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Forced Disappearance Chapter Summary

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I- Chapter1:
The Second World War is known for its gross Human Rights violations and for its aftermath that gave rise to numerous conventions for the protection of Human Rights in the post war era. Therefore, some very important facts left our memories but with wonder, regarding atrocities culminating to the Holocaust, that were a result of forced or enforced disappearances constituting a crime against humanity. It stood for a strategy of the Nazi regime in 1941 that led to the extermination of more than the double of the current total Jews population and inevitably lead to irreparable losses. In this memoir, the main concern is to situate the origin of the phenomena of forced disappearance which creates victims between the disappeared and their families; hence the calls for reparation remain unavoidable and fundamental for the sake of justice and peace.
The notion of Forced or enforced disappearance is ambiguous and complex. …show more content…
It is believed that death sentence has not quelled the spate of armed robberies or murders. But that is tenuous. A situation where people take pride in denying other peoples’ right to life, as well as right to liberty, requires that they themselves should not be spared.
Moreover, sections 308 and 220 of the Criminal and Penal Codes, respectively recommend death as punishment for any person who caused the death of another, directly or indirectly, provided the element of Actus Reus is established, which is, deliberately causing the death of another human being in circumstances that are not authorised by law.
Many seem to be supportive to the law that prescribes death as punishment for taking another person's life unjustly. However it’s important to note that the passage of the law is very slow. The society is not persuaded by contestations that capital punishment is widely condemned by rights groups in the western

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