...HR Management Strategy Plan Paper HRM/420 HR Management Strategy Plan In this plan, we perform the 2nd stage of the restructuring of Baderman Island Vacation resort. Being a recap, our 1st stage included determining the lawful conformity problems that presently exist to incorporate the alternatives to lessen liability and our work routine conformity system. In this administration strategy, we: Describe the danger evaluation and administration plan Identify the safety and health programs Implement the succession plan Incorporate disaster backup plan Risk Assessment & Management Program It's the main concern of the resort to assure our visitors, and our stakeholders that all attempts are being made to make sure our facilities are in complete conformity with all state, federal and international rules. For this reason, we have already commenced execution of several of the risk factors identified. For example, we expeditiously set up high performance power generators throughout our facilities during the “Legal Compliance” stage. Additionally, we decreased the opportunity of safety risks through providing key cards to visitors for entry into their rooms, setting up safety screens in all facility halls and...
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...human resource management practices and their effects on company performance on the basis of service sector, ownership and private-public organizations. Data were collected from several articles (mentioned in the reference section) and studies about different range of strategic HRM practices. The findings indicate that a valid set of strategic HRM practices (training, participation, results-oriented appraisals, and internal career opportunities) affect both service performance and financial performance. HRM strategies may be influenced by the decisions taken on strategy (the nature of the business currently and in the future) and by the structure of the enterprise (the manner in which the enterprise is structured or organized to meet its objectives). In an enterprise with effective HRM policies and practices, the decisions on HRM are also strategic decisions influenced by strategy and structure, and by external factors such as trade unions, the labor market situations and the legal systems. In reality most firms do not have such a well thought-out sequential model. But what we are considering here is effective HRM, and thus a model where HRM decisions are as strategic as the decisions on the type of business and structure. This study explores the three important questions in the context of Bangladesh mentioned below: 1. Whether extent of impact of strategic HRM varies from sector to sector within service sector? 2. Whether influence of strategic HRM depends upon the...
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...HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES, BUSINESS STRATEGY FIT AND FIRM PERFORMANCE Oya Erdil & Ay e Günsel Gebze Institute of Technology, Turkey ABSTRACT While there has been growing interest concerning the relationship between human resource (HR) practices, firm strategy and firm performance, limited research attention has been paid providing empirical evidence in support of them. This study investigates the relationships between HR practices, human resources management (HRM) - firm strategy fit and the firm performance of 63 small and medium sized firms located around Kocaeli and Gebze from both theoretical and empirical perspective. The findings indicate a strong relationship between different HR practices and HRM-firm strategy fit and firm performance. Further, the results provide support for the assertion that HR-firm strategy fit can significantly assist a firm in improving performance. Therefore, empirical support is obtained for the efforts at aligning HRM practices with firm strategy and firm performance. (recruitment, development, etc.) share the same basic character and play a similar kind of role in relation to strategic management (Luoma, 2000: 771). Effective HRM strategy systematically organizes all individual HRM measures to directly influence employee attitude and behavior in a way that leads business to achieve its competitive strategy. (Huang, 2001: 134). In view of the fact that the goals and necessities of each of the competitive strategy types are different...
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...Measuring the impact of HRM on organisational performance Anastasia A. Katou University of Macedonia (GREECE) akatou@uom.gr Received September 2008 Accepted December 2008 Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to measure the impact of HRM on organisational performance in the context of Greece. Data were collected from 178 organisations using a questionnaire survey in the Greek manufacturing sector, and analysed using the ‘structural equation modelling’ methodology. The results indicated that the relationship between HRM policies (resourcing and development, compensation and incentives, involvement and job design) and organisational performance is partially mediated through HRM outcomes (skills, attitudes, behaviour), and it is influenced by business strategies (cost, quality, innovation). Thus, the contribution of this study for academics and practitioners is that HRM policies associated with business strategies will affect organisational performance through HRM outcomes. Keywords: HRM policies, organisational performance, Greece 1 Introduction Over the last ten years significant steps forward have been made in identifying the HRM – performance relationship. However, serious gaps in our understanding still remain with respect to the causal ordering of the variables involved in the HRM – performance relationship (Purcell, Kinnie, Hutchinson, Rayton, & Swart, 2003; Wright, Gardner, Moyniham, & Allen, 2005). Specifically, in analysing the impact of HRM on organisational...
