...Laura Jewell ENG-105 07-13-2014 Rebecca Foy The rhetorical analysis of the CDC’s website on ADHD. The CDC is a government funded organization, but they do not share enough information with the public, so we can be proactive in dealing with, or minimizing the negative effects of ADHD. The CDC is not sharing information that would help the public to understand, to minimize the questions being asked, and to what depths or severity ADHD is, or could be. Some of the public may not fully understand the context of the issues pertaining to ADHD, what the CDC’s actual credibility is, and to whom they are trying to impart their knowledge. When a young child is sick, we take them to the doctor. What if we do not know they are sick, what then? That’s where the CDC gets involved with ADHD, but what do we really know about the disease, other than its generally found in children, and that it is an issue in their neurodevelopment. Children today are being diagnosed with ADHD. According to the CDC it is not ok, but the way to fix it seems to be, to medicate the child or teen, so the symptoms become less apparent. Does that really help? One of the issues with medicating could be, the child does not develop emotionally, and or socially, in an appropriate way. Is this safe for the kids, or is the CDC trying to keep ADHD under control, like they successfully have done with malaria, and leprosy (not actually creating a cure like with polio, or the possibility of a surgical fix)...
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...ENG-105 Rubric: Rhetorical Analysis of a Public Document Assignment |Criteria |% Value |1: Unsatisfactory |2: Less Than Satisfactory |3: Satisfactory |4: Good |5: Excellent | |% Scaling | |0% |65% |75% |85% |100% | |Content and Ideas – 60% | |Introduce and summarize the |20% |The introduction of the website is|The introduction of the website|The introduction of the website is |The introduction of the |The introduction to the website| |website | |not present AND the summarization |is not present OR the |present. The summarization of the |website is present. The |is present and elaborate. The | | | |of the website is missing. |summarization of the website is|website is present. |summarization of the website |summarization of the website is| | | | |incomplete. | ...
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...Draft of a Rhetorical Analysis of a Public Document Assignment Goal Write a 750-1,000-word essay that analyzes the rhetorical situation of a public document. This public document is the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) website on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) found at: http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/facts.html. Your analysis should include at least TWO scholarly sources outside of class texts. Directions Complete a close reading of the assigned public document. Then, write a cohesive essay that: 1. Introduces and summarizes the CDC website on ADHD. 2. Analyzes the rhetorical tools used on the site (here, you will want to incorporate ideas from your preanalysis below). For instance, your essay could analyze the CDC’s use of ethos, pathos, and logos. 3. Evaluates the site’s effectiveness (again, ideas from your preanalysis below will be helpful). This essay is NOT simply an expository or descriptive essay or an analysis of ADHD. It is an analysis of the site and how effectively the site uses rhetorical tools to get its point across. First Draft Grading * You will receive completion points for the first draft based upon the successful submission of your draft. * Because your first draft is a completion grade, do not assume that this grade reflects or predicts the final grade. If you do not consider your instructor’s comments, you may be deducted points on your final draft. Final Draft Grading The essay will...
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...Draft of a Rhetorical Analysis of a Public Document Assignment Goal Write a 750-1,000-word essay that analyzes the rhetorical situation of a public document. This public document is the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) website on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) found at: http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/facts.html. Your analysis should include at least TWO scholarly sources outside of class texts. Directions Complete a close reading of the assigned public document. Then, write a cohesive essay that: 1. Introduces and summarizes the CDC website on ADHD. 2. Analyzes the rhetorical tools used on the site (here, you will want to incorporate ideas from your preanalysis below). For instance, your essay could analyze the CDC’s use of ethos, pathos, and logos. 3. Evaluates the site’s effectiveness (again, ideas from your preanalysis below will be helpful). This essay is NOT simply an expository or descriptive essay or an analysis of ADHD. It is an analysis of the site and how effectively the site uses rhetorical tools to get its point across. Use Chapter 2 in The Call to Write and the sample rhetorical analysis on pages 57-60 as a guide. First Draft Grading * You will receive completion points for the first draft based upon the successful submission of your draft. * Because your first draft is a completion grade, do not assume that this grade reflects or predicts the final grade. If you do not consider your instructor’s...
