...Human Resource Management Roles Human Resource Management (HRM) focuses on employing, running and developing individuals in an organization. Human resource managers have to develop a strategy for gaining and maintaining an edge against other competitors in the marketplace. It is there job to gain skilled individuals that will set the company above others. A human resource manager also needs to take care of employees concerns and well beaning in the company. If there is an individual that is unhappy about a situation then the individual can go to the human resource manager and voice their concerns without any ramifications or judgment. Human resource managers come across many different challenges. There are environmental, organizational and individual challenges. In environmental challenges there are rapid change, rise of internet, workforce diversity, globalization legislation, evolving work and family roles, skill shortage and the rise of the service sector (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy, 2010).A human resource manager needs to be skilled and equipped to overcome these challenges in any industry. Health care industries are no strangers to the challenges that the human resource manager may face. Healthcare industries grow rapidly and the human resource manager needs to keep up with the growth. They are the backbone to the company and hire the most effective workers from medical staff to non-medical staff. Human resources, when pertaining to health care, can be defined as...
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...Human Resource Management Roles HCS/341 November 14, 2011 Human resources in its most basic form, refers to the people that work in any given organization (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy, 2010). The functions of human resources department in the health care industry have a lot of seminaries from any other industry. Their main goal is to achieve and direct the crew to successful direction. For this reason is important always have the desire to get and keep good people within the organization. The mission of human resource department is to strengthen the internal power of the company by recruitment and retain employees, training and development, performance management, offering them compensation and benefits and regulatory compliance. We all know that selecting the most qualified candidate for an open position can by a challenge, but it can more challenging to find a qualified, dedicated, and experience person to work in the health care industry. A good example of this is that in order to work in health care field the interview person must to possess a set skill to handle in a responsible way people’s health. For this reason Human Resources department should carefully evaluated and check the interview person to verify how qualify this person can be to have people’s life in their hands. (Hauff, 2007) Training and career development activities are designed to help an organization meet its skill requirements and to help its employees realize their maximum potential (Gomez-Mejia...
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...Human Resource Management Roles Kris A. Kilian HCS/341 March 26, 2012 Judith Burke Human Resource Management Roles The Human Resources (HR) department has a vital role in the industry of health car organizations. Working with each individual within the organization is imperative to help the entire organization accomplish the goals. When HR staffs an organization, HR must take an inventory based on supply and demand first to see where the correct amounts of people are needed in each department. Staffing departments has a process to make the challenge run smoothly. Finding the qualified applicants to fulfill each position can be time-consuming and challenging to make the organization productive with customer satisfaction. A job analyses should be taken to ensure the proper implementation of the prospective employee and the desired position. Retaining employees consists of good and open communication. An open door policy must be enforced to keep an honest flow of momentum throughout the organization for a sense of belonging and ease. Training consists of teaching an employee a new skill or assisting where there is an issue of the current work performance. When an organization foresees a new need for enriching a department, the developing process is in full effect for its employees and their abilities. Employee relations needs to always remain open to be followed by the rules and policies of the HR administration team and the organization. HR will conduct on a timely...
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...Human Resource Management Is No More Than ‘Old Wine in New Bottles’. In: Business and Management Human Resource Management Is No More Than ‘Old Wine in New Bottles’. Human resource management is no more than ‘old wine in new bottles’. Discuss. ‘’HRM is regarded by some personnel managers as just a set of initials or old wine in new bottles. It could indeed be no more and no less than another name for PM ’’ ( Armstrong, 1987) First we have to understand the meaning of HRM, but attempts to define HRM precisely have resulted in confusion and contradiction rather than clarity [Price, 1997]. However, according to Storey (1989) Human resource management is a completely different philosophy and an approach contrast to Personnel management. In his view, HRM provides a completely new form of managing personnel and can therefore be regarded as departure from the orthodoxy of traditional personnel management. The normative models of personnel management shows that PM is about selecting, developing, rewarding, and directing employees in such a way that not only will they achieve satisfaction and ‘give of their best’ at work, but by so doing enable the employing organization to achieve its goals. When considering the definition of Human resource management and Personnel management, there are many differences on the perspectives of researchers. Legge (1989) reviewed the definition of a variety of writers. She could come to conclude that there are three features which seems to distinguish HRM...
