...How to Plan a Wedding Josh Odle Terry Mathias English 121 – Spring Semester 02 March 2013 How to Plan a Wedding Thesis Statement: Planning a wedding can be stressful and overwhelming. I. “Where do I start? What comes next? Am I doing this right?” are all said by a bride or groom at one time during their engagement. A. This is supposed to be the happiest day of your life and with a little bit of help, it can also be enjoyable. B. The dress, the venue, and the honeymoon, are just icing on the cake compared to the many details involved in planning this process. C. Planning a wedding can be stressful and overwhelming. II. After the excitement of the engagement dies down, the planning begins. A. Money is one of the most stressful topics when it comes to planning a wedding. 1. Sit down with the families and discuss your options. 2. Is there a savings account somewhere? 3. Whether the wedding is big or small, it’s all based on your budget. B. Whether you have a savings account or paying as you go, there’s a lot to buy. 1. Invitations, a cake, a photographer/videographer, florist, caterer, DJ or musicians, and the officiant, are just the start of things to consider. 2. After setting a date, finding the venue, booking a honeymoon, shopping for shoes, dresses, tuxedos, transportation, maybe, just maybe you’ll remember to ask those you love to join you on your special day. 3. Wedding insurance is always encouraged to protect the unexpected. III. Grab yourself a binder with paper...
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...How to Plan for Security i). Statement of Policy This policy statement seeks to address the optimum and responsible use of the wireless local area network WLAN facility available at the university in relation to specific network security issues. The issue of concern in this policy is the promotion of responsible use of the WLAN facility among the university’s student and workers. The strategy aims at preventing security problems that may arise from the misuse and malicious exploitation of the facility by people granted approval to access the university’s WLAN information systems. a) Scope and Applicability The scope of this policy statement covers the hardware, software and access protocols associated with the WLAN use by students and workers at the university. The policies adopted will seek to regulate access permissions for the users of the WLAN facility and to promote responsible use in line with policies outlined in this policy document and by industry standards and legal requirements of use. b) Definition of Technology Address The WAN is available for use by the students and workers within the university. The WLAN facility provides access to information systems meant to facilitate the learning and worker needs by providing information access and software platforms. c) Responsibilities The administration and management of the WLAN facility is the responsibility of appointed network administrators at the university’s faculty of Information and Communication Technology. The...
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..." 成⽴立于2007年的Sweetgreen(甜蜜的绿)连锁沙拉速⾷食店,专注于 从当地农场采集健康、快速并且⼈人们可以承受的起的蔬菜制成新鲜的 沙拉,7年间扩张到了27家店⾯面,去年12⽉月份获得了2200万美⾦金的投 资,投资来⾃自于Revolution Growth,AOL(美国在线)的联合创始 ⼈人Steve Case以及⾼高管Ted Leonsis和Donn Davis创⽴立的基⾦金。" " 现在这家沙拉连锁品牌正在快速扩张,覆盖了美国东海岸的⼤大部分主 要城市。看来健康的蔬⾷食已经被越来越多的⼈人接受,⽽而且在美国成燎 原之势,想来美国⼈人也想摆脱肥胖国家或是垃圾饮⾷食国家的头衔了。 下⾯面,就让我们新先聚品来带⼤大家感受⼀一下这家连锁品牌是有多⽕火爆 吧!" " 这是⼀一家今年5⽉月份在纽约市Tribeca刚开业的分店。" " 下午⼀一点的时候,⻔门⼝口已经排队将近⼀一条街。" " ⼤大部分客户看起来都是⽐比较年轻的专业⼈人⼠士来这⾥里购买午餐。" " 当然Sweetgreen并不只是在⼯工作⼈人群中受欢迎,对于那些年轻潮⼈人 来说⼀一样有吸引⼒力。这是他们创造的⼀一个⼝口号,源⾃自饶⾆舌歌⼿手 Kendrick Lamar的⼀一⾸首歌。他们把这个⼝口号印在布袋和T恤上。⾃自从 2010年开始他们就开始赞助Sweetlife⾳音乐节,⽽而Kendrick Lamar是 ⾳音乐节演出的艺⼈人之⼀一。" " 有的⼈人喜欢边吃沙拉,边享受户外阳光。" " 连椅⼦子都印上了Sweetgreen的logo。" " 店⾥里⾯面看起来也相当忙碌。" " 墙上的⿊黑板标⽰示出当天蔬菜来⾃自于哪个当地的农场。" " 店中有⼀一条⼤大⻓长桌,有的店的⾯面积⼤大⼀一些可以在⾥里⾯面就餐,⻓长桌也是 ⽤用回收废⽊木压制⽽而成的,确实相当有环保的理念。" " 当轮到你点的时候,你可以点他们的精典沙拉,也可以⾃自⼰己创造混搭。 他们也有不同季节的沙拉菜单供你选择。" " 所有的⻘青菜都直接展⽰示在你的⾯面前,让你知道它们有多新鲜。" " ⼀一边⾛走⼀一边挑选你喜欢的⾷食材。" " Revolution Growth的投资主要还是看重了它们⾷食材的新鲜程度。 Steve Case在⼀一个公开的场合说道“美国⼈人现在越来越意识到健康的 重要,我们很⾼高兴能够投资⼀一个注重⼈人民健康的品牌,并且能够将农 场与终端消费者直接对接,不但⽀支持了当地的农业,也提供了更佳健 康的饮⾷食选择。”" " 最后你可以选择⾼高蛋⽩白的⾁肉类进⾏行搭配。" " 整个这⼀一碗沙拉看起来相当诱⼈人,各种新鲜⾷食材如⽻羽⾐衣⽢甘蓝,夏季烤 蔬菜,烤鸡⾁肉,胡萝⼘卜,罗勒,和烤芝⼠士脆⽚片等制成,再搭配⾃自制的 ⻘青酱醋汁。整个六⽉月这款沙拉都会有供应。" " 这是它们精典的凯撒沙拉,由切碎的⽻羽⾐衣⽢甘蓝,切碎的⽣生菜,烤鸡⾁肉, 芝⼠士,葡萄番茄,芝⼠士脆制成。上⾯面浇上凯撒沙拉酱和新鲜⻘青柠檬汁。 " " 这款名为鳄梨绿的沙拉由烤鸡⾁肉,鳄梨,葡萄番茄,红洋葱和有机沙 拉、粉碎的⽟玉⽶米⽚片制成,搭配墨⻄西哥莱姆⾹香菜调味汁和新鲜⻘青柠檬汁。 " " 总的来说,Sweetgreen的沙拉相当新鲜美味,⽽而且种类丰富,任君 搭配相当个性。" " 墙上的箴⾔言也在阐释Sweetgreen的创业态度。" "...
