A., Project Director, Division of Standards and Survey Methods, The Joint Commission Amy Panagopoulos, R.N., M.B.A., Director, Division of Standards and Survey Methods, The Joint Commission Robert Wise, M.D., Vice President, Division of Standards and Survey Methods, The Joint Commission Joint Commission Mission The mission of The Joint Commission is to continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value. The inclusion of an organization name, product, or service in a Joint Commission publication should not be construed as an endorsement of such organization, product, or services, nor is failure...
Words: 52816 - Pages: 212
...many hours they spent searching the literature. The Early Childhood Education Research Team would also like to acknowledge the parents, primary school teachers, school principals, early childhood professionals and other support staff who were willing to provide their views on what they considered to be a successful transition to school. A very special thank you to the kindergarten teachers who, at the time, were very busy writing Transition Learning and Development Statements yet somehow put time aside to answer our questions. Finally, we would like to acknowledge the support and colleagueship provided by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, especially Pippa Procter, Gina Suntesic and Karen Weston. This has been an interesting and stimulating project for us all. The Early Childhood Education Research Team Victoria University December, 2009 Table of Contents Acknowledgements Introduction • Background • Purpose Methodology • Literature Review • Participants • Data Collection • Victorian Early Years Learning & Development Framework (Victorian Framework) • Outcomes • Indicators • Measures • Tables Outcomes & Indicators of a Positive Start to School • For Children • For Families • For Educators • Table 1: Outcomes & indicators of a positive start to school for children • Table 2: Outcomes & indicators of a positive start to school for families • Table 3: Outcomes & indicators of a positive start to school for educators Recommendations Further suggestions...
Words: 22052 - Pages: 89
...Introduction to Human Resource Management Structure of Unit: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 Objectives Introduction Opening Case What is Human Resource Management? Nature of HRM Scope of HRM Objectives of HRM Functions of HRM Role of HRM HRM in the New Millennium Summary Self Assessment Questions Reference Books 1.0 Objectives After studying this unit, you will be able to: 1.1 Understand the basic concepts of human resource management (HRM). Explain what human resource management is and how it relates to the management process. Provide an overview of functions of HRM. Describe how the major roles of HR management are being transformed. Explain the role of HRM in the present millennium. Introduction Human beings are social beings and hardly ever live and work in isolation. We always plan, develop and manage our relations both consciously and unconsciously. The relations are the outcome of our actions and depend to a great extent upon our ability to manage our actions. From childhood each and every individual acquire knowledge and experience on understanding others and how to behave in each and every situations in life. Later we carry forward this learning and understanding in carrying and managing relations at our workplace. The whole context of Human Resource Management revolves around this core matter of managing relations at work place. Since mid 1980’s Human Resource Management (HRM)...
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