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...“Working Together to Make a Difference”Who We AreAbout UsAt Hancock Manufacturing, the Human Resources team is about more than just payroll and benefits. Our energetic team consists of experienced and dedicated individuals who strive to help employees reach their goals while keeping ahead of the constant changes in technology, diversity, and globalization. As a member of our team you can enjoy schedule flexibility, comprehensive benefit packages, competitive salary, and a team environment that feels like family. Come join the team at Hancock Manufacturing, where creativity and innovation abound! | | | | Contact Us * H.R. Manager: Name * H.R. Supervisor: Name * H.R. Secretary: Name Phone: 1-800-HANCOCK 1-800-426 - 2625 Email: hrm@hancockmanufacturing.com Web: www.hancockmanufacturing.com | | | Hancock Manufacturing 2014 University Dr.Suite A.Salida, CA., 90000 | | | | | | Hancock ManufacturingHUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT“THE FUTURE IS YOURS” | | Hancock Manufacturing | [Brochure subtitle or company tagline] | | Changes in HRMTechnologyA primary focus of the HRM team is taking care of our people. Technology has radically changed the way we to achieve this goal. The use of online career search engines and social media greatly enhances our ability to find the most capable pool of potential employees. Online training provides an excellent opportunity to provide current employees the innovative training needed for success in the modern...
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...Pfeiffer’s arguments will be shown to be of limited application contingent on the context they are being applied to. Symbolic egalitarianism is a conscious strategic decision within the organisation to remove symbols of hierarchy and the differential valuing of employees. This can include decisions such as moving managers from their offices to open plan areas, reducing or removing tiers of titular status, or status symbols attached to seniority or role. Pfeffer argues symbolic egalitarianism signals equality and improves communications, it “diminishes ‘us’ versus ‘them’ thinking” [ (Pfeffer, 2005, p. 101) ] which he believes creates a more collaborative environment with better information flow and cooperation due to the hierarchical barriers between employees and managers being removed. Organisations make a strategic choice in their remuneration and reward programs to enforce either hierarchical or egalitarian culture. Egalitarian systems allow earnings to increase without employees having to move up to more senior roles. This allows for a more flexible workforce that can be moved across jobs without moving up tiers, allowing for greater responsiveness to “new areas, projects or positions” [ (Gomez-Mejia & Balkin, 1992, p. 46) ]. This system can, however, lessen the longevity of the employment relationship. Organisations with a more mature and stable place in their market...
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...wireless communication - Economy is global and driven by innovation and technology > you need new original ideas (innovative) High performing companies gain extraordinary results from people working for them Interdependent, knowledge based > Depend on each other as a part of organization Study question 1 what are the challenges of working in the new economy > intellcutual capital people are the ultimate foundations of orgzanitional performances intellcutual capital is the collective brain power or shared knowledge of a workforce that can be used to create value A knowledge worker adds to Globalization . National boundaries of world business have largely dissappeared . globalizations is the worldwide interdependence of resource flows,product markets and business competition that characterisitv that characterize the new company Technology . Continuing transformation of the modern workplace throughout > the internet (having social network websites to market product) > worldwide web (exchange of stocks) > computers > information technology .Increasing demand for the knowledge workers with the skills to fully utilize technology Diversity: >workforce diversity reflects differences with respect to gender , age, race, ethnicity, religion,sexual orientation, and able-bodiedness be able to respect each others religion(like as a manager if your employee is muslim you have to be more open about religion like such > be able to treat everyone > A diverse...
