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It/237 Professional Standards


Submitted By stabavery
Words 541
Pages 3
Professional Standards

Avery Magee


Vickie Bailey


tags, are the information inserted into the “head” part of the web page right after the “title” tag is inserted giving the page a title. The meta description tag allows you to influence the description of your page in the crawlers that support the tag. In the beginning I was under the impression that when I typed in a description for the meta tag that was what would be displayed on a search engine to summarize my site. After a little research it turns out that searches like Google will actually ignore the tag altogether (in some cases) and generate their own description for the site. Other search engines that are configured to use meta tags will pull the full or part description from the tag to display for users. said,” In review, it is worthwhile to use the meta description tag for your pages, because it gives you some degree of control with various crawlers. An easy way to do this often is to take the first sentence or two of body copy from your web page and use that for the meta description content.” The meta keywords tag is also addressed in the information I found as a rarely used thing of the past. The article on meta tags at Http:// considers these tags useful for the few crawlers out there that may actually still use the meta tag but very few do anymore. This particular tag is good for adding keywords to a search or generating words in between keywords that might not get searched for. In my opinion, it helps to use any type of meta tag if it is still in use by search engines because those are the ones that will turn up your site first or at least push it towards the front page of results.
Professional standards The importance of professional standards in web development today are based mainly on

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