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...cartoons. They can be found in newspapers, news magazines or online. In the College Board’s AP Language course description, it says students are to analyze graphics and visual images and determine how such images relate to written texts and serve as alternative forms. First, let’s explore some analysis techniques from the Library of Congress website: http://www.loc.gov/teachers/classroommaterials/presentationsandactivities/activities/political-cartoon/ Click on the “About This Activity” tab and the “Learn More About Political Cartoons” tab. You may find some links on the Library of Congress website to cartoon sites. The analysis guide below is also on the Library of Congress website. Directions 1. Find two political cartoons (newspapers, news magazines, online) 2. Visit the Library of Congress website 3. Using the persuasive and rhetorical criteria below, write a one-half page to one page analysis for each of the cartoons. (word-processed, single-spaced) 4. Include a Works Cited page for the project (combine the information from both cartoons) 5. Include both cartoons 6. You will be evaluated on the clarity, depth, and accuracy of your analysis! Cartoon Analysis Guide Symbolism: Cartoonists use simple objects, or symbols, to stand for larger concepts or ideas. After you identify the symbols in the cartoon, think about what the cartoonist intends each symbol to stand for. Exaggeration: Sometimes cartoonists overdo, or exaggerate (hyperbole) the physical...
Words: 667 - Pages: 3
...Finding the sources turned out to be pretty easy because I used the sources that had been provided. I chose to do my rhetorical analysis on the narrative by Sarah Louise Augustus, so that will be my primary source and then the articles titled "General Structure of Slave Narratives", "An introduction to the Slave Narrative", and "What is Literature?" will be the remaining sources. Summarizing each source proved to be slightly more difficult as some of them were quite lengthy, which made it a challenge to adequately encompass the message of the source in only a small paragraph. Originally I found it difficult to decide what style I should use when writing the summaries, but reading through the examples provided helped me determine the proper...
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...You have been working on short writing assignments and exercises that practice the three individual parts of a rhetorical analysis—identification of the rhetorical situation, close analysis of the parts of the work, and a critical evaluation of the author’s moves and effectiveness. Now you will be putting it all together. You will write a rhetorical analysis on one of the speeches found on this website: http://www.americanrhetoric.com/top100speechesall.html You will identify the rhetorical situation, do a close analysis of a principle or strategy being used, and draw a conclusion on how well the author has accomplished his or her objective. Make sure you do NOT use the same speech as your peers. Assignment: Choose one of the articles. Write...
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...Title: Tiger in a Tank Do you wish that you could move as fast as a Tiger? In today’s world you need to have gas for your car in order to go somewhere. In the Enco Ad from 1964 there was a slogan on there that said, “Put a Tiger in Your Tank.” Basically this is saying that if we use this gas then we will be as fast as a tiger. There are many people that would like to drive as fast as a tiger and believe that the gas that they put in their car would be the best option. When people trust a certain gas and know that it works really good for their car then they normally continue to buy that fuel. In this ad it tells you that there are three ways that this gas will help your car make you go as fast as a tiger. The first way is the Cleaning Power. It is letting you know that while using this gas that not only will your car stay cleaner but so will the other things in the car as well. Secondly the gas will give you firing power to go as fast as you need to move. Like the ad said, “Put a Tiger in your Tank.” Lastly, while using the Enco gas you will have Extreme Power in your car. This will allow you to think when using this product that your car will perform to the extreme and go really fast. The use of Pathos comes into this ad because of the way that they are using the tiger. The ad shows the emotions of a tiger pushing a car and letting the driver think that it will become fast with the Enco gas that was put into the gas tank. Also this gas has been improved with...
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...English Composition May 4, 2016 Professor Russell Tiedt Rhetorical Analysis of a Public Document The main purpose of the Centers for Disease Control, also known as CDC, is to put in place safeguard measures for individuals by promoting the quality of life through prevention and control of diseases, injuries, and disabilities (CDC, 2013). The CDC is concerned about a prevalent disease which is common in children to adults called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which is also referred as ADHD. The CDC has created a webpage for ADHD to educate and inform parents, patients or potential patients, caregivers and teachers of the facts surrounding ADHD. The article itself, has different topics pertaining to ADHD, such as the signs and symptoms, the different types of ADHD, and some of the causes of ADHD just to name a few. The CDC website can be found at http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/facts.html and the layout is well structured, with all the quick links easily assessable. Before going straight into the rhetorical tools, one must know what they are. Ethos is the ethical appeal, pathos the emotional appeal and logos is the logical appeal. Using these rhetorical tools, the CDC developed an effective website, by giving their audience the factual information on ADHD. The ethical appeal, ethos, the CDC uses would be most present within the signs and symptoms, causes and treatments section of the article. The author is persuading the audience by showing us that they are...
Words: 420 - Pages: 2
...Rhetorical Analysis on an advertisement Smoking tobacco has been around for thousands of years starting with our ancestors. During the 1920s the first medical report proved that smoking causes many health risks. A series of major medical tests had proved that tobacco caused MANY diseases. (cancer council) Once that was realized many people started creating anti-smoking ads', commercials, newspaper entries, etc. The main key to these type of influential advertisements is how to the author/artist used rhetorical analysis to connect with the intended audience. Miroslav Vujovic created the "Tobacco Teeth" ad and product with facts, emotion, and is supported by credibility behind the issue. If you look at the ad you can pick up the first obvious...
