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Human Rights In The Military Research Paper

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How can the human rights and fundamental freedoms of armed forces personnel be strengthened?

“many organizations and individuals can be engaged to monitor and improve the human rights situation in the armed forces. The main responsibility for upholding the human rights of armed forces personnel lies with state institutions, in particular civilian oversight structures such as the ministry of defence and parliament, as well as the armed forces’ leadership.
The ministry of defence or armed forces’ leadership can institute professional codes of conduct, which can play an important part in achieving respect for human rights by integrating respect for human rights into the professional ethos of the armed services. By incorporating such respect …show more content…
This can help to improve team cohesiveness and operational effectiveness. Respect for rights also contributes to trust and good working relations between peers, and between soldiers and their commanders.
Ensuring that soldiers enjoy a broad range of human rights can also foster a positive public image of armed forces in society. An improved public image of the military as a responsible employer will also help ease recruitment of new personnel.”

Therefore we need to understand that the restriction of fundamental rights of armed forces is though against the constitutional framework of the country and the international treaties and conventions but still the government has failed to remove the restrictions that it has put on the members if the armed forces. It is because somewhere it is also required to maintain the discipline the armed forces.
This was about limitation on the freedoms of members of armed forces in india and the international convention that talks about it,
Now we need to look into some other countries that deal with the same issue. United states …show more content…
Limitations apply to distribution. For example, the command may prohibit members from distributing written materials on base, other than through “official outlets,” without prior approval. If the command finds that you have more than one copy of anything, it may claim that you intend to distribute it. If the command thinks that you are going to distribute something without prior approval, the authorities may take it from you. The command may not prevent you from distributing printed material simply because it is critical of government policies or officials. The command may limit distribution of printed material if the command believes the material presents a clear and present danger to the loyalty, discipline, or morale of military personnel, or if the distribution of the publication would materially interfere with the accomplishment of the military

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