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...Business plan essentials I. Executive Summary (not to exceed two pages) A. Company name, address, and phone number B. Name(s), addresses, and phone number(s) of all key people C. Brief description of the business, its products and services, the customer problems they solve, and the company’s competitive advantage D. Brief overview of the market for your products and services E. Brief overview of the strategies that will make your company successful F. Brief description of the managerial and technical experience of key people G. Brief statement of the financial request and how the money will be used H. Charts or tables showing highlights of financial forecasts II. Vision and Mission Statement A. Entrepreneur’s vision for the company B. “What business are we in?” C. Values and principles on which the business stands D. What makes the business unique? What is the source of its competitive advantage? III. Company History (for existing businesses only) A. Company founding B. Financial and operational highlights C. Significant achievements IV. Industry Profile and Overview A. Industry analysis 1. Industry background and overview 2. Significant trends 3. Growth rate 4. Barriers to entry and exit 5. Key success factors in the industry 6. Outlook for the future B. Stage of growth (start-up, growth, maturity) V. Business Strategy A. Desired image and position in market B. Company goals and objectives 1. Operational 2. Financial 3. Other C. SWOT analysis ...
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...UNCTAD/ITE/IIA/5 UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT How to Prepare Your Business Plan UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2002 Note UNCTAD serves as the focal point within the United Nations Secretariat for all matters related to foreign direct investment and transnational corporations. In the past, the Programme on Transnational Corporations was carried out by the United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations (19751992) and the Transnational Corporations and Management Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Development. UNCTAD seeks to create an enabling environment for international investment and enterprise development. Its work is carried out through intergovernmental deliberations, technical assistance activities, seminars, workshops and conferences. The term “country” as used in this study also refers, as appropriate, to territories or areas; the designations employed and the presentation of the material do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. In addition, the designations of country groups are intended solely for statistical or analytical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgement about the stage of development reached by a particular country or area in the development...
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...RUNNING HEAD: HOW TO PLAN AN ENGAGEMENT PARTY 1 How To Plan An Engagement Party by Barbarito Capote May 27, 2012 ENGL106-1202B-243 RUNNING HEAD: HOW TO PLAN AN ENGAGEMENT PARTY 2 Abstract It’s a special moment to have an engagement party that you can share with important persons, family and friends. However, the actual planning takes tons of time and focus to get every detail dealt with. This paper will describe how to plan such an important event. RUNNING HEAD: HOW TO PLAN AN ENGAGEMENT PARTY 3 The process of planning an engagement party takes a lot of time and effort to get every single detail done. First off, you have to come to...