Words: 513 - Pages: 3
...Introduction Rhetorical Analysis (RA) is an examination of how the author uses rhetorical elements to present strong arguments and effective communication with the audience. Rhetorical analysis is one of the best ways to learn persuasive writing strategies that I will use to improve my writing. In an article “Cognitive computing capabilities can help member firm clients make smarter, faster choices,” the author uses a variety of writing works to deliver his/her messages about Deloitte’s professionalism and clients’ benefit. I have analyzed the article into three parts: rhetorical situations, rhetorical appeals, and rhetorical strategies. By identifying elements of the rhetorical situation, I can learn how to set up the circumstances that...
Words: 1567 - Pages: 7
...Rhetorical Analysis: Happier Than A Body Builder Directing Traffic Insurance is known for being boring and tedious, something that nobody looks forward to dealing with. In their recent advertising campaign, however, GEICO stands out through their silly use of a body builder directing traffic and comparing him to how happy GEICO customers are. When you think about it, a bodybuilder is the perfect person to direct traffic. He's fit enough to move his arms around for hours at a time and he's big enough to be noticed by passing motorists. In the commercial I have chosen to analysis, a bodybuilder is seen in the middle of a busy city street, flexing his muscles as drivers wait for their turn to navigate the intersection. All this is done in the name of directing traffic, and the wide grin suggests that he’s more than a little excited at the opportunity to show off his hard work with each point and wave. After about twenty seconds into the commercial, two guys are standing on top of a stage on the sidewalk in view of the body builder and they start a conversation: Jimmy: “You know Ronnie, Folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to GEICO sure are happy.” Ronnie: “And how happy are they Jimmy?” Jimmy: “I’d say happier than a body builder directing traffic.” Ronnie: “He does look happy.” At the end of the commercial, the company’s name and website are shown in the middle of the screen and the announcer says: “Get happy, Get GEICO. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen...
Words: 1114 - Pages: 5
...ASPCA outlines its goals in their mission, which is “to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.” This non-profit organization is dedicated to ensuring that the safety and well-being of countless animals is never comprised. Non-profit organizations rely a great deal on contributions, such as financial donations from outside sources, to achieve their goals. The ASPCA organization utilizes their websites homepage and emotionally riveting commercials to encourage their audience by using numerous rhetorical devices, especially the rhetorical appeal pathos, in order to evoke to emotions within the audience. The ASPCA’s website layout, their content and...
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...Writer’s Refl Assignment: Produce a polished, organized, convincing letter that discusses both your strengths and your weaknesses as a writer. Evaluate your progress honestly and thoroughly. It is important that you reflect on both your weaknesses and your strengths in order to improve your writing. √ Argument & Analysis. Students write persuasively and analytically. Student writing contains convincing arguments and is supported with evidence. √ Critical Reading. Students read to inquire, learn, think, and communicate. Student writing demonstrates understandings of assigned readings, and when requested, incorporates outside readings. √ Rhetorical Knowledge. Student writing meaningfully engages with writing, language, and/or rhetoric-related topics. √ Research. Student writing evidences understandings of citation and website validity, and avoids plagiarism. At the intermediate level, student writing integrates credible academic research. √ Technology & Multimodality. Students function in electronic writing spaces, and use technology to compose, revise, and present their writing. At the intermediate level, students analyze and/or produce visual, audio, and online texts, while must be 400-500 words long. This section of the “letter” will be 4 paragraphs. |Excellent (4) |Satisfactory (3) |Unsatisfactory (1) | |Examination of...
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...A Rhetorical Analysis of the CDC’s Website on ADHD The purpose of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is to protect the health of America and to “promote the quality of life through the prevention and control of the disease, injury, and disability (CDC, 2013).” The CDC has a concern about a growing disease that is normally found in children to young adults called Attention- Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD. This Rhetorical Analysis will be focused on ADHD. The CDC’s Website is trying to inform current or future patients, parents and care givers, and teachers on how to handle this illness. The CDC offers patients many different ways to find out information that is current about ADHD. As a patient or a future patient, the CDC informs the reader that the way how doctors accurately diagnosis patients by using the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth edition (DSM-5) (CDC, 2013). The website also provides a checklist to answer if the patient believes that he/she has the symptoms of ADHD that could be filled out prior to the patient seeing the doctor to help the physician diagnosis the patient. The CDC informs the patient on possible treatments that the patient would undergo to try to better control the illness of ADHD such as medication treatments and behavioral therapy. As a patient, the CDC tries to make the patient not feel alone by providing stories from other people. Besides just stories from other people...
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