...HRM531 HRM/531 Compensation and Benefits Strategies Recommendations Week 3 Download 100% accurate A++ and most economical answer from here http://www.homeworkmarket.com/content/hrm531-hrm531-compensation-and-benefits-strategies-recommendations-week-3-1 Complete the Compensation and Benefits Strategies Recommendations task as described in the Email from Traci on the Atwood and Allen Consulting Page. Hello, For this task, I need you to work with a team. You will only be able to work with one client, though, so everyone in your team must agree on which client to work with. I need you to develop some compensation and benefit recommendations for the client. Don't forget to check the Client Communications link to see a copy of my communications with the client regarding this issue. In your recommendation, make sure you do the following: Conduct a market evaluation by researching what companies in the relevant market are providing to employees from a total compensation perspective. Recommend a compensation structure. Recommend the position in the market. Create a total compensation and benefits strategy. Consider the use of performance incentives and merit pay to recognize and engage employees. Identify laws related to the benefits and pay program. Your recommendation should be no more than 1,750 words. Please have this to me by the end of the week. Download 100% accurate A++ and most economical answer from here http://www.homeworkmarket...
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...HRM531 Chapter Presentation prepares 1) Ch3 is talk about equal employment opportunity, it tell us how to use law to protect woman, disable person and other protected category’s legal job right, such as equal employment, and equal pay. This chapter is also introducing what’s sexual harassment, and what we can do, when sexual harassment happened. 2) Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) * All individuals should have equal treatment in all employment-related actions. Discrimination * “Recognizing differences among items or people.” Protected Category * A group identified for protection under EEO laws and regulations. •Race, color • gender • Age •Disability • Religion • Sexual orientation 3) Illegal employment discrimination: Protect category: Disparate treatment: Occurs when members of group are treated differently from others. * Occurs in employment-related situations when either: * Different standards are used to judge different individuals, or the same standard is used, but it is not related to the individuals’ jobs. Disparate impact: occurs when members of a protected category are substantially underrepresented as a result of employment decision work to their disadvantage. 4) EEO Concepts: Business necessity is a practice necessary for safe and efficient organizational operations. Job relatedness is employers are expected to use job- related employment practice BFOQs is characteristic providing a legitimate...
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...Akinlua Oludolapo Morayo University of Phoenix Week 4 Individual Assignment Career Development PlanIII (Performance and Career Management) HRM531 Instructor: Deborah Jones April 25, 2010. Performance and Career Management Performance management entails willingness and dedication that focus on improving performance on the individual or team level every day. It helps employees with indicating present direction and their desired direction. To practice high-quality performance management, managers must provide timely feedback about performance, while consistently focusing attention on the ultimate objective (Cascio, 2005). A career management plan is a plan that has been developed in order to help managers guide employees in a positive direction, which in turn helps employees to become successful. A career management plan is an important piece to an employee’s growth and development preparation throughout his or her career. This plan will permit an individual on how to reach their goals and know where they want to be. Due to the fact that InterClean has completed the training and mentoring program, a “Performance and Career Management” plan will be implemented. This program will assist the employees and the organization to achieve their set goals. This plan will enable each employee aware of his or her strengths and weakness, toward improving and achieving the goal of the organization. ...
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...[pic] Course Syllabus HRM531 Human Resources Management Course Start Date: 09/07/2010 Course End Date: 10/18/2010 Please print a copy of this syllabus for handy reference. Whenever there is a question about what assignments are due, please remember this syllabus is considered the ruling document. Copyright Copyright ©2009 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. University of Phoenix© is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft©, Windows©, and Windows NT© are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix© editorial standards and practices. Facilitator Information Karin LaCanne klacanne@email.phoenix.edu (University of Phoenix) klacanne@hotmail.com (Personal) 952-836-7785 (Central Time) Facilitator Availability I am available from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Central Time on most days, but I attempt to reserve Sunday for my family. During the week, I am online most of the time during that 9 a.m.-9 p.m. time frame. On Saturdays, I tend to be online...
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...Development of training and mentoring programs xxxxxxxxxx HRM531 , 2010 Development of training and mentoring programs To accomplish InterClean’s vision of becoming a worldwide leader in the industrial and institutional sanitation industry and maintain this position, InterClean must develop effective training and mentoring programs to prepare its staff to meet these challenges. To achieve these goals, we focused the training program on closing employee skill-set gap (Attachment 1) needed to fulfill their current roles. Although related to training, the objective of the mentoring program is further develop employees in their current roles but, more important, to prepare them to advance in the company and ensure business stability. Training Program: With the implementation of solutions-based selling, our staff must view our customers as clients rather than sales opportunities, thoroughly understand our client’s sanitation needs, how to engineer solutions based on those needs, and maintain client relationships through follow-up communications. In addition to industry training, we must have an effective ancillary training program to include company orientation and covering topics such as business ethics and workplace violence. For industry training, we used the following model to establish InterClean’s training program; we assessed the training needs, determined the best methods for delivery, developed a plan to implement those methods, and established evaluation criteria...
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...Career Development Plan II Training and Mentoring Program HRM531 June 12, 2011 Career Development Plan II – Training and Mentoring Program The merger between InterClean and EnviroTech has sparked a new strategic direction. Consequently, the merged companies will be introducing full-service cleaning solutions for organizations in the health care industry. To facilitate the company’s new direction, management has assembled a new sales team and development plan to help the team be successful at implementing the new strategy. The new sales team will be consisting of Jim Martin, Vice President of Sales, Tom Gonzalez, Sales Manager, and Outside Sales Representatives, Susan Burnt, Eric Borden, Ving Hsu, and Terry Garcia. Additionally, the next step is to create a training program for these employees. This training and mentoring program is designed to prepare the new team to carryout the objectives of the company. Furthermore, when creating a successful program, management must first identify the new training and mentoring needs, objectives of the program, performance standards, delivery methods, contents, time frames, evaluation methods, feedback, and alternate avenues for those who require further development. Assessing Needs and Objectives When selecting members for the new team, management focused on specific skill sets that would be significant to the success of the organizations new strategy. Notably, employees from both entities were evaluated and chosen because...
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...InterClean Company Development Plan University of Phoenix-Diamond Bar HRM/531 Human Capital Management September 19, 2010 InterClean looks at two key elements of a job analysis, one it identification of major job requirements (MJR) which are the most important duties and responsibilities of the position to be filled. They are the main purpose or primary reasons the position exists. The primary source is the most current, official position description. The second element is identification of knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) required to accomplish each MJR and the quality level and amount of the KSA’s needed. Most job analysis deal with KSAs that are measurable, that can be documented, and produce meaningful differences between candidates. Typically, possession of KSAs is demonstrated by experience, education, or training. Goals of KSAs is to identify those candidates who are potentially best qualified to perform the position to be filled. (U.S. Department of Interior, 1998) InterClean ------------------------------------------------- ...
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