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Hrm/531 Week 2 Individual Assignment

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Write a to do list:
A to do list will help me prioritise what tasks i need to accomplish from least to most important and allows for my day and duties to be more manageable. I can check off my tasks and mark them off once completed which allows me to see my progression and enables a sense of achievement with in myself each task i for fill completely. This method also allows me to to comply with deadlines in my work schedule.Whilst i am focusing on my to do list i should also be asking myself some questions to help me negotiate which tasks need to be placed where in the list.. I should ask myself what is most important, What deadlines do i need to achieve, What are the consequences if i do not achieve this, Is this important? What is the urgency? and Do I have to do this.

Seek …show more content…
Delegation basing on: Knowing competencies of me personally along with others i work with.
Understanding the difference between difference and diversity. acceptance and respect. It means understanding the uniqueness of each individual along with recognising the individual differences.
Mutual trust. reliability and consistency.
If I have a member who can do it as well as I can then hand it over to them so i have more time to focus on another task at hand. Don't have the mindset that the only way to get A job done is if I do it - though this may well be the case with other situations.
I should recruit and delegate to people I know are better at particular tasks then my self..
This will also allow myself more time to focus on other goals and priorities that need to be achieved.

Learning to say "NO":
If I lack this skill to say no people will take advantage of this and proceed to give me extra tasks and stress for me to add to the list of tasks and duties i already have to get through on a daily basis.
Assertive communication stating my needs honestly openly and unemotionally is essential to my efficiency and effectiveness at work and at

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