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Self-Direct High-Performing Team

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Words 713
Pages 3
Ezeugo Okechukwu David.
American intercontinental university
MGMT 340

This document will highlight many difficulties a manager might face during establishment of self directed, high performing teams. In this document, I will list the characteristics of establishing a self-directed, high performing team and approved methods that will help the team to achieve success.

Table of Contents
What is a Self-Direct, High-Performing Team?..….……………………………………………...4
Concerns of the Management Team………………………………………………………............5
5 Ways to Build a Cohesive Team..……………………………………………………………….6
Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………...8 …show more content…
Some SDHPT can be defined as employees in workplace; group of people who combine their Most SDHPT can be defined as a group of individuals, typically employees within a work place who combines their talents, skills to achieve a goal or objective. In this team, interaction is with one another on an independent level to achieve a common goal and works without any managerial supervision. This team generally has 25 members, which means there will be different leadership characters, personalities, and work ethics. With different personalities and leadership characteristics, it can cause conflict with the group. Any issue or conflict must be solved in order for the team to perform at the highest level which is the ultimate goal and task.
Concerns of the management team One factor that is seen in a failing groups is miscommunication. When the group was asked a question ‘what is the main mission of each group’, almost half of the members doesn’t even know there was a mission. Many did not even know their job responsibilities and job titles.
This certainly means there is miscommunication within the team and also the management

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