...How to do a Case Study There are common steps that most approaches recommend be followed in tackling a case study. Beforehand (usually a week before), you will get: 1. the case study, 2. (often) some guiding questions that will need to be answered, and 3. (sometimes) some reading assignments that have some relevance to the case subject. Your work in completing the case can be divided up into three components: 1. what you do to prepare before the class discussion, 2. what takes place in the class discussion of the case, and 3. anything required after the class discussion has taken place. For maximum effectiveness, it is essential that you do all three components. Here are the subcomponents, in order. We will discuss them in more detail shortly. 1. Before the class discussion: 1. Read the reading assignments (if any) 2. Use the Short Cycle Process to familiarize yourself with the case. 3. Use the Long Cycle Process to analyze the case 4. Usually there will be group meetings to discuss your ideas. 5. Write up the case (if required) 2. In the class discussion: 6. Someone will start the discussion, usually at the prompting of the Instructor. 7. Listen carefully and take notes. Pay close attention to assumptions. Insist that they are clearly stated. 8. Take part in the discussion. Your contribution is important, and is likely a part of your evaluation for the course. ...
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...How do the Theories of Emotion, Motivation and Development explain the events and public response to the James Bulger case of 1993? Theories allow people to see the world in a clear manner and allow them to perform actions based on what is rational. There are many theories that have evolved over the past century in Western cultures that attempt to explain how personalities develop, why people behave in certain ways, the type of environmental conditions that motivate them into acting in specific ways, and how these factors are interrelated. Some of the theories base their explanations on the social and emotional circumstances in the early years of an individual. This Essay aims to analyse the theories of emotion, motivation, and development and apply them to the events and public response to the James Bulger case of 1993. “ ‘I can never forgive Thompson and Venables for the horrendous, calculated, cold blooded murder of James.’ Said Denise Fergus the mother of the boy.” (Day. 2008). In an act that shocked the world, two ten year old boys, Jon Venables and Robert Thompson kidnapped and murdered James Bulger aged just two. The murder of James Patrick Bulger took place in Kirkby, Merseyside, England, on the 12 of February 1993. Bulger was a victim of abduction, torture and murder by two 10-year-old boys, named Robert Thompson (born 23rd August 1982) and the other one named Jon Venables (born 13th August 1982). It started with Bulger's disappearance on the 12 of February 1993...
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...people say that certain music to people make them do extraordinary things. People hear their life through music they listen to or like and that is how they live it. This is the case for the novel Sonny Blues written by James Baldwin. The story is about two brothers who come to understand each other, more specifically, through its two main characters, two sides of the African-American experience. Sounds of Music Some people say that certain music to people make them do extraordinary things. People hear their life through music they listen to or like and that is how they live it. This is the case for the novel Sonny Blues written by James Baldwin. The story is about two brothers who come to understand each other, more specifically, through its two main characters, two sides of the African-American experience. Sounds of Music Some people say that certain music to people make them do extraordinary things. People hear their life through music they listen to or like and that is how they live it. This is the case for the novel Sonny Blues written by James Baldwin. The story is about two brothers who come to understand each other, more specifically, through its two main characters, two sides of the African-American experience. Sounds of Music Some people say that certain music to people make them do extraordinary things. People hear their life through music they listen to or like and that is how they live it. This is the case for the novel Sonny Blues written by James Baldwin...
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...Value Line Publishing, October 2002 1. What do the financial ratios in case Exhibit 7 tell you about the operating performance of Home Depot? What additional information do the different ratios provide? Complete and compare a similar analysis for Lowe’s. 2. How sensitive is return on capital to the forecast assumptions in case Exhibit 8? What independent changes in Carrie Galeotafiore’s estimates are required to drive the 2002 return-on-capital estimate below Home Depot’s cost-of-capital estimate of 12.3 percent? Look specifically at gross margin, cash operating expenses, receivable turnover, inventory turnover, and P&E turnover. What effect does sales growth have on return on capital? Explain your findings. 3. Do you agree with Galeotafiore’s forecast for Home Depot? How would you adjust it? 4. How would your forecast assumptions differ for Lowe’s? Complete and recommend a five-year Lowe’s forecast to Galeotafiore. 5. What do the financial ratios in case Exhibit 7 tell you about the operating performance of Home Depot? What additional information do the different ratios provide? Complete and compare a similar analysis for Lowe’s. 6. How sensitive is return on capital to the forecast assumptions in case Exhibit 8? What independent changes in Carrie Galeotafiore’s estimates are required to drive the 2002 return-on-capital estimate below Home Depot’s cost-of-capital estimate of 12.3 percent? Look specifically at gross margin, cash operating...