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...The Roles of Managers in Functional Areas of Business Maureen Glidewell MGT 521 1/30/14 Shirley Fitzgerald Managers are a key element in the operation of any business or organization. The success of any business is going to depend on managers and the employees that they manage. While different types of business will dictate different job functions for a manager, all managers will have the same fundamental roles, planning, organizing, leading and controlling, in whatever functional area of business they are working. The most important role that a manager plays in any functional area of business is that of planning. Planning in a business involves setting goals and formulating strategies to meet those goals. Planning is necessary at any level of management and provides a roadmap for the organization to follow to meet the organizations goals in the most efficient manner. A manager is responsible for taking the goals of the organization and providing direction to the employees to meet the goals in the most efficient manner. Anticipating areas in the business that may hinder the organization from meeting its goals is a vital activity for managers and key to keeping employees productive. Proper planning will help to keep the business running efficiently and effectively and give purpose to the organization. (Thorn, 2012) Planning will reduce uncertainty as external forces that may affect the business have been taken into account during planning. Proper planning by management...
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...Human Resource Management Human resource management deals with programs that help manage the employees that work in a company or organization. Human resource management might be known by different names depending on the employer. For example it is not uncommon for human resource management to be called the personnel department, employee development, or industrial relations (Ivancevich, 2010). However, the name does not matter as much as the many functions that human resource managment performs, which makes this department strategically important for any company or organization. Many employees may think that human resources is simply there for record keeping and filing, but they are responsible for several major functions that include: Equal Employment Opportunity enforcement, human resources planning, human resources development, compensation and benefits, safety and health, and employee and labor relations. One of the first major functions of human resource management is to ensure that all current and potential employees are treated fairly according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission laws. One of the areas that fall within the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission laws is Affirmative action. Affirmative action is the actions appropriate to overcome the effects of past or present practices, policies, or other barriers to equal employment opportunity (Ivancevich, 2010). This area of the human resources management function is very important because it ensures...
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...PROJECT ON COCA COLA ASSESSING THE IMPORTANCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SUBMITTED BY * *RYAN MARTINS * REGNO*: 634 Contents DEFINATION OF RESOURCE MANAGMENT The process of using the company’s resources in the most efficient way possible this resources can include tangible resources such as goods and equipments and financial resources and also labour resource such as employees. Resource management can include ideas such as making sure one has enough resources for the business but not an overburden so that products won’t get used. INTRODUCTION The Coca-Cola Company is the world's leading manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. Along with Coca Cola, the world's best known brand, The Coca Cola Company markets four of the world's top-five soft drink brands, including Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite. Throughout the world, no other brand is an immediately recognizable as Coca Cola. Any company to be successful need to use it resources very efficiently. the emergence of HRM as a universal remedy for integrating business strategy and people management has exposed personnel practitioners to a fresh set of role challenges and managerial expectations that have stressed out the gaps between the HR language and reality. The goal of human resource management is to help an organization to meet strategic goals by attracting, and maintaining employees and also to manage them effectively. Coke achieved great...
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...UNIVERSITY COLLEGE MBA PROGRAM ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR VENUE: POSTGRADUATE ROOM 3 DAY: SATURDAYS TIME: 11.30 AM - 2.30 PM LECTURER: DR ABDULAI KUYINI MOHAMMED Course description Effective management of human resources within organizations requires an understanding of various behavior and processes. Managers need to know why people behave as they do in relation to their jobs, their work groups and their organizations. This knowledge of individuals’ perceptions, motivational attitudes and behavior will enable managers to not only understand themselves better, but also to adopt appropriate managerial policies and leadership styles to increase their effectiveness. The focus of instruction in this course will move progressively through the individual, group and organizational levels of behavior and will examine the interrelationships of behavioral phenomena among these levels. In addition, concepts such as motivation, leadership and communication and their relevance to organizational behavior will be examined Objectives At the end of this course you should be able to: * develop your skills in analyzing organizational issues and developing appropriate recommendations to enhance organizational performance; * enhance your understanding of human behavior at the individual, interpersonal and organizational levels; * acquire knowledge about concepts and frameworks that can be used to build your management effectiveness; * develop skills in diagnosis and...
