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Human Cloning Controversy

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The subject of human cloning is a complex issue, and with complex issues there are a variety of different opinions on the subject. Allowing general access to cloning should not be allowed as it will cause a social and ethical controversy. However, limiting it to only medical access such as life threatening situations is another way to strengthen the limitations.
Cloning is the process of creating a new organism by copying genetic information from a single “parent” organism. In a way, a clone is a time delayed twin. It has the exact DNA of the original person it was copied from. There are two different methods of human cloning, therapeutic and reproductive. Both processes use nuclear transfer, the nucleus of an egg is removed and replaced …show more content…
Allowing human cloning to become a norm in our society will cause controversy among us since it is still not even completely proven safe for animals let alone humans. In the Dolly experiment it took 227 attempts before one was successful. The offspring of other cloned animals that have survived ended up with dozens of health problems such as seizures, tumors, heart problems and joint problems (Boyle). Since there’s not an actual successful cloned experiment record to track many of these problems can’t be detected until it’s too late. Allowing humans to take the part of the animals is unethical, especially knowing all the definite outcomes of this procedure. Human cloning is far from perfected and it has and will cause many …show more content…
The women who consent to becoming egg donors will undergo a serious medical procedure. They will be treated with drugs in order for them to stop then kickstart their ovary production so they each will provide ten eggs. The cost of paying the donors and the medical costs involved in safely obtaining the egg could easily cost over $100,00 for each women. Animal cloning doesn’t require the same strenuous procedure because scientists could buy the eggs from a slaughterhouse or farm who would throw them away for a cheap price. Peter Mombaerts, a scientist at Rockefeller University, experimented with 4,000 mice egg cells, the price of was worth $2,000. He estimates doing the same work on humans could cost at least $2 million (Herper). Allowing both therapeutic and reproductive cloning would be nearly impossible since it’s so expensive the budget wouldn’t be enough for both practices. Banning reproductive cloning and allowing therapeutic cloning could limit the costs to use nuclear transfer to treat human diseases. High costs in biotechnology are not unheard of but only using cloning to treat diseases and create new organ transplants limits the

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