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...How to Develop a Communications Plan What is a communication plan? When should it be developed? Where does the information in the plan come from? How do you write one, and why should you bother? Overworked and underfunded communicators (Are there any other kind?) have a right to ask whether the work involved in developing a plan is worth it. The answer is yes because a written communication plan will • give your day-to-day work a focus, • help you set priorities, • provide you with a sense of order and control, • help get the chief staff executive and staff to support your program, • protect you against last-minute, seat-of-the-pants demands from staff and members, and • prevent you from feeling overwhelmed, offering instead peace of mind. What Is a Communication Plan? A communication plan is a written document that describes • what you want to accomplish with your association communications (your objectives), • ways in which those objectives can be accomplished (your goals or program of work), • to whom your association communications will be addressed (your audiences), • how you will accomplish your objectives (the tools and timetable), and • how you will measure the results of your program (evaluation). Communications include all written, spoken, and electronic interaction with association audiences. A communication plan encompasses objectives, goals, and tools for all communications, including but not limited to: • periodic print publications; • online communications; ...
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...Training & Design www.aquaafrica.co.za Step 1 Introduction. The introduction part of the feasibility report should outline the importance and the advantages of small scale fish farming. Explain your project fully in this section. Outline briefly how the project will be rolled out, how you plan to benefit from the project and the processes that will be involved. Basically it is a summary of the small scale fish farming project. Step 2 Description of the project. In this section, clearly outline the project's location, the environment surrounding it and the availability of the resources required to start a small scale fish farm. Highlight the project's mission and vision. Business goals and the objectives should also be included. Also include a brief history of the project and what motivated you to start the fish farm. Step 3 Market description. Describe the type of industry you will be operating in, whether you will be selling your products as a wholesaler or a retailer. Identify your target market and how you plan to penetrate that market. Outline the marketing strategies you will employ to market your fish. Step 4 Description of your products. Highlight different species of fish that you will be rearing. Describe how you selected those species. Explain the pricing of your products and the competitive edge your...
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...There are many elements to take under consideration while creating a lesson plan, however these elements are important for different reasons and when combining the elements in the right order you can produce what every teacher hopes for: measurable student learning. The elements I’ll be discussing are Common Core Curriculum Standards, Performance and Learning Outcomes, Anticipatory Set, Lesson Opening, Guiding Questions, Instructional Step by Step Procedures, Guided Practice, Lesson Closing, Independent Practice, Materials, Assessment, Lesson Evaluation, and Management. The first element that should appear in a lesson plan is the Common Core Curriculum Standards. This should be first within ones lesson plan because it withholds the standards that clearly communicate was is expected of the student at each grade level within the different subject matters. This element is important because it realizes that both content and skills are important. CCSS are also important because it sets a guideline for what students should be learning and include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high order skills that are aligned with future college and work expectations. The second element that should appear in a lesson plan is that of Performance and Learning Outcomes, or in different terms the objectives and goals. This should appear second because it outlines the topics and material that the students will be learning with a certain amount of time; also showing them what...
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...NOLO 10TH EDITION ® “ An essential book to help entrepreneurs.” DALLAS MORNING NEWS How to Write a O RM D S ON C Business Plan THE LEADING BUSINESS PLAN BOOK FOR • Write a winning proposal • Prepare cash flow and profit & loss forecasts • Get backers to invest 25 YEARS Mike McKeever Free Legal Updates at Nolo.com R OM - AL L L F F e Story Dear friends, Founded in 1971, and based in an old clock factory in Berkeley, California, Nolo has always strived to offer clear legal information and solutions. Today we are proud to offer a full range of plain-English law books, legal forms, software and an award-winning website. Everything we publish is relentlessly researched and tested by a dedicated group of in-house legal editors, who together have more than 150 years’ experience. And when legal changes occur after publication, we promptly post free updates at Nolo.com. Tens of millions of Americans have looked to Nolo to help solve their legal and business problems. We work every day to be worthy of this trust. Ralph Warner Nolo co-founder Emma Cofod Products Books & Software & Services Get in-depth information. Nolo publishes hundreds of great books and software programs for consumers and business owners. ey’re all available in print or as downloads at Nolo.com. Legal Encyclopedia Free at Nolo.com. Here are more than 1,400 free articles and answers to common questions about everyday legal issues including wills...
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...How to Create a Marketing Plan Part 1 - Introduction Firms that are successful in marketing invariably start with a marketing plan. Large companies have plans with hundreds of pages; small companies can get by with a halfdozen sheets. Put your marketing plan in a three-ring binder. Refer to it at least quarterly, but better yet monthly. Leave a tab for putting in monthly reports on sales/manufacturing; this will allow you to track performance as you follow the plan. The plan should cover one year. For small companies, this is often the best way to think about marketing. Things change, people leave, markets evolve, and customers come and go. Later on we suggest creating a section of your plan that addresses the medium- term future—two to four years down the road. But the bulk of your plan should focus on the coming year. You should allow yourself a couple of months to write the plan, even if it's only a few pages long. Developing the plan is the "heavy lifting" of marketing. While executing the plan has its challenges, deciding what to do and how to do it is marketing's greatest challenge. Most marketing plans kick off with the first of the year or with the opening of your fiscal year if it's different. Who should see your plan? All the players in the company. Firms typically keep their marketing plans very, very private for one of two very different reasons: Either they're too skimpy and management would be embarrassed to have them see the light of day, or they're solid and...