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...The Terms and Conditions of Employment for Employees at the New Queensland Factory Prepared for Chief Executive Officer of FreshFirst Canning Company by Ahmet Mithat Ozpinar, HR Department August, 2012 FreshFirst Canning Company Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to analysis the terms and conditions of employment for employees at the new Queensland factory. This report includes many suggestions for ways in which to selection and employment of Greenfield factory employees, as well as doing this in the Fair Work Act (2009) frame. The suggestions are: (The following is a sampling of recommendations; implementation details are contained in the full report) * Team should be structured in self managing with responsible manner. * Job rotaion schedules should be planned. * People who want to work in new Queensland factory should be prepared to be transferred to there. * Performance based payment should be considered. * Orientation training should be started as soon as possible. * Job analysis should be made. * Promotions should be concluded. * Safety at workplace issues should be finalized. FreshFirst Canning Company can not force an employee to work more than 38 hours in a week. It is a -must be- to provide a statement that contains all the information about NES, Termination of Employment and Modern Awards to all employees. If request is accepted by employee over time fees must apply. When making an agreement with a employee...
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...How Wal-Mart is Setting Pay at the Top…and Bottom Introduction Jessika Griffin Kaplan University MT203: Human Resource Management Prof: Andrew Toussaint May 12, 2015 How Wal-Mart is Setting Pay at the Top…and Bottom Introduction Mike Duke had a huge job, which was the CEO of Wal-Mart, which is a highly competitive retail industry. Wal-Mart operates more than 10,000 stores in over a dozen countries, which generates sale too approximately, in the billion dollars frame. Mike Duke, is highly paid for all of his responsibilities. In 2011, Mike Duke received a base salary of 1.3 million dollars along with a cash bonus of 2.9 million dollars. Mike Duke’s Salary along with stocks valued were about 3% greater than the year previous and his bonus was about 25% less. When the company cannot meet there goals Mike Duke doesn’t get the full bonus at the end of the year. His total compensation for the year was totaling around 18.1 Million dollars which would put him as the 82nd highest paid CEO in the United States, according to Forbes magazine. Mike Duke compensation was measured for setting his incentive pay. Wal-Mart always used the metric common which would be same store sales, meaning that the volume of the store and has it been open for a year or more. By looking closer to the sales of each store and determining if the activities were making the store greater. However, Mike Duke incentive pay was total sales for the entire company. However, this changed came when...
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...Organizational Structure MGT/330 September 26, 2011 Tyler Allen Organizational Structure Organizational Structure is a way or method through use of hierarchy that a group, organization, business, people or objects, collaborate to achieve success on one common goal. There are three types of organizational structure; functional structure is specialized and grouped according to business functions and skills they require, divisional structure the divisional structure groups each organizational function into a division. Each division within a divisional structure contains all the necessary resources and functions within it, and the matrix structure which is a structure that groups employees by both function and product. Functional Structure Functional structure is the structure that Aldi’s grocery store uses. This company starts with operational manager who is the manager over a certain division which is broken down by states, the district manager is over a certain amount of stores in that city, the store managers the person in charge of that particular store, shift managers who are over the cashiers which are the employees. Once a month Aldi’s divisional manager has a meeting with all the district managers and store managers in his division. They discuss; insurance, sales, customer service, and store standards. Once the meeting has taken place the store managers will have a meeting with their employees to discuss changes or concerns that needs to be addressed. This structure...
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...Deficiency, Need and Desire differ the values of individual 8 3.3.1 Physiological needs 9 3.3.2 Safety needs 9 3.3.3 Love and belonging 10 3.3.4 Esteem 10 3.3.5 Self-actualization 10 4. “Recognition may be motivational for the moment but it does not have any staying power. It`s an empty reinforce, because when you go to the grocery store, they don’t take the recognition as a form of payment.” Discuss your views and support your position if you agree or disagree. 10 5. Summary 11 6. Conclusion 11 7. References 12 1. Introduction Globalization has certainly many effects as it is hard to avoid that globalization has no influence on modern life. Globalization taking main character in role of business, culture, the environment, human migration patterns, international...
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