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Hrm 300 Week 2 Individual Assignment

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Chris Schrom has an electrical engineering degree from NDSU, and works for a company called Border States Electric. I chose to interview Chris because I am interested in attending NDSU and I am interested in electrical engineering. I also chose Chris because I know him pretty well, and it would be a lot less awkward. When Chris was younger, he wanted to be a professional fisherman. His dad told him that it is very difficult to become a professional and he wouldn't be able to make a living. Chris’s high school science teacher, who he liked a lot, told him he would be a great electrical engineer. From that point on, Chris had an idea on what he wanted to do. When he was a senior, Chris thought about pursuing his fishing dream again. His dad told him, “get your engineering degree, then you can do whatever you want.” Chris chose North Dakota State University, because it was within 10 miles of …show more content…
Communications is a fourth year class he had to take for his engineering degree. It was difficult because it was theory based and had a lot of calculus. I guess on the harder engineering classes, they grade on a curve. So they will take the averages of all the students in the class and that will be the C. I felt a little bit better when he said that. I don’t have to get 10/10. I could maybe get 6/10 and still get 100%. Chris said you have to study a lot to be an engineer. The first year was pretty easy, but the last 3 were not. The biggest thing he found, was to find a group of friends and study. That was the only time he thought about switching majors. When things got really hard. He decided not to, because he was too far along and needed to push through. He persevered. Before Chris graduated, he already had a job lined up. After the economy crashed in 2009, some graduates had a hard time finding a job. But now the economy is back to the norm and even his clients are looking for electrical

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