...Professional Standards IT/237 May 23, 2014 Professional Standards How Tags are Used to Promote Accessibility and SEO The tags that are used to promote accessibility and search engine optimization are called tags. These tags are not displayed on what the browser renders for the web page, however, they do provide valuable information for the browser and search engines. Over time search engine optimization, or SEO, techniques have changed. In the early days of the Internet keyword meta tags were extremely important for search engines to find a site of a specific topic for the end user. However the keyword meta tags were soon exploited by developers and designers by doing something called “keyword stuffing.” Keyword stuffing is when keywords are inserted to the meta tag that are not relevant to the site. For example a search conducted for the keyword ‘bakery’ may turn up results for bakeries, butchers, and other sites that are not related to bakeries. Another form of keyword stuffing is repeating keywords to artificially inflate the page ranking. As search engines have developed the keyword tag is less critical for producing high search result rankings; in fact Google completely disregards the contents of the keyword tag when performing its indexing. The title and description tags also play a role in SEO however not all search engines support the description tag. Robot meta tags tell search engines while crawling and indexing. The default...
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...Professional Standards Darrell Ramsey Professional Standards Week 8 Marcus Allen The questions asks what are Meta tags and how are they used to promote accessibility and search engine optimization? Meta tags are HTML source codes that are used in headers on web pages. They are mostly used to provide search engines with keyword tags to describe a website’s description and keywords. The most important aspect of Meta tags that allow a search engine to determine what the website should be searched and crawled for would be the description and also the keywords. The other Meta tags give the web browsers and the search engines what is called spider instructions or data on various information. Meta tags are a great way for webmasters to let search engines know about their websites and this is what it would look like. <meta name=”description” content=”A description of the page”/> The other question we are asked would be what is the professional standards in web development and what are some examples? The importance of professional web standards in web development allow not only users but also designers to interact easier and not have different rendering issues with non-compliant browsers. with all the different browsers and each having incompatibility all designers struggle to ensure web browsers look the same in various web browsers. With professional standards in web development the HTML code could...
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...Professional Standards <meta> tags are used to optimize web sites by using snippets of informational code positioned between the <head> tags that make your web site more visible to search engines. Through the years <meta> tags have been widely misunderstood and either used incorrectly or abused. <meta> tags were developed in the 90s to help with the rapid growth of the internet and web pages. Unfortunately <meta> tags were misused by webmaster buy doing what is called tag stuffing. This is a process where a web designer places content inside their <meta> tags that does not pertain to their site to attract attention. For example say you searched for an electric company and your results also included plumbers. This is because they stuffed their tags with keys words that pertain to electric companies. This is genuinely harmless with the exception of clogging up search results but when adult web sites tag stuff not only do you get results you do not need or want it can expose children to adult content. As a result of this search engines no long pay any attention to the keywords tag (Web Marketing Now, 2011). While there are many different <meta tags that can be used the most commonly used ones are Title tag, Description tag, and the previously mentioned Keywords tag, even though this tag is more and more being overlooked (Site Pro News, n.d.). Professional Standards in web design are important for developing standardized web designs and practices...
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...The job that I picked for this assignment is Computer Forensics Investigator I picked this job because I think that is the career path I want to take. I am currently getting my degree in Information technology and want to go for a bachelor’s in information systems security. The job of a Computer Forensics Investigator is to identify and collect digital data and evidence from all sorts of media like hard drives, flash drives and even the Internet. Once the digital evidence and data our collected then the Computer Forensics Investigator must examine and analyze the evidence to find out what the data is and what it was used for. The Computer Forensics Investigator must also help with the collecting of physical evidence at crime scenes such as computers and digital media. A day in the like of a Computer Forensics Investigator would in tale of the investigator going to a crime scene and collecting of evidence and talking it back to the computer lab. Where the investigator would take the evidence say a computer and getting all the digital data off the drive where they can analyze the data and the hand any incriminating evidence over to the lead investigator to aid in the capture of the criminals. The Investigator may even need to go as far as retrieve data from the drive that has been deleted this can be a completed task in its self because it can talk days some times to retrieve this deleted data and then all the data might not be available to get a complete file. The next thing the...