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...Resource Management” Author: Arrey Mbongaya Ivo ©2006 African Centre for Community and Development (www.africancentreforcommunity.com ) All rights reserved. Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction, Perspectives in Management and the genesis of Human Resource Management 1.1 Scientific or Closed management, Human Relations or Semi open system, Open System or Contingency system 1.2 Personnel management/ Personnel Manager 1.3 The genesis of Human Resource Management(HRM)/Defining Human Resource Management 1.4 What is ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ HRM? 1.5 The Debate between Human Relations(HR) and Human Resource Management(HRM) 1.6 The Human Resource Manager and his role 2.0 Attempting a framework for Human Resource Management(HRM) 2.1 Using HRM as a style, a strategy and an outcome 2.2 Is HRM a restatement of Personnel Management? 2.3 Is HRM a new managerial discipline? 2.4 HRM as a resource-based dimension of management 2.5 The Strategic and international possibilities of HRM 3.0Using some models of HRM to critically assess HRM “Hard” and “Soft” Approaches. 3.1The Harvard Model 3.2The Michigan Model 3.3Guest comparative models 3.4The ‘Choice Model’ and its benefits. 4.0The influence of senior management and their Effectiveness 4.1 policy makers 4.2 senior managers and their frames of reference 4.3 The more effective the better the policies 4.4 The Japanese example 5.0 Conclusion, limitations and proposals 5.1HRM a widespread contemporary, evolving & contingent tool 5.2The ‘softness’ of HRM, “bundles”...
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...Resource Management HRM Activities HRM involves the acquisition, development, reward and motivation, maintenance and departure of anorganisation's human resources. To do this successfully HRM must do all of the following: •Job analysis •Human resource planning •Employee recruitment •Employee selection •Performance appraisal •Human resource development Career planning and development •Compensation • Benefits • Industrial relations •Health and safety programs •Manage diversity What is strategy? 'Strategy defines the direction in which an organisation intends to move and establishes the framework for action through which it intends to get there.' The purpose of strategy is to maintain a position of advantage bycapitalising on the strengths of an organisation and minimising its weaknesses. To do this, an organisationmust identify and analyse the threats and opportunities present in its external and internal environments. What is strategic management? Strategic management is the process whereby managers establish an organisation's long-term direction, setspecific performance objectives, develop strategies to achieve these objectives in the light of all the relevantinternal and external circumstances and undertake to execute the chosen action plans. The aims of strategicmanagement are to help the organisation to achieve a competitive advantage and to ensure long-term successfor the organisation. Components of strategic management Strategic management involve Strategy formulation...
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...STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THREE-STAGE PROCESS AND INFLUENCING ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Sandeep Krishnan Personnel and Industrial Relations Area D-18, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India. Email: sandeepk@iimahd.ernet.in Tel: ++91-79-26327816 Fax: ++91-79-26306896 Manjari Singh Personnel and Industrial Relations Area Wing 12-D, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India. Email: manjari@iimahd.ernet.in Tel: ++91-79-26324914 Fax: ++91-79-26306896 1 Abstract: A three-stage model for the process of strategic human resource management is developed in this paper. The three stages cover strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. The inter-linkages in this dynamic model have been explored. The organisational factors that have enabling or deterring influence on the success of each of these three stages have been discussed. The paper highlights the key role played by HR professionals in these three stages. 2 STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THREE-STAGE PROCESS AND INFLUENCING ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Organisations are increasingly looking at human resources as a unique asset that can provide sustained competitive advantage. The changes in the business environment with increasing globalisation, changing demographics of the workforce, increased focus on profitability through growth, technological changes, intellectual capital and the never-ending changes that organisations are...