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...course should also be beneficial to students that want to pass CFA exams. Teaching material: 1. Course note package and additional materials online; 2. Textbook: Frank J. Fabozzi, Bond Markets, Analysis and Strategies, (Hardcover: 792 pages, Publisher: Prentice Hall; 6th, 7th, or 8th editions) Available in Spartan Bookstore. 3. Cases (case pack is available for sale at $ 36.71 in Spartan Bookstore in the International Center. a. Tombstones (HBS 5-213-085) b. Arbitrage in the Government Bond Market? [HBS Case 9-293-093] c. The Harvard Management Co. and Inflation-Protected Bonds (HBS Case 201053). #Relation, correlation between d. Cougars (HBS Case 295006). #How banks are making there money, how many moneys they make, is a good deal or not a good deal #Corporate finance course, simple liner relation Instructional methods: The course will be in a traditional lecture format. Students will be evaluated by several assignments, five cases and final exam. The weights are as follows: participation 5%, assignment 15% , four cases 20% each. All assignments are due before the class starts. In case you miss the case/assignment without good reason (for example, certified by MD medical need), the exam weight will increase correspondingly. #no final Tentative office...
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...Topics, Assignment Sheets, and Course Outline The Case Method - Rules for Classroom Discussion Instruction for the Formation of Study & Project Groups B. Professor/Student Introductions C. Readings from Course Packet: 1. Fin 394.4 Syllabus - Course Outline and Grading Policy 2. “Course Introduction” 3. Note to the Student: How to Study and Discuss Cases 4. “The Case Method” - Jeff Sandefer 5. “Classroom Discussion” - Jeff Sandefer 6. “Note on Study Groups” - Jeff Sandefer ASSIGNMENT: 1. PURCHASE THE COURSE PACKET 2. BRING YOUR RESUME TO THE NEXT CLASS 3. BROWSE THE CLASS BLACKBOARD SITE: (HTTP://COURSES.UTEXAS.EDU/) AND LOOK AT THE EXTERNAL LINKS AND COURSE DOCUMENTS POSTED. a. Case Exhibits b. Case Solutions c. Valuation Templates d. Valuation External Links e. Project Information ASSIGNMENT SHEET THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2012 CLASS 2 – WORK FOR MONEY OR MONEY WORK FOR YOU? A. Turn in Resume B. Form study groups (self-select 4-6 people with different education, concentration, work experience and cultural background). Send e-mail to the professor with team member’s names. Study teams members must be in same section of the class. C. If you plan to do a consulting project, then start forming a team of four (4) members and...
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...304 Q.1: Would you find it helpful to have the cases presented in the order you cover them? Do you have assignments or your own materials you would like to integrate into your casebook? Ans:- Yes it will be helpful as case studies are a great way to tell the world how valuable your products or services are. They go beyond simple testimonials by showing real-life examples of how you were able to satisfy your customer’s needs and help them accomplish their goals. With great case studies, you will be able to highlight your successes in a way that will make your ideal potential customer become your customer. The following are some tips on how to make your case studies a powerful asset in soliciting business. 1. Write About Someone Your Ideal Customer Can Relate To Do you know who your ideal customer is? If it’s someone in the education industry, then make your case studies about your university customers. If it’s someone in the automobile industry, then make your case studies about auto parts and accessories manufacturers. The goal is to ensure that once your ideal customer has read your case studies, they will feel: * You are comfortable in their industry. * You know their industry’s specific needs. * You know how to give their industry targeted results. Think about it on a smaller level, such as when you’re reading a how-to blog post. Most of them are geared toward average readers. But when you come across a how-to post specifically designed for your needs (such...