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...HOW TO WRITE A MARKETING PLAN How to Write a Marketing Plan What is a Marketing Plan A marketing plan provides direction for your marketing activities. Marketing plans need not be long or cost a lot to put together. Think of it as a road map, with detailed directions on how to get to your destination. Sure there may be a few bumps in the road, perhaps a diversion or two, but if the marketing plan is carefully researched, thoughtfully considered and evaluated, it will help the organization achieve its goals. The marketing plan details what you want to accomplish with your marketing strategy and helps you meet your objectives. The marketing plan: • Allows the organization to look internally in order to fully understand the impact and results of past marketing decisions. • Allows the organization to look externally in order to fully understand the market in which it chooses to compete. • Sets future goals and provides direction for future marketing efforts that everyone in the organization should understand and support. • Is a key component in obtaining funding to pursue new initiatives. A marketing plan includes these elements: • • • • • • Summary and Introduction Marketing Objectives Situation Analysis Target Markets Strategies Tracking and Evaluation 1 How do I begin? Where do I start? Summary and Introduction Your marketing plan should start with an executive summary. The summary gives a quick overview of the main points of the plan...
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...Abstract This assignment is about how to plan a social event. In this paper I will describe how to plan a social event properly. I will explain the most important things to consider when planning and how the event could turn out if these steps aren’t followed. Three things to consider when planning Planning a social event can be challenging and rewarding. It takes many different steps to make sure everything is in place and will work out as intended. From parties, ceremonies, weddings, etc. planning is the most important key. There are many different details to consider; however there are three I believe are most important. When planning a social event it is imperative to have a guest list, place to host the event, and choosing activities that will take place. Step 1: Guest list The first step in planning a social event is the guest list. The reason this is so important is because the planner needs to know how many people to accommodate. The guest list is the foundation for the rest of the steps in planning. The planner has to know how big of a place they will need to have the event, how much food to provide, how many chairs to have and the list goes on and on. There should be a rough draft list made, a final guest list, and the guests should have to RSVP so that the planner knows exactly what direction they are going with the event. Without a guest list the event could be disastrous. Second Step: Location, Location, Location! The second step in planning...
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...HOW TO WRITE A BUSINESS PLAN Planning for Success You've no doubt heard the expression, "Failing to plan is planning to fail." Many entrepreneurs write a business plan only when they need to secure start-up financing. However, your plan is far more than a document for banks and investors to read; it's an invaluable roadmap for launching and growing your business. In order to put your business concept on paper, you need to think through and research the many factors that are needed to make sure your business is a success. With a plan, not only can you spot potential weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, your plan can help you make informed decisions about your venture before you commit yourself legally or financially. Here, we've summarized the key sections that you'll find in a business plan. The Seven Key Sections of a Business Plan 1. Executive summary Your executive summary should be 1–2 pages long, and provide an overview of your business concept, key objectives of your business and your plan, ownership structure, management team, your product or service offering, target market(s), competitive advantages, marketing strategy, and a summary of your financial projections. Your executive summary should be written last, after you've written the rest of the plan; each paragraph should be a summary of the more detailed, related section of the plan. 2. Business Overview In your overview, include details regarding your business’s history, vision and/or mission, objectives...
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...How to Write a Business Plan A business plan is an essential roadmap for business success. This living, breathing document generally projects 3-5 years ahead and outlines the route a company intends to take to reach, maintain and grow revenues. A well thought out plan also helps you to step-back and think objectively about the key elements of your business venture and informs your decision-making. The following guides offer tips that will help you research and develop a winning plan. Essential Elements of a Good Business Plan What are the key elements of a business plan? From market analysis to your company financials, this guide walks you through the essential components of your plan, including how to develop a funding request. Finding a Niche: Make Your Business Plan Stand Out One of the first steps in the business planning process is determining who your target market is and why they would want to buy from you. Is the market you serve the best one for your product or service? Are your business benefits clear and aligned with the needs of your target customers? This guide can help. Guide For Writing a Business Plan What goes into a business plan? This guide will assist you as you write your plan. Additional Resources Learn more about the importance of business planning, the components of a business plan, and access sample plans in this self-paced online training course: How to Prepare a Business Plan. SBA has developed...
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