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...The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/2051-6614.htm Human resource management and organizational effectiveness: yesterday and today Randall Schuler and Susan E. Jackson School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA and Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster, UK Abstract Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to describe how the understanding of the relationship between human resource management (HRM) and organizational effectiveness (OE) has evolved during the past three decades and to provide examples how firms are using HRM to improve their OE today by addressing several challenges that result from a broader stakeholder model. Design/methodology/approach – This paper reviews the past and current work on the relationship between HRM and OE. Findings – This findings indicate that the relationship between HRM and OE is very different when comparing the past with the current work on the relationship between HRM and OE. A major reason for this is the current work on OE uses the multiple stakeholder model that accounts for many more stakeholders than the past work. Practical implications – Human resource (HR) professionals have the opportunity to demonstrate many ways by which HRM can influence OE, and not just solely on the basis of firm profitability. Thus the use of the multiple stakeholder model today offers the HR professional and the HR profession many more opportunities...
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...HRM level 2_ Module 1_Eve Lawrence What is HRM? Human resource management (HRM) is a complete and clear approach to the development and employment of people within an organization. HRM is structured and supported by a number of theories relating to the behaviour of people and organisations, strongly concerned with ethical employment and how people should be treated in terms of moral values. HRM aims to build good relationships with employees based on trust and personal achievement therefore benefiting the achievement of business goals. HRM deals with all aspects of employees within an organization. Areas of HRM include recruitment, interviews, orientation, induction, motivation, learning, performance reviews, employee relations & wellbeing, training, development, change management and complying with employment law. The core purpose of HRM is to develop and make efficient use of the workforce within an organization. HRM is people management within organizations designed to maximise employee performance focusing on the company’s strategic objectives. Effective HRM enables employees to contribute productively to the overall company direction and accomplishment of the organizations goals and objectives. What was the main message of the Harvard framework? Through my research and understanding I have come to the conclusion that the main message of the Harvard model by Beer et al is that decisions and actions made by line managers have a long term effect on relationships...
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...resource management John Bratton If a global company is to function successfully, strategies at different levels need to inter-relate.1 Throughout the first half of our century and even into the early eighties, planning – with its inevitable companion, strategy – has always been a key word, the core, the near-ultimate weapon of ‘good’ and ‘true’ management. Yet, many firms, including Sony, Xerox, Texas Instruments, …have been remarkably successful… with minimal official, rational, and systematic planning.2 Chapter outline Introduction p. 38 Strategic management p. 38 Hierarchy of strategy p. 42 Strategic human resource management p. 46 HRM and organizational performance p. 60 Chapter objectives After studying this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of strategic management and give an overview of its conceptual framework. 2. Describe the three levels of strategy formulation and comment on the links between business strategy and human resource management. 3. Explain the two models of strategic HRM, the matching model and the resourcebased model. 4. Comment on the various strategic HRM themes of re-engineering, workplace learning, trade unions and leadership. 5. Explain the methodological difficulties of measuring the link between HRM practices and organizational performance. 38 The Nature of Human Resource Management Introduction In the first chapter we examined the theoretical debates on the nature and significance of the new HRM model, in...
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...The Influence of Organizational and Human Resource Management Strategies on Performance by Raduan Che Rose, PhD, and Naresh Kumar, PhD T oday a firm’s success largely depends on the capabilities of its members. Firms may have the capital and technology, but it is Human Resources (HR) that will help firms face the challenges of business globalization. Capital can be generated. So can technology. But the HR required to propel an organization through the coming challenges must be rightly and appropriately encouraged and motivated. Significantly, these days careful management of this important resource calls for a strategic focus on Human Resource Management (HRM) in the organization. Previous research on HRM widely accepted that employees create an important source of competitive advantage for firms (Barney, 1991; Pfeffer 1994). As a result, it is important that a firm adopt HRM practices that make best use of its employees. This trend has led to increased interest in the impact of HRM on organizational performance, and a number of studies have found a positive relationship between so-called “high-performance work practices” (Huselid, 1995) and different measures of company performance. Furthermore, there is some empirical support for the hypothesis that firms, which align their HRM practices with their business strategy, will achieve superior outcomes (Bae & Lawler, 1999). However, a review of the literature indicates a serious lack of large-sample empirical studies designed...
