Premium Essay



Submitted By hannah22
Words 498
Pages 2
Both Parents should assume equal responsibility in raising a child Both parents should be required to assume equal responsibility in raising a child because children need the emotional and material support of both parents. When one parent pays less attention to the child they start developing symptoms of various problems. Marriage is a new stage in the life of each one which is based on sharing everything in the couple’s life. It is a company but in a different concept from the business point of view. Every decision, step, or event happens in the house should be informed to each participant in this house. Normally, it becomes commonly shared between people that mothers are the first school from which children can form their manners and behaviors. However, fathers can teach their children better to be responsible and brave, teach them to be wise in taking decisions, and help the child to have a peaceful environment in the house. For the previous reasons, fathers should have equal importance in teaching their children many aspects of life mothers cannot provide during raising up her child. The first reason why both fathers and mothers should have equal opportunities to raise their children is that father, by his masculinity nature, will be better to give his child the sense of braveness and teach him or her to defend themselves against anyone who could hurt them in their environment. For playing out similar situations in the house with his child, would certainly increase the child’s method of analyzing any trouble he could be involved in the future and enhance their self-confidence and sense of responsibility. Even though I agree that mother should give her son/daughter a sense of tenderness to keep the children lean when they deal with people, however, father’s role in upbringing is a vital element in building the child’s personality. The second reason why the

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