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How to Get Into a Website


Submitted By LANDAU99
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haha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is coolhaha this is cool

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Best Idea Ever to introduce a new service to you called “”. will be website available to all that register a valid email and are 21 and older. What will be offered on this website is a new technology and idea I came up with. The main offering on this website will be a live feed of bar’s and the bar’s line to get in. In addition, you will be able to create your own group chats, and instant message other users. Other services provided will be bar specials, bar themes, local taxi number, late night food, and live updates by promoters. The overall marketing plan place, promotion, price, and product will make or break this service especially place. I would like to set this website up in three different area’s consisting of West Virginia, Morgan Town, George Town, and New Haven, Connecticut. Promotion will be another key factor, and I am hoping to sell Facebook or YouTube that this next big idea so they will help with advertising. Otherwise, it will be up to me and the investors I obtain. Price to use the website will be free and Product is the service were providing. The industry size and target market are two key components to making this business succeed. The reason I picked those three areas is because they are highly populated and they are highly populated with bars and college students. College students will be the primary target of this company. The more people this website can engage, the more business and profit will come to this company. If we can sell it...

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