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...13 Table of Contents 1. Introduction1 2. HRM Transformation in general terms2 2.1 HRM phenomenon 3 2.2 Trends driving it3 3. HRM formulation for the manufacturing company 4 3.1 About the company4 3.2 Harvard HRM model 4 3.3 Situational and Stakeholders Aspects 5 3.4 Defining business strategy6 3.5 HRM policies 8 3.6 HRM Delivery9 4. Recommendations and Conclusions 10 4.1 Interpretational model and recommendations10 4.2 Conclusion13 References14 1. Introduction The first part of the report will provide an insight to what circumstances triggered HRM transformation. Then we’ll explore the complex issues debated around HRM transformation at present and attempt to examine some theoretical perspectives and approaches that may be suitable in advising CEO what HRM transformation would mean for the manufacturing industry. We’ll emphasize in our report that restructuring and retrenchment should be practiced only when relevant. In the last section of our report we’ll present an interpretational model amalgamating figures and some rhetorical findings analysed in the earlier sections of the report and based on the analysis of the same model we’ll provide recommendations and conclusion as to how HRM transformation might achieve both cost cutting and increased effectiveness. 2. HRM transformation in general terms 2.1 HRM phenomenon During Margaret Thatcher’s administration we observed ‘an ascendancy of a new political and economic...
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...resource management was being used by Peter Drucker and others in North America as early as the 1950s. The people management policies and practices which are usually termed ‘HRM’ originated in manufacturing industry in the USA during the late 1970s and early 1980s. These represented a significant break with the personnel management paradigm. A number of factors led to this new management thinking, principally loss of faith in the traditional approach to mass production, the example of Japanese work organization and manufacturing processes, and the realisation of the impact of new technology on work practices (Gallie et al, 1998). The remarkable success of Japanese manufacturers in the 1970s and 1980s in capturing Western markets for sophisticated products, such as electronics and cars, brought to a head long-standing concerns about traditional Taylorist/ Fordist models of work organisation. These models were characterised by low-or semi-skilled work, close supervision, pay being linked to quantity of output, and – at least in mass-production industries – assembly-line technologies in which the pace of work was controlled by machine. By the 1980, HRM had come to mean a radically different philosophy and approach to the management of people at work( Storey, 1989) with an emphasis on performance, workers commitment, and rewards based on individual or team contribution, differing significantly in all of these from the corresponding aspects of traditional personnel management. When...
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...Relations and Personnel Management Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource Management can also be performed by line managers. Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training. More About Human Resources Management An HRM strategy pertains to the means as to how to implement the specific functions of HRM. An organisation's HR function may possess recruitment and selection policies, disciplinary procedures, reward/recognition policies, an HR plan, or learning and development policies, however all of these functional areas of HRM need to be aligned and correlated, in order to correspond with the overall business strategy. An HRM strategy thus is an overall plan, concerning the implementation of specific HRM functional areas. An HRM strategy typically consists of the following factors: * "Best fit" and "best practice" - meaning that there is correlation between the HRM strategy and the overall corporate strategy. As HRM as a field seeks to manage human resources in order to achieve properly organisational goals, an organisation's HRM strategy seeks to accomplish such management by applying a firm's personnel...
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...STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THREE-STAGE PROCESS AND INFLUENCING ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Sandeep Krishnan Personnel and Industrial Relations Area D-18, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India. Email: sandeepk@iimahd.ernet.in Tel: ++91-79-26327816 Fax: ++91-79-26306896 Manjari Singh Personnel and Industrial Relations Area Wing 12-D, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India. Email: manjari@iimahd.ernet.in Tel: ++91-79-26324914 Fax: ++91-79-26306896 1 Abstract: A three-stage model for the process of strategic human resource management is developed in this paper. The three stages cover strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. The inter-linkages in this dynamic model have been explored. The organisational factors that have enabling or deterring influence on the success of each of these three stages have been discussed. The paper highlights the key role played by HR professionals in these three stages. 2 STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THREE-STAGE PROCESS AND INFLUENCING ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Organisations are increasingly looking at human resources as a unique asset that can provide sustained competitive advantage. The changes in the business environment with increasing globalisation, changing demographics of the workforce, increased focus on profitability through growth, technological changes, intellectual capital and the never-ending changes that organisations are...
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