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...Professional Standards Avery Magee IT/237 09/16/2011 Vickie Bailey tags tags, are the information inserted into the “head” part of the web page right after the “title” tag is inserted giving the page a title. The meta description tag allows you to influence the description of your page in the crawlers that support the tag. In the beginning I was under the impression that when I typed in a description for the meta tag that was what would be displayed on a search engine to summarize my site. After a little research it turns out that searches like Google will actually ignore the tag altogether (in some cases) and generate their own description for the site. Other search engines that are configured to use meta tags will pull the full or part description from the tag to display for users. Searchenginewatch.com said,” In review, it is worthwhile to use the meta description tag for your pages, because it gives you some degree of control with various crawlers. An easy way to do this often is to take the first sentence or two of body copy from your web page and use that for the meta description content.” The meta keywords tag is also addressed in the information I found as a rarely used thing of the past. The article on meta tags at Http://searchenginewatch.com considers these tags useful for the few crawlers out there that may actually still use the meta tag but very few do anymore. This particular tag is good for adding keywords to a search or generating...
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...Professional Ethical Standards Bonita A. Pyshny ADJ 235 February 27, 2011 Steven Gray "Justin was a juvenile probation officer for a number of years. He has seen the inside of kids who have gotten in trouble. How he spends his time speaking at school assemblies. He also works a lot with MADD and DARE. I have read that he has talked to 400,000 students in the last year." Steve Howe You will observe a typical day in the life of a juvenile probation office. Her/his task and other duties she/he performs on a daily basis. What code of ethics they stand by and any potential ethical dilemmas the can arise. Her/his day starts off the moment a juvenile is arrested and incarcerated. The probation officer's first job is to interview the juvenile and her/his parent(s), and receive the facts of the incident from the juvenile's point of view along with the official version of the incident. The probation officer would request some background information from the juvenile and her/his parent(s) to be included in the report. Once this report is complete, the probation officer would let the prosecution know what she/he recommends on how to precede with the incident. Whether the juvenile should stand trial in a court of law, place the juvenile on probation, the family get referred to child services or dismiss the case entirely. When the...
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...Professional Ethical Standards Social Worker 8/15/2010 University of Phoenix Gail Zettel “Social work is a profession for those with a strong desire to help improve people's lives.” Social Caseworker- The minimum requirement for entry into a social work career is a bachelor’s in social work (BSW), although some positions may require an advanced degree. Master’s programs prepare the graduate for work in their chosen field and help develop the skills required to perform clinical assessments, manage large caseloads, and explore new ways of drawing upon social services to meet the needs of clients. A master’s degree program takes two years (full time), four years part-time, and requires a minimum of 900 hours of field instruction or internship. To have a professional title you must have two years or 3,000 hours of clinical experience and obtain a license, certification, or registration dependent on the State you live in. To be a social worker you must be emotionally mature, objective, and sensitive to people and the problems that surround them. You must be responsible, be able to work independently, and be able to maintain working relationships with your clients and co-workers. Volunteering as a social work aide will help you access whether or not you have an interest in this field. In 2008 social workers held around 642,000 jobs, and employment for social workers is expected to grow for all social occupations through 2018. These proposed outlooks on growth...