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...create value and profit for the company. Maintaining a strong and compelling value proposition and long-term relationship with the company’s customers are vital for the company’s continued success and require constant monitoring of market, environmental, technological and competitive forces. Marketing is therefore integral to establishing a company’s strategic direction. This in turn makes marketing skills and perspective essential to the success of all business managers in any business. This course provides an in-depth exploration and practical application of basic marketing tools. These include product policy, pricing, promotion, distribution, sales management, and customer segmentation and retention. In most classes, we will analyze case studies that require us to identify marketing opportunities, refine value propositions, select customer segments and develop marketing programs for a variety of management situations. The course also includes a number of creative and analytic...
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...create value and profit for the company. Maintaining a strong and compelling value proposition and long-term relationship with the company’s customers are vital for the company’s continued success and require constant monitoring of market, environmental, technological and competitive forces. Marketing is therefore integral to establishing a company’s strategic direction. This in turn makes marketing skills and perspective essential to the success of all business managers in any business. This course provides an in-depth exploration and practical application of basic marketing tools. These include product policy, pricing, promotion, distribution, sales management, and customer segmentation and retention. In most classes, we will analyze case studies that require us to identify marketing opportunities, refine value propositions, select customer segments and develop marketing programs for a variety of management situations. The course also includes a number of creative and analytic assignments, including a semester-long, group...
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...Wednesdays, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. or by appointment Phone 512-232-7671 E-Mail john.doggett@mccombs.utexas.edu Course Web Page via Canvas ------------------------------------------------- Teaching Assistants Grant Garlinghouse (grant.garlinghouse@mba14.mccombs.utexas.edu) Course Objectives I have taught this course since late in the last century. Today, as we approach a second global recession, helping people learn how to grow firms as astutely as possible will play a role in speeding the beginning of a new recovery. When companies like Cisco and HP abandon major market segments, it is even more important to think critically about how to grow a firm’s products. Given the chaotic period that we are entering, I have made several significant changes to this course. First, I have done away with the individual midterm. The “next” recovery will be a group effort. So will your midterm. Second, I have assigned three books. These are some of the best books out there on how to think about innovation, competition and how to grow a business. They will become “let me read that again” go-to books that you will use long after you graduate from UT. To compensate for the heavy reading load, I have eliminated most of the background notes from the course. Third, we are going to take a critical look at what is going on around the world. I believe that more than ever before, global events will have a profound impact on our ability to grow or maintain healthy...
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...Case Seminar Advanced Corporate Finance Tuesday 10:00 – 13:00, Room 23 Instructor: Tim Adam This case seminar discusses real-world business cases, which relate to the materials covered in Corporate Finance and Advanced Corporate Finance. The main topics are company valuation, capital structure, bankruptcy, corporate governance, project finance and corporate risk management. The main objective of the seminar is to apply the theoretical concepts of corporate finance and corporate governance to real-world situations. To do so we will discuss six Harvard Business School cases. In addition, there will be several company presentations of real-world business cases. This seminar has a high level of practical relevance, but it is also very labor intensive. Expect to spend at least eight hours each week on case preparations. Prerequisites All participants must have successfully passed Corporate Finance, and take Advanced Corporate Finance parallel or prior to this case seminar. Registration Students need to register for this seminar. Please submit your applications electronically (CV, most recent transcript) to Mrs. Bulwahn by April 8, 2016. If you do not attend the first session, your place may be given to other students on the waiting list. Evaluation Four case reports (80%), class participation (20%). Seminar attendance is obligatory. Course materials Cases can be purchased for a total cost of US$ 23.70 using a credit...