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...Courtroom Participants’ Professional Standards Name CJA 224 Date Professor When entering a courtroom the main common goal is to have a guilty or not guilty verdict. While being in the courtroom you can come across some participant that are in misconduct, which can have a serious consequence. Courtroom misconduct can go any where from making improper remarks or improperly introducing evidence designed to prejudice the jury. Prosecutorial misconduct violates court rules or ethical standards of law practice. Hiding, destroying or tampering with evidence, can also have serious consequence, which is taken very seriously in the courtrooms. If the prosecutorial fails to disclose evidence that might tend to exonerate the defendant, threatening, badgering or tampering with witness can also, lead to jail time. Acting in these action can lead to them being disbarred and fined. The due process control model and the crime control model in evaluating the judicial process. Prosecutors have a big responsibility within the criminal justice system. They act as the legal representatives of the government when cases are filed against people who violated the law. It is essential for prosecutors to ensure that the evidence is sufficient before they bring the case to the court. The standards set by Strickland v. Washington will also be clarified by describing it and its effect on courtroom cases. These guidelines and procedures cover rules in handling evidence, code of ethics...
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...Courtroom Participants’ Professional Standards In order for the legal system of the United States to work as intended by the constitution, it is vital for all participants of the legal system to their jobs in accordance with the law. From the bottom up, the police officers making arrests should not violate the rights of an individual or take law into their own hands. Any misconduct by the police will cause the public to loose trust in them. Then the prosecutors and defense attorneys must work in accordance with the law and make sure a defendant is given all the rights under the law and should not do anything to violate the rights of the individual. At the judicial level, the judges must keep personal feeling out of the courts and avoid any misconduct that might cause a reversal of the charges in appeal or cause the public to question and doubt the justice system. * * A man named Michael Wayne Hash was the victim of a prosecutorial misconduct case back in 2001. Michael was convicted of murdering a 74 year old grandmother. Michael was convicted of capital murder after prosecutors made deals with three other men that were tried and convicted of the same case. In this case, the prosecutors withheld or concealed evidence that could have freed Michael * of the charges against him. Prosecutors did not disclose to the defense council that the accusers against him failed polygraph exams and had made deals to testify against him. There was no DNA match to Michael from...
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...Professional Nursing in Tennessee: Maintaining the Standards Johnny Wright Walden University Issues and Trends in Nursing (NURS - 3001 - 7) February 17, 2013 Professional Nursing in Tennessee: Maintaining the Standards The scope of practice describes the actions, procedures, and rules permitted by Tennessee law for the nursing profession. Professional standards are codes and rules that influence the nursing profession. The purpose of this paper is to examine in detail Tennessee’s professional nursing standards of practice, licensure requirements and the American Nurses Association code of conducts and nursing standards. Scope of Practice The Tennessee registered nurses scope of practice is a detailed process which comprised of patient assessment, identify issues and trends, outcomes identification, learning and practice environment, consultation and evaluation. The standard of practice of the professional nurse means the performance for compensation of any requiring extensive specialized judgment and skills based on knowledge of multiple groups of sciences, and the humanities, as the basis for application of the nursing process in wellness, prevention and illness care. The professional nurse is must exhibit responsible supervision of patients requiring skill and surveillance of symptoms, reactions and expected outcomes. The registered nurse must advocate health promotion, restoration and maintenance of health, administer medication...
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...continuum that occurs during the professional socialization process. Antecedents of nursing professionalization are identified and classified in the following five groups: Demographic factors, factors related to the experience, training-related factors, factors related to the position, and value factors. 1. Demographic Age is one of the effective factors on nursing professionalization, identified in the studies. Studies have also shown that ethnic differences can have an impact on professional values. Gender differences are also the other factors...
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...Historically very few professions were given the status of being a professional. Those who were in the profession of law and medicine were perceived to be ‘elite’, receiving professional status. This was given due to the structure and depth of their specialised training and high level qualification. The knowledge gained and the ethical standards of those professionals in their practice. They were governed by professional bodies, adhering to high values and having professional autonomy. These professionals were held in high esteem by society as possessing specialised knowledge and skills, who were equipped to apply this knowledge and implement their skills in the interest of others. The concept of professionalism and having status of being a professional within the early year’s workforce has been a contentious issue. Early year workers were one of the many professions not recognised by society as being professional. Some say it is due to the lack of value society in general placed on the quality and standard of qualification they held in comparison to that of other professions working within early year’s settings; such as teachers or speech and language therapists who held degree led qualifications. Early year workers skills and knowledge were also undervalued which reflected in lower levels of pay with no prospect of moving up the career ladder. It could be said that low pay relates to poor quality of service, while others say it indicates the status of the job. Society portrayed...
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...Nursing Practice in Maryland Myrnie Johnson Walden University Nurse 3000 Section 6, Issues and Trends in Nursing August 18, 2013 Nursing Practice in Maryland Nurse Practice Acts (NPA’s) are a set of laws that are individualized state-to-state that define the scope of nursing practice. The guidelines of the NPA and its rules provide safe parameters within which to work, as well as protect patients from unprofessional and unsafe nursing practice (“Nurse Practice Act, Rules & Regulations”, 2013). The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of professional standards and legislation on nursing in the state of Maryland. Scope of Practice New graduate registered nurses (RNs) must fill out an application to take the NCLEX-RN examination in Maryland after they have successfully completed an education program approved by the Board of Nursing (BON). If this program was completed in another state, the program must be comparable to those approved by the BON in Maryland. The Maryland NPA defines an “approved” program as one being “in compliance with the regulations of the board” and “holds a certificate of approval from the Board of Nursing” (Department of Health and Mental Hygiene). If the applicant is from Puerto Rico, they must pass a Spoken English test. All applicants must then complete a Criminal History Background Check application with fingerprinting and declare their primary state of residence (Maryland Board of Nursing, 2011). Effective in 2013, Maryland...
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...1.1 Briefly summarise the HRPM-the 2 core professional areas, the remaining professional areas, the bands and the behaviours. The CIPD HR Profession Map sets out standards of professional competence for HR practitioners, and is a useful tool to help them identify any future learning and development needs, in order to achieve their professional goals at every level of HR profession. The HR Profession Map describes what HR professionals need to do, what they need to know and how they need to do it, in order to be effective and successful in the HR role. The CIPD HR Profession Map consists of three main components-10 professional areas, 8 behaviours and 4 Bands of professional competence. The Professional areas There are 10 Professional areas in HR Profession Map - Insights, Strategy and Solutions, Leading HR, Organization design, Organization development, Resourcing and talent planning, Learning and talent development, Performance and reward, Employee engagement, Employee relations and Service Delivery and Information. The first two professional areas-Insights, Strategy and Solutions and Leading and Managing the Function, are considered as the core areas, and are applicable for all HR practitioners, regardless of their role and position. First core one-Insights, Strategy and Solutions, explains how to develop actionable insights and solution, which are adjusted to a deep understanding of the business. The HR professionals must know organisation’s strategy, vision, what are...
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...1. Do you think Mindy dresses appropriately for a professional interview? No, I do not think Mindy is dress appropriately for a professional interview. Mindy look like she is dress to go work at a tattoo shop with the piercings, and tattoos she have. I believe that Mindy’s dress is inappropriate for the medical facility because her hair is colored different bright colors, she has facial piercings, her clothes do not cover her body and undergarments are showing, she has on too much make up, she is wearing dangling earrings and bracelet, her tattoos are not covered up and she has on open toed shoes. Most employers have a standard for dress codes. If she is not breaking any of the dress codes, then nothing can be done to make her dress more professionally. The numbers I choose that would best fit her for a professional interview is 1, 2, and 1. 2. Does personal "style" detract from the medical facility's air of professionalism? Mindy’s personal “style” does detract from the facilities air of professionalism. She looks like she should be working in a tanning salon or a tattoo parlor, not a professional medical clinic. 3. What are your thoughts on how and why it is important to project a professional image at the interview? In order to project a professional image, one should follow the dress code established by the business. You should be polite and helpful in any situation presented to you. You should use tact when talking to others and be respectful of others opinions....
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