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...UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH KATZ GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS BSEO 2531 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND NEW VENTURES January 2015 PROFESSOR: G. Richard Patton 328 Mervis Hall grpatton@katz.pitt.edu Phone: 648-1568 SECRETARY: Pat Koroly 341 Mervis Hall 412-648-2250 Required Case and Reading Packet link: https://cb.hbsp.harvard.edu/cbmp/access/32240148 BSEO 2531 is to be a different experience for our MBA students. Most of your previous student experience has been focused on models and techniques that are typically applied in large organizations. BSEO 2531 will focus on a different aspect of the business environment--entrepreneurship. Consequently, this course will be structured differently than most other courses. Part of the course will involve the use of conventional case analysis, discussions and lectures. In addition, there will be guest speakers, time permitting. There are multiple objectives for the Entrepreneurship elective, including: 1. Understanding the process of New Venture Formulation 2. Studying the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs 3. Process and structure of business plan development 4. Understanding sources and methods of financing new business ventures 5. Opportunities to apply functional skill (marketing, finance, accounting, etc.) 6. Networking in the Pittsburgh entrepreneurial community The focus of the class will be the development...
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...Case Set Instructions Which cases do I complete, and when is each case set due? See the syllabus. How do I prepare the cases? Start with a cover page that provides class information (ACCT 4400, etc.) and the names of all team members. The cover page should also include the specific cases or parts of cases completed by each team member along with any reviewing responsibilities. The answers to the three cases in each case set must follow the order listed in the syllabus. All materials must be typed double-space using Times New Roman, 12-point font with 1 inch margins on all sides. There are exceptions to this rule: * Tables produced in Excel used as audit work papers and/or to show calculations do not have to be double-spaced. These tables must be copied and pasted into your write-up at the appropriate locations. * Table notes can be in 10-point font and do not need to be double-spaced. For an example, see Case Assignment 2-3. References are important so that a writer does not plagiarize (pass another person’s thoughts or words as her/his own). All references must be cited in the text and included in a reference list at the end of each case. Examples include the AICPA Code of Conduct, Auditing Standards, SEC statements, practitioner journals, web sites, and the textbook. You do not need to reference class notes or your own thoughts. To format references, use any of the three generally accepted methods: APA, Chicago, or MLA. The Purdue Online Writing Lab...
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...Case 1 Warren E. Buffett, 1995 How is Berkshire Hathaway’s business composition from Exhibit 1 different or similar today? Be specific. Provide an overall statement to describe Berkshire Hathaway’s performance over time compared to the S&P 500. Can you discern a trend in the investment decisions of Mr. Buffett and are his decisions consistent with the principals learned from his mentor Dr. Graham? Based on the types of company’s that BK now owns, have the Acquisition Criteria been held to, modified, expanded upon? Is there something more to his theories? Comment on the quote “all you need to know to become a successful investor is two courses, (1) A course on how to value companies and (2) a course on human behavior”. How does Buffet’s philosophy statements on page 19 and 20 compare to what you have learned so far in your other management classes or personal experiences? What does the advice that Buffet gave the University of Florida students mean to you? Select 2 quotes on page 22 and comment on why they are meaningful to you. How has Mr. Buffet taken advantage of the recession of the past 4 years? Comment on Mr. Buffet’s quote “We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful”. By use of research, how has Buffet and his company applied this statement with their current actions? Case 2 INTUIT Your textbook on page 19 makes reference to the fact that most entrepreneurs learn...
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...GSCM 206 Complete Course-Latest 2015 December (All Discussions, All Case , Week 3 And 5 Quizes And Final) IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work then Click The Link Below For Instant Down Load http://www.hwspeed.com/Devry-GSCM-206-Complete-Course-Latest-2015-December-11204585.htm?categoryId=-1 IF You Face Any Problem Then E Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@GMAIL.COM Question Devry GSCM206 Week 1 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015 November DQ 1 What is operations and supply chain management? What career opportunities would you be interested in pursuing in the field of operations and supply chain management? DQ 2 How do operations and supply chain processes provide a competitive advantage in the global arena? How is a firm’s mission related to its strategy? Devry GSCM206 Week 2 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015 November DQ 1 How can forecasting improve your operations and supply chain processes? What are the differences between independent and dependent demand? DQ 2 How important are the product design and the voice of the customer? How important are the product design and the voice of the customer during a new product development? What is the impact of the product life cycle on managing the supply chain? Devry GSCM206 Week 3 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015 November DQ 1 Identify management’s role in linking operations and supply chain processes with quality improvement. Identify how improving quality can lead to reduced costs. DQ 2 